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Dynamic Population Migration

Core Mechanics:

  • Population Migration will depend on various factors, including economic conditions, stability levels, wars, environmental disasters, and resource availability.
  • Each country will have a base level of migration that can change depending on political decisions and external factors.

Factors Influencing Migration:

  1. Economic Situation:

    • High unemployment or low income may lead to increased emigration.
    • A strong economy and high incomes will attract immigrants.
  2. Political Stability:

    • Political crises, wars, and conflicts can trigger mass emigration.
    • Countries with high levels of democracy and stable governance will be more attractive to immigrants.
  3. Environmental Conditions:

    • Natural disasters, such as droughts, floods, or resource wars, will promote migration.
    • Sustainable ecosystems and resource availability will attract population.

Laws and Mechanics for Controlling Migration

1. Migration Laws
  • Players will be able to enact various laws affecting migration, such as:
    • Refugee Protection Law:
      • Description: Provides protection for refugees and opportunities for their integration into society.
      • Effect: Increases the inflow of immigrants but may increase the burden on social services (debuff to the economy temporarily).
    • Labor Migration Law:
      • Description: Allows the attraction of a workforce from other countries.
      • Effect: Increases the number of workers in the economy but may lower wages for a certain period.
    • Deportation Law:
      • Description: Allows for the deportation of unwanted immigrants.
      • Effect: Reduces migration but may lead to international sanctions and deteriorate diplomatic relations (debuff to diplomacy).
2. Infrastructure Projects
  • Players can invest in projects affecting migration:
    • Building Social Centers:
      • Effect: Increases the inflow of migrants by providing support and assistance.
    • Creating Employment Infrastructure:
      • Effect: Increases the number of available jobs, attracting immigrants.
3. Events
  • Events in the game may influence migration:
    • Economic Boom:
      • Effect: Attracts immigrants, increasing population and workforce.
    • Environmental Disaster:
      • Effect: Triggers mass emigration and reduces population.
    • Conflict or War:
      • Effect: Increases the number of refugees and may lead to social tension.
4. Buffs and Debuffs
  • Buffs:

    • Increased population level: If migration laws favor population inflow, this can increase the workforce and consumption, leading to economic growth.
    • Improved relations with neighbors: Attracting refugees and immigrants can enhance diplomatic relations with their home countries.
  • Debuffs:

    • Social tension: An increased population may lead to issues with social infrastructure, deteriorating overall quality of life.
    • Negative perception of migrants: Introducing strict laws may lead to internal conflicts and protests.


This migration mechanic, supported by laws and events, will create interesting strategic opportunities for players, allowing them to manage the populations of their countries and adapt to changing conditions. Players will have to weigh the pros and cons of migration, adding depth to their decision-making processes.

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