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Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - Vassals update

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10 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

The lord won't be able to call on its vassals to war. The lord will be obligated to defend its vassals.

Vassals will provide more manpower and income to the lord.


The vassals/colonies called to the war are too powerful.


All of this can be changed in:


	VASSAL_INCOME_TO_LORD: [0.0, 0.025, 0.05],
	VASSAL_MANPOWER_TO_LORD: [0.0, 0.1, 0.25],



It can't be like that:


I agree with you on the modification that will make the scenario of World War I and II much better. But please do not cancel the feature of preventing a Vassals from declaring war.

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9 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

A lord can choose individually for each vassal whether they are allowed to declare war on their own

Add select all feature to block all vassals of war declaration

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Soo, like I said earlier, base regiments limit is too high :P. I'm glad that you changed how vassals help their lord. I hope you'll balance technologies as well...

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I think this is not good because in real war vassals have this duty to save the lord when a battle or even a war was in run so, I think that vassals can be a great support for many reasons:

One of the reason is that the lord will not lose in case of war all of his man power and also losing the vassals which he control.

The second reason is the fact that I can't understand why the vassals can't rebel from the Lord this is an unrealistic thing because for example arabs had a war with ottomans for independence in many occasions so unable them to not uprising against the lord is a bit strange due to the fact that they will remain forever under the domain of the ottomans which is wrong

The third reason is the call allies in war button is not even wrong or overpowered because if you are playing as france and france had a lot of vassals under the King this is also the vassal duty to defend the lord in any situation and this is completely normal to happend even to revolt as a vassal is completely obviously.

So basically I think that option is not fiting with the reality of the history  maybe I'm wrong or maybe I'm right,this is my opinion.

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5 minutes ago, Praefectus Italicum said:

I think this is not good because in real war vassals have this duty to save the lord when a battle or even a war was in run so, I think that vassals can be a great support for many reasons:

One of the reason is that the lord will not lose in case of war all of his man power and also losing the vassals which he control.

The second reason is the fact that I can't understand why the vassals can't rebel from the Lord this is an unrealistic thing because for example arabs had a war with ottomans for independence in many occasions so unable them to not uprising against the lord is a bit strange due to the fact that they will remain forever under the domain of the ottomans which is wrong

The third reason is the call allies in war button is not even wrong or overpowered because if you are playing as france and france had a lot of vassals under the King this is also the vassal duty to defend the lord in any situation and this is completely normal to happend even to revolt as a vassal is completely obviously.

So basically I think that option is not fiting with the reality of the history  maybe I'm wrong or maybe I'm right,this is my opinion.

Maybe your opinion is right but I think the game has become better this way. Anyway you can watch the video that appears in Spain on the Lukasz channel you can see a country rebelling against Lord

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23 minutes ago, Praefectus Italicum said:

I think this is not good because in real war vassals have this duty to save the lord when a battle or even a war was in run so, I think that vassals can be a great support for many reasons:

One of the reason is that the lord will not lose in case of war all of his man power and also losing the vassals which he control.

The second reason is the fact that I can't understand why the vassals can't rebel from the Lord this is an unrealistic thing because for example arabs had a war with ottomans for independence in many occasions so unable them to not uprising against the lord is a bit strange due to the fact that they will remain forever under the domain of the ottomans which is wrong

The third reason is the call allies in war button is not even wrong or overpowered because if you are playing as france and france had a lot of vassals under the King this is also the vassal duty to defend the lord in any situation and this is completely normal to happend even to revolt as a vassal is completely obviously.

So basically I think that option is not fiting with the reality of the history  maybe I'm wrong or maybe I'm right,this is my opinion.

The problem is that each vassal can have minimum 26 regiments. Development influences regiments limit much weaker, you can counter whole Poland with one-provinced vassal.


Bohemia (30 regiments) + Krakow (vassal, 26 regiments) = 56 regiments

Poland (40 regiments)

Vassals are too overpowered. They are basically your ally.

P.S. Vassal can rebel against his lord. Where'd you saw it can't?

Edited by Marerjh

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7 minutes ago, Marerjh said:

The problem is that each vassal can have up to 26 regiments. Development influences regiments limit much weaker, you can counter whole Poland with one-provinced vassal.


Bohemia (30 regiments) + Krakow (vassal, 26 regiments) = 56 regiments

Poland (40 regiments)

Vassals are too overpowered.

If you mean in that sense yes I agree with you but let say you are the Russian empire and you have ottoman empire as a vassal this can't be okay for the ottoman to have only 15.000 as a vassal if they are an empire extended on 3 continents)) you know what I mean?

Maybe for small countries this is okay to don't have such an army because of their economy or territory but at the same time even 25 k troops maybe is a bit higher than normal but at least 18 k have to be because even the ottomans vassals in Europe like Bosnia, Serbia ,Montenegro ,Wallachia and Moldavia had an army to defend themselves from the ottoman incursions or even if they tried some sort of emancipation during a period of hundreds of years.

Edited by Praefectus Italicum

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1 hour ago, Marerjh said:

The problem is that each vassal can have minimum 26 regiments. Development influences regiments limit much weaker, you can counter whole Poland with one-provinced vassal.


Bohemia (30 regiments) + Krakow (vassal, 26 regiments) = 56 regiments

Poland (40 regiments)

Vassals are too overpowered. They are basically your ally.

P.S. Vassal can rebel against his lord. Where'd you saw it can't?

"They are basically your ally." Alright, that's a great idea! Lets ally our vassals so we could call them to war 😃.

Edited by ISyncradar

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14 minutes ago, ISyncradar said:

"They are basically your ally." Alright, that's a great idea! Lets ally our vassals so we could call them to war 😃.

Ha! You can have only 1 ally simultaneously. To have more allies you need to pick additional advantages or legacies.

Edited by Marerjh

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9 minutes ago, Marerjh said:

To have more allies you need to pick additional advantages of legacies.

Wait, that's real? Then, I guess it will be more balanced.

Edited by ISyncradar

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2 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

All of this can be changed in:


How that would correspond with alliances?
Like Slovakia or Vichy France as Germany's puppets (vassals) could join into war against Comintern if Germany started offensive first.

Maybe add call to war to be depended from type of goverment or age or together? Only feature for fascism for example if it's victorian age only.

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There'll be also any option to have some sort of total control on the vassals? (So that we can move their armies, recruit units in their territories with their money and resources, control their economy etc..) 

Edited by ItalianB4ll21

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19 minutes ago, Unity said:

there's far to many options on file to put in that menu then you'll end up with endless mess of options

This is correctly noted, but you can sort in this case with different sections

"I can't vouch for English, I use a translator"

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How about leaving the function of calling a vassal into war, but in a way that requires good relations and is expensive for the overlord? Let’s say the call costs legacy points and increases the vassal’s desire for freedom.

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I don't like this, because vassals lost half of its meaning.

Definition : The term vassalage refers to the relationship between a vassal and his suzerain. In general, the suzerain granted land to his vassal in exchange for taxes and military services in case of need. Feudalism and vassalage originated in the Roman Empire, whose manors were ruled by aristocratic lords who had power over the inhabitants.

But I propose two other compromises:

  • If the vassal isn't granted by the lord to declare war, the lord can take all manpower, but still be less likely
  • The possibility to integrate the vassal. It will be automatic, and will happens only if the relation between the lord and the vassal is more than 70, the liberty desire is less than 20%, war weariness is less than 30%, and the lord must be at peace

I posted a topic about vassal being a government. Special governments - Ideas for Quality of Life Improvements


but hey, i'll be tolerent with it as always, my motto

Edited by Wayne23lololh

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