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Age of History 3

Nice things to have

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Hey guys here i will talk about some ideas i think it will make the game better :

1/ adding a supply situation to the armies 

every army will have a stock of supplies enough for two months , if the two months pass you will have to resupply your army by sending them food from your kingdom resources or let them take it by force from your enemies land , if you don't resupply them in the first week they will take a hit in their moral , in the second week they will leave your army or  worse they will rebel with their general , of course the supply situation only apply when you leave your land to the enemy land , and if you cross to your vassals land they will have to supply your army in their land , the supplies will cost and take time according to the  distance  between the army and your nearest province .

2/ state and governors

if you planning to have a large empire it will take time and effort to manage every province , so you can make number of your provinces under a governor to take care of it and he will have advisers and cort like you , and you give him orders like : build that number of buildings , make that number of soldiers, rise the economy  , and to make it more realistic he can rebel .

3/ names and family and marriage 

instead of random names the game start with real leader and if its take time no problem let's start with random names , but after that the leader can marry from his cort or from another kingdom , have kids and name them and one day one of them will be our next king and you can sign other family members as governors and other positions , but carfel when your king die they might want the throne for themselves , no thing more spice than saplings and families civil wars.

4/ other governments types 

they are some governments types that give special powers like :

caliph in the islamic world , you can level your country until one day you can claim that you are the caliph for muslims and all muslim countries will have good relations with you and alliances and maybe be your vassals , you can do that with different religions and states like chinese or roman or Christion.

this is my ideas so far i will update if  i have more .  

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