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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

1440 - 2442 Timelapse - Age of History 3, 1000 Years!

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Are civilizations legacies customazble it would be cool to have a National spirit bonuses like hoi4 in game so hope they r customazable????


Also please add atleast a 3 degree vassal autonomy system for vassals that would help alot of issues too

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7 minutes ago, Unity said:

Did I say anything about AI in my comment no maybe re-read what I typed

the game will still be in alpha stage even when released but except with a lot of more unknown bugs

rebellions still never got updated when they were introduced still the same way they were, I wasn't expecting a world domination, so I'm ok with it

I'm not expecting real 1 to 1 combat, so don't put words in to my sentence I know the AI changed a little you may think it's an improvement, but I think it's almost the same as aoc2

my friend, its the AI that makes the decisions, that's like complaining about a football game and then saying ''i didn't say anything about the players'' 💀


i don't get what the 'bugs' that will hypothetically exist in the game have to do with the conversation, and no, rebellions actually did get updated, in aoc2 it was more of ''rebellion with zero chance of winning that will never be able to succeed takes over large chunk of land that included parts of its old location, if it succeeds (Which mind you was impossible) it gains independence and turns into another extra bordergore civ'', in aoh3 we see civilizations only take the lands with their cores in rebellions which is logical, we also see domino effects where one rebellion leads to multiple rebellions in surrounding conquered cores, that's not including the fact that lands now rebel even after you've assimilated them with a long time since many of the civs in the video were conquered for hundreds of years, that's not even including the ''civilization explode'' event outcome, all these are already finished features that lukasz just needs to use correctly and incorporate more


also we no longer saw AI conquering random blobs separated from its land, AI also uses terrain for peace treaties as seen in bulgaria which has beautiful borders that aren't blobby or bordergorey, i said the ''1 to 1'' reenactment because most people see blobs and get mad that its not realistic to real life (i.e real history), so no, AI has come a long way but i do agree it still has a long way to go too and there are alot of improvements that we need to see, its not anything like aoc2

Edited by OwnM3Z0

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the borders were acceptable until 1700, a great advance😅

Also, Korea simply beat the Ming, in AoH2 I think that would never happen, so it seems like the game will be more diverse

I also thought it was cool that Ming, ottomans and Avaria were broken with the revolts/war

Edited by Joaoj

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22 minutes ago, Joaoj said:

the borders were acceptable until 1700, a great advance😅

Also, Korea simply beat the Ming, in AoH2 I think that would never happen, so it seems like the game will be more diverse

I also thought it was cool that Ming, ottomans and Avaria were broken with the revolts/war

yeah i agree, though i still have alot of issues with the ottomans (a royal family) returning through rebellion after losing their civ but alas

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6 minutes ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

yeah i agree, though i still have alot of issues with the ottomans (a royal family) returning through rebellion after losing their civ but alas

Yes, I agree with you. The basic principle is good and can be modified to become better. I can rate what I saw 7\10 .It's definitely a million times better than aoh2.

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1. 13:36, why Uzbek rebels didn't formed new country? They just occupied provinces for hundred years 

2. Were alliances formed at all? I don't think any alliances have been formed. 

3. The colonization of the neutral provinces by African nations is strange..... and no European power has ever colonized new lands. Why is that?

Edited by Marerjh

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11 minutes ago, Marerjh said:

1. 13:36, why Uzbek rebels didn't formed new country? They just occupied provinces for hundred years 

2. Were alliances formed at all? I don't think any alliances have been formed. 

3. The colonization of the neutral provinces by African nations is strange..... and no European power has ever colonized new lands. Why is that?

+giant tribal empires in the Americas

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3 minutes ago, KingBee said:

In 23:55 I saw lights appear on Ajam, Where those nukes?


I'm wondering if the player will also be able to do massive nuclear bombardment. At the moment, the AI can bomb all provinces in the blink of an eye - and the player has to click on each province to do it..

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4 minutes ago, Marerjh said:


I'm wondering if the player will also be able to do massive nuclear bombardment. At the moment, the AI can bomb all provinces in the blink of an eye - and the player has to click on each province to do it..

@Łukasz Jakowski I hope for the implementation of a brush to do nuclear bombardment, that's very important 😛

Edited by Marerjh

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1) I noticed that even at the end of the time-lapse the countries were left with rather backward ideologies. It is necessary to somehow force them to actively change them for newer ones.

2) “Empires” with vassals/colonies were very rarely formed. The AI almost always painted the map (even to the detriment of its stability)

Edited by Matvey

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59 minutes ago, Bargor said:

I think that there should be a chance for AI to change the ideology after researching it (communism, fascism, national socialism)

But why? What's the point, there is no cons of being monarchy etc 😗

Rebels is what should cause government change. No country in the world changed its government type because it decided so

Edited by Marerjh

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17 minutes ago, Marerjh said:

But why? What's the point, there is no cons of being monarchy etc 😗

Rebels is what should cause government change. No country in the world changed its government type because it decided so

Yes, this makes sense. Unfortunately, I see revolutions that are more like independence than regime change.

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