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Age of History 3

Age of History III: Better Laws & Gov. Types!

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Hello! I'm Greek, also known as a_random_greek_person_2 on dc. I've decided that i shall make a mod for AOH3 which will be dedicated to adding new, intresting and realistic goverment types, new ACTUAL laws that arent simply upgrades. I will also replace religions with IDEOLOGIES (Maybe...). I might also add new formables, and, i will of course, add many new flags.

Government Types:
Absolute Monarchy
Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
Constitutional Monarchy
Elective Monarchy
Civilian Dictatorship
Fascist Dictatorship (for flags, will have same buffs and debuffs as Civilian Dictatorship)
Socialist Dictatorship (for flags, will have same buffs and debuffs as Civilian Dictatorship)
Military Dictatorship
Nazi Dictatorship (for flags, will have same buffs and debuffs as Military Dictatorship)
One-Party State
Socialist One-Party State (for flags, will have same buffs and debuffs as One-Party State)
Council Democracy / Soviet Democracy
Participatory Democracy / Semi-Direct Democracy
Direct Democracy
Presidential Republic
Semi-Presidential Republic
Parliamentary Republic
Confederal Republic
Confederal Monarchy
Confederal Autocracy
Night-Watchman State
Communal State / Anarchy


National Communism
Militarist Socialism
Futurist Socialism
State Socialism
Agrarian Marxism
---Classical Socialism
Classical Social Democracy
Revolutionary Socialism
Revolutionary Syndicalism
Council Communism
Centrist Marxism
---Revisionist Socialism
Democratic Socialism
Libertarian Socialism
Religious Socialism
Conservative Socialism
Agrarian Socialism
Left-Wing Nationalism
Reformist Marxism
Market Socialism
Social Democracy
Liberal Socialism
Left-Wing Populism
Progressive Nationalism
Religious Progressivism
Liberal Syndicalism
Social Corporatism
Social Liberalism
Classical Liberalism
National Liberalism
Religious Liberalism
Radicalism / Radical Liberalism
Market Liberalism
Paternalistic Conservatism
Conservative Liberalism
Liberal Conservatism
Right-Wing Populism
National Conservatism
Religious Conservatism
Nationalist Reactionarism
Religious Fundamentalism
Agrarian Nationalism
Integral Nationalism
Black Hundredism
---Revolutionary Third Positionism
Revolutionary Nationalism
National Syndicalism
National Socialism / N.zism
National Anarchism
National Clericalism
Esoteric Palingenesisim

Here's Some of the Laws that will be added (I am actively making more, and i am always gonna hear you out if you have any criticism about the laws or if you want some laws added):
Freedoms Laws:
Minarchist - A system in which freedoms (speech, belief, etc.) are fully protected and laws are extremely permissive. - Upsides: Extremely happy population, Creating cores is practically free, WAY More research points gained - Downsides: Extremely low tax effeciency, Extremely low stability, Buildings cost a lot
Libertarian - A system with many freedoms, especially emphasizing freedom of expression. - Upsides: Happy Population, Somewhat Cheaper creation of cores, a bit More Research Points gained  - Downsides: Less tax effeciency, Less Stability, Buildings cost more
Moderate - A system where basic freedoms (speech, belief, etc.) exist, but certain restrictions are in place (e.g., hate speech). - Upsides: None - Downsides: None
Statist - A system where some or many freedoms are restricted, and the government controls the media through propaganda. - Upsides: More Legacy Points, High tax effeciency, Buildings are cheaper - Downsides: Less happy population, Cores cost more
Authoritarian - A system where freedoms are actively repressed, and the government reigns supreme. - Upsides: A lot of Legacy Points gained, Very High Tax Effeciency, Buildings are very cheap - Downsides: Less Research Points, Extremely Unhappy population, Cores cost the same as Statist
Totalitarian - "Freedoms? What are those?" - Upsides: THE STATE - Downsides: THE TRAITORS

If anyone wants to help me out with maybe making the Gov Type and Ideology icons, or helping me in finding flags then hit me up on DC...

Edited by Random_Greek

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2 hours ago, Random_Greek said:

Hello! I'm Greek, also known as a_random_greek_person_2 on dc. I've decided that i shall make a mod for AOH3 which will be dedicated to adding new, intresting and realistic goverment types, new ACTUAL laws that arent simply upgrades. I will also replace religions with IDEOLOGIES. I might also add new formables, and, i will of course, add many new flags.

Gov. Types to be added (most likely):

Absolute Monarchy

Semi-Constitutional Monarchy

Constitutional Monarchy

Feudal Monarchy

Aristocratic Monarchy/Aristocracy

Elective Monarchy

Direct Democracy

Semi-Direct Democracy

Parliamentary Democracy

Semi-Presidential Democracy

Presidential Democracy

 One-Party State

Civilian Dictatorship

Royal Dictatorship

Military Dictatorship

 Provisional Government



Oligarchic Democracy

Ideologies to be added (most likely):
National Communism


Left-Wing Nationalism
Left-Wing Populism
Social Democracy
National Progressivism
Social Liberalism
Classical Liberalism
National Conservatism
Right-Wing Populism
Right-Wing Nationalism
Religious Fundamentalism
Personalism (Ruler's Egotism)


If anyone wants to help me out with maybe making the Gov Type and Ideology icons, or helping me in finding flags then hit me up on DC...


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I do have a handful of ideas for things you could add.

  • Firstly, i'd recommend to scrap the ideology-themed government types. Instead, add them as ideologies (E.G: Militantism, Royalism)
  • Add a new government type: Anocracy. Which is a hybrid between autocracy and democracy. It could be useful for certain nations which don't follow either democratic nor autocratic standards. Also, you could add N*zism/National Socialism for World War 2 Germany and her puppet/client states.
  • You could add a law for balancing the national economy and the military. By default, nations will have a balanced spending. Which provides no debuffs nor buffs. If, however, you focus on the economy; you'll gain more income from buildings, you gain research quicker and you gain more building slots. But at the cost of your army suffering debuffs, such as less defense, attack, manpower, more expensive generals ect ect. Focusing on the military would allow you to expand your army quicker, by making them cost less and increasing daily/maximum manpower. Buuuut, stability and your economy would suffer.


  • Conscription laws could be remade to match the HOI4 system, going from "Volunteer Service" to "Absolute Conscription". The higher the conscription level, the more maximum and daily manpower you get. But stability will decrease. Similar to the budget balancing.
Edited by Leemon
had to remove the duped post

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18 hours ago, Leemon said:

I do have a handful of ideas for things you could add.

  • Firstly, i'd recommend to scrap the ideology-themed government types. Instead, add them as ideologies (E.G: Militantism, Royalism)
  • Add a new government type: Anocracy. Which is a hybrid between autocracy and democracy. It could be useful for certain nations which don't follow either democratic nor autocratic standards. Also, you could add N*zism/National Socialism for World War 2 Germany and her puppet/client states.
  • You could add a law for balancing the national economy and the military. By default, nations will have a balanced spending. Which provides no debuffs nor buffs. If, however, you focus on the economy; you'll gain more income from buildings, you gain research quicker and you gain more building slots. But at the cost of your army suffering debuffs, such as less defense, attack, manpower, more expensive generals ect ect. Focusing on the military would allow you to expand your army quicker, by making them cost less and increasing daily/maximum manpower. Buuuut, stability and your economy would suffer.


  • Conscription laws could be remade to match the HOI4 system, going from "Volunteer Service" to "Absolute Conscription". The higher the conscription level, the more maximum and daily manpower you get. But stability will decrease. Similar to the budget balancing.

Nice ideas. I'll add the Economy-Military budget spending law, and probably the conscription law too (im not so sure bout this one though)

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