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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - How to Declare War and Make Demands in a Peace Treaty

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32 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

You can't make demands at all if warscore is below 95%

won't this make it so every war can only end with one civilization destroying the other? unless warscore increases from battles and other stuff too



also will we be able to remove and add cores using events and event outcomes? 

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42 minutes ago, Marerjh said:

They... will continue fighting until someone reaches 95%?🤪

By the way, the winning side can simply sign a white peace, if its warscore is higher than 25%. If there are no big changes in the warscore for a long time, the game will simply automatically sign a white peace. Lukas has been talking about this for a long time.

I like this system. Civilizations shouldn't just stop fighting at a random moment of time, sit down at the negotiating table and be like, “oh, you have 35% warscore, okay, we admit our defeat, take our provinces.”. That's not how wars are fought. 

As Carl von Clausewitz once said, if country wont defend itself, and instead wants to negotiate and surrender, then why do f*ck it even exists? (possibly not an exact quote😛)

freaky ahh emojis

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7 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

You can't make demands at all if warscore is below 95%    /    It is not possible to reject a peace treaty.

Very strange ideas, both with the warscore, and with the removal of the possibility of canceling a peace treaty with the AI


If a player wants to claim a small piece of some big country, then to do this he will have to occupy its entire territory. I think this will seriously ruin the gameplay in some scenarios. Peace with a score of 95% will make wars for small states against large empires unrealistic to win, and many countries in many scenarios will simply be unplayable or will give boring gameplay.

It is necessary to make the calculation of the warscore with a greater bias towards victories in battles, to avoid running around the enemy country in aim to occupy everything. And I think it was necessary to add the ability for players to change the warscore value for peace treaty in the editor for a certain scenario. It would make more sense if this value was different in different eras.


As for the cancellation of peace negotiations with the AI, I think it's possible to do a certain percentage threshold, when the warscore is higher than it, then it will be impossible to refuse peace, since the country has already finally lost. Which would be nice if it was also editable

Edited by Zaschkwarrior

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3 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

You can't make demands at all if warscore is below 95%

Maybe controversial, but I like this. Wars shouldn't be fought haphazardly - they should be planned for extensively, with contingency plans for if things fall apart. As soon as wars become boring, the game is at risk of becoming boring, too. Keeping wars difficult will (hopefully) keep the engaging!

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Новый мирный договор многим не нравится и это правильно, как можно захватывать 95 процентов? Это же перебор, например, играешь за Германию в Первой мировой войне, ты должен дойти до Владивостока?

Edited by Санек

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2 hours ago, Санек said:

Новый мирный договор многим не нравится и это правильно, как можно захватывать 95 процентов? Это же перебор, например, играешь за Германию в Первой мировой войне, ты должен дойти до Владивостока?

Тебе дают варскор за 1) битвы 2) удержание преимущества. Поэтому достаточно захватить лишь небольшую часть, разгромить армию и немного подождать.

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7 hours ago, Zaschkwarrior said:

will make wars for small states against large empires unrealistic to win

Why it should be possible at all tho? No empire in the world will surrender without complete destruction of its army, economy...

For small country, signing a white peace with large country that attacked you = win. You can do this as soon as you earn 25% warscore, which is possible with slight advantage in manpower, generals, tactics, technology, military academy, legacies etc. Damn, there is so much ways to improve the power of your army. Also you can create alliances with other civilizations to receive mutual defence and more strength to beat large empires.

I think you guys don't like these changes because they are too different from AoH2. But I'm sure that when you play the game, you will like it.

My only suggestion for improvement is to add the ability to claim gold and reparations (but not provinces) after reaching ~50% warscore.

Edited by Marerjh

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3 hours ago, Marerjh said:

Why it should be possible at all tho? No empire in the world will surrender without complete destruction of its army, economy...

For small country, signing a white peace with large country that attacked you = win. You can do this as soon as you earn 25% warscore, which is possible with slight advantage in manpower, generals, tactics, technology, military academy, legacies etc. Damn, there is so much ways to improve the power of your army. Also you can create alliances with other civilizations to receive mutual defence and more strength to beat large empires.

I think you guys don't like these changes because they are too different from AoH2. But I'm sure that when you play the game, you will like it.

My only suggestion for improvement is to add the ability to claim gold and reparations (but not provinces) after reaching ~50% warscore.

I agree that until we play, we won't know. But in words, a system with 95% for any peace demands looks terrible. Now we don't know exactly how warscore will be awarded, but gameplay videos show that it is awarded mainly for occupying lands than for battles, this can make the gameplay dull in some situations. In that case, I think that the player could be given the ability to change this balance in the editor, for different situations in different scenarios, because the game covers a large period of history

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12 hours ago, ISyncradar said:

Please no😭


10 hours ago, Noobs Dudes said:

Way too high, should be at least 70-75%

It's good the way it is. Remember that there is something in the game called a ticking warscore. So in practice you win the war with a 70% warscore, and you get the remaining 30% over time. If it were as you want, the war could be won with one battle + a moment of waiting for the ticking warscore and that's it. One battle and you annex all of France by Germany. Madness

Besides, remember that everyone will be able to change this value themselves after the game is released.

I would leave it as it is, or even give 100% instead of 95%

Edited by Rodak Polak

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16 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

You can't make demands at all if warscore is below 95%

It's better system than in AOH2, I think it's great, but why not do both? I mean, when over 95%, player can do whatever he wants, but when under 95% there should some option to get limited victory, like take few procinces and end the fun.


The second option could be even available only to player so that AI doesn't tire us with dumb proposals.

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17 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

You can't make demands at all if warscore is below 95%

Why though? I think players could make demands after 50% so as to save time if you need like one province of that civilization and ai should be 95% just as it is

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4 hours ago, Rodak Polak said:


It's good the way it is. Remember that there is something in the game called a ticking warscore. So in practice you win the war with a 70% warscore, and you get the remaining 30% over time. If it were as you want, the war could be won with one battle + a moment of waiting for the ticking warscore and that's it. One battle and you annex all of France by Germany. Madness

Besides, remember that everyone will be able to change this value themselves after the game is released.

I would leave it as it is, or even give 100% instead of 95%

I feel like the 95 should only apply to stronger countries 

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