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Age of History 3

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1. Rebellions as a Mechanic to Prevent Overexpansion ("Blobbing")

  • Frequent Rebellions:
    • The larger a civilization expands, especially into foreign or distant lands, the higher the risk of rebellions. This could be tied to factors like:
      • Cultural and religious differences between the core civilization and conquered territories.
      • Geographical distance from the capital.
      • Resource inequality or lack of development in newly acquired provinces, making them more prone to unrest.
    • Rebellions could be more frequent and severe in regions that have historically been resistant to foreign rule (like North Africa), preventing the unchecked growth of empires.
  • Rebellion Penalty Based on Expansion:
    • As the empire expands into more foreign lands, the likelihood of revolts increases proportionally.
    • Rebellion penalties could be greater in faraway provinces and territories with different religions or cultures.

2. Auto-collapse Mechanism if a Civilization Loses Core Territory

  • Core Territory Loss Mechanism:
    • If a civilization loses control over its starting core territories, a "collapse event" could be triggered. This would cause the civilization to splinter into smaller entities, lose foreign holdings, or fall into civil war.
    • Cores Tracking: The game would cache the original core provinces of each civilization. If these core provinces are fully occupied by another civilization or lost in a war, the empire would automatically collapse.
    • Exploding the Empire: Foreign territories would either:
      • Be returned to local powers or neighboring civilizations with cores on that land.
      • Become uncolonized or rebel provinces if no other civilizations have a historical claim.
    • This mechanic would prevent situations like Castile losing Spain but still holding onto parts of Africa, which is unrealistic.

3. Battle Penalty for Non-Colonial Civilizations Fighting Outside Their Continent

  • Continental Battle Penalty:
    • Civilizations without a Colonial Decree (those not focused on expansion overseas) should receive a battle penalty when fighting outside their home continent. This penalty could include:
      • Reduced morale or supply lines for troops.
      • Slower reinforcements due to long distances and unfamiliar terrain.
    • This would make wars between non-colonial empires in distant lands more difficult and more realistic.
  • Colonial Powers Exempt:
    • Colonial civilizations (with established colonies and navies) would be exempt from this penalty, reflecting their ability to project power globally. This would create a natural distinction between global powers and more localized ones.

4. Dealing with Colonial Territories After Core Losses

  • Uncolonized Territory Mechanic:
    • If a colonial power loses control over its core provinces (as with the collapse mechanic), its colonial holdings could revert to uncolonized provinces or break into independent colonial nations.
    • This would simulate a realistic outcome where, without a core homeland, the empire can no longer maintain control over far-flung colonies.

Other Possible Features

  • Cultural Integration Policies: Empires could invest in integrating conquered territories culturally and religiously to reduce the likelihood of rebellions.
  • Difficulty in Maintaining Large Empires: Large empires could face an increased administration cost and complexity, leading to more internal strife if they grow too quickly.

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