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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - Vassals update 2

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17 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Now, when starting a new game, the player can choose for each game whether all civilizations will be able to call their vassals to war in that session or not.

By default, this option will be disabled, but it can be enabled by clicking the settings button while creating a new game and selecting 'Call allies: vassals'.



Well what is more realstic is that civilizations & countries be able to call them or not/for vassals to have their own choice ig puppet Power/vassal Power could depend on its autonmy hence,

Basically a simple 3 types of puppet things that um it depends on the puppet level wheher its lower it can be called and cant declare wars on its own and its higher level then it has more autonomy/Power and be less depenedent on its owner


What do u think a 3 degree/level system where vassals are more or less depenedent based on their role which determines their ablities to do stuff/dependence on their owner for things like declaring war on their own, being able to being called, having puppets of their own, etc!


I think Lukas that a autonmy system even a simple 3 level system would be most realisitc, it can also be dynamic for example some / a few major powers having different names for their vassals for example 

If it was uk it would be maybe colony -> mandate -> dominion

foreusa it would be maybe puppet --> satelite state & something else anywyas

And germany Reichprotectarates & reichkommisrat & Japan imperial protectories


& eilyats for ottomans & ya thats all different levels of puppets and dynamic puppet names


@Łukasz Jakowski

Edited by xox

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39 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Now, when starting a new game, the player can choose for each game whether all civilizations will be able to call their vassals to war in that session or not.

By default, this option will be disabled, but it can be enabled by clicking the settings button while creating a new game and selecting 'Call allies: vassals'.



Man you are doing a great job.

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Lukasz I wonder if you can show to us the 476 AD scenario if is able to be seen because I 2 days ago I showed a map with that year from reddit and I posted it here on the forum so in any case it will be awesome if you can give us the possibility to see that masterpiece.

 I can't tag you due to the special L)).


Edited by Praefectus Italicum

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3 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Now, when starting a new game, the player can choose for each game whether all civilizations will be able to call their vassals to war in that session or not.

By default, this option will be disabled, but it can be enabled by clicking the settings button while creating a new game and selecting 'Call allies: vassals'.



great , but i hope that you make the lord control their armies and not act on their own

and maybe you could do this :

make another choice by making the kingdom a part of your state but they will have some control , like the  USA  for example they answer to the leader and they part of the kingdom but not 100% , the leader tell them what to do for  but not have direct control of their provences  

and also put the choice to create a state inside your kingdom .

Because when I occupy a lot of territory, it gets annoying, and I want to hand it over to a follower who cares about it according to my policy and provides me with armies and gold.

Edited by Abdulraheem1999
more information

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29 minutes ago, Unity said:

Actually, this still never answers my question, why are vassals automatically allies? Can we make them neutral or enemies

Because IRL, a vassal would have negative option about it

why vassals only give gold and manpower? No goals for themselves like fighting off other countries or fighting for independence or defending themselves

you can still control them, but they should do more than just sit there it's almost like they are for visual not for function other than just an ally at this point


Yep they should have diffrent options and diffrent goals then following their master blindly everywhere


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9 hours ago, xox said:

Well what is more realstic is that civilizations & countries be able to call them or not/for vassals to have their own choice ig puppet Power/vassal Power could depend on its autonmy hence,

Basically a simple 3 types of puppet things that um it depends on the puppet level wheher its lower it can be called and cant declare wars on its own and its higher level then it has more autonomy/Power and be less depenedent on its owner


What do u think a 3 degree/level system where vassals are more or less depenedent based on their role which determines their ablities to do stuff/dependence on their owner for things like declaring war on their own, being able to being called, having puppets of their own, etc!


I think Lukas that a autonmy system even a simple 3 level system would be most realisitc, it can also be dynamic for example some / a few major powers having different names for their vassals for example 

If it was uk it would be maybe colony -> mandate -> dominion

foreusa it would be maybe puppet --> satelite state & something else anywyas

And germany Reichprotectarates & reichkommisrat & Japan imperial protectories


& eilyats for ottomans & ya thats all different levels of puppets and dynamic puppet names


@Łukasz Jakowski

Lukas add a autonomy system it will fix everything & make it dyanmic for a few countries @Łukasz Jakowski

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I hope the vassal system to being advanced. Allies can be called from the Lord? while the vassal have their ally, declare war to another civilization, while the other civilization was been allied being a vassal, which is called the Lord as possible, which is defend their Lord and allies. where the Manpower system being existed...

Colony will be possible bring as dominion.

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Can you make so a country that becomes a vassal becomes weaker, just to balance things out 

Like it loses half or a percentage of it original regiment limit and manpower 

Like its people don't want to fight for another country 

That also will make it more of a responsibility because you have to protect it often 

@Łukasz Jakowski

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11 hours ago, BurgerMan said:

Łukasz, can you make it so there is a option to make leaders immortal, like in AOH2?

you are weird. LOL

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12 minutes ago, ARWD said:

you are weird. LOL

A sandbox game aspires to be limitless and full of freedom😇

11 hours ago, BurgerMan said:

Łukasz, can you make it so there is a option to make leaders immortal, like in AOH2?

Nice idea, I would want to give a favorite leader of mine immortality😄

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18 minutes ago, ISyncradar said:

A sandbox game aspires to be limitless and full of freedom😇

Nice idea, I would want to give a favorite leader of mine immortality😄

Yes, I like the great freedom within the game.

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AI refuse to commit into war just staring at each other for 1000+ years is  this a bug?

I'm playing with custom civilizations  by the way. Default scenarios does not have the problem.

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