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Vaterländisches Krieg (VLK) - AoHIII Mod anouncement

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Hello folks, I'm happy to announce my first ever mod, Vaterländisches Krieg (AKA: VLK, for enshortening); This mod will be for the upcoming Age of History 3, I intend to make it a complete andn good experience for a mod


Vaterländisches Krieg is German for "Fatherland's War", which I think is a good introduction on the main theme of this mod; the mod is planned to create a historically immersive recreation of the final moments of the two World Wars. Set either various months before, or a mere four days before the Battle of Berlin, or during the Battle of Berlin, play as either the German Reich or Japanese Empire and challenge yourself to see how long you can hold off the Allied onslaught, the planned scenarios to be in this mod are:

  • 21 March, 1918: "Kaiserschlacht"

  • 11 July, 1943: "The Eastern Bear Roars"

  • 21 June, 1944: "Operation Bagration"

  • 16 December, 1944: "The Battle of the Bulge"

  • 01 January, 1945 (Main Scenario): "Neue Jahr, letzte Hoffnung"

  • 20 March, 1945: "Endsieg"

  • 12 April, 1945: "Battle of Berlin"

  • April 27, 1945: "Downfall"

Planned Features

  • Timed Missions
    • Succeed will result in buffs
    • Fail will result in debuffs
  •  Units with historically accurate compositions to the start dates
    • I'll try my best to do it, since it will give more immersion to the players

Helping and suggestions will be very appreciated, since its my first time making mods and I really want to make a good mod

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Kaiserschlacht (March 21, 1918) -



The German Empire has launched what they hope will be their decisive blow to break the stalemate of the Western Front in World War I. With American forces looming, Germany has little time to turn the tide. The Kaiser's armies are prepared to gamble everything on one last push: the Kaiserschlacht.

Germany is under increasing pressure, with food shortages and civilian unrest spreading across the empire. The morale of its army remains high, though wearied from years of trench warfare. Austria-Hungary is struggling to hold its multi-ethnic empire together, with dissent threatening to tear the nation apart. The Ottoman Empire, exhausted and plagued by internal rebellion, is steadily losing ground in the Middle East. Bulgaria, facing economic strain and a growing war weariness, clings on to its alliance, but doubts rise.

On the Western Front, German forces have massed for Operation Michael, the first in a series of offensives aimed at splitting the British and French armies. The Germans hope to take advantage of the temporary numerical superiority provided by the Russian withdrawal from the war. In Italy, Austria-Hungary is holding the line after the setbacks of 1917. On the Eastern Front, peace with Soviet Russia has allowed the Germans to shift forces westward, but the occupation of vast new territories is stretching the army thin. The Middle East remains a thorn in the side of the Central Powers, with Ottoman forces losing control over vital regions.

France is battered but defiant, its people and army weary from years of fighting on home soil. Britain, though shaken by the threat of German submarines, remains resolute, bolstered by a growing influx of troops from across the empire. Italy is recovering from the disaster at Caporetto but is still vulnerable. The United States has only recently entered the war, but its industrial power and growing troop presence promise to be a game-changer in the long run. For now, American forces are still training and preparing for combat.

Will Germany’s Spring Offensive succeed in breaking the Allies before American forces fully arrive, or is this truly the Kaiser’s last gamble?

Edited by Shinayu
Chad "Kaiserschlacht" > Virgin "Spring Offensive"

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The Eastern Bear Roars (July 11, 1943)


The largest tank battle in history is about to unfold in the fields of Kursk, as Germany makes one final attempt to reclaim the initiative on the Eastern Front. The Soviet Union, fortified and prepared, stands ready to defend its homeland. The Eastern Front will soon witness a battle of titanic proportions.

Germany is grappling with growing internal discontent. The high hopes of a quick victory in the East have vanished, and the realities of total war are setting in. Hitler's high command is divided, with growing tension between military leaders and Nazi officials. Despite immense losses, the Wehrmacht is still formidable but beginning to feel the strain of prolonged war on multiple fronts. Italy is struggling in the Mediterranean, with Allied forces closing in on Sicily, while on the home front, Mussolini’s grip is weakening.

In the Soviet Union, the Battle of Kursk looms. German forces are poised for a massive pincer movement against the heavily fortified Soviet positions. Elsewhere on the Eastern Front, German forces are stretched thin, facing growing Soviet pressure. In the Mediterranean, Allied forces are preparing to launch Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily, which threatens Italy’s position in the war. In the Pacific, the Allies are slowly gaining ground against Japan, but the war in Asia remains a distant second in the minds of Germany’s leadership.
The Soviet Union, bloodied but resilient, is ready to confront the Germans in one of the largest defensive operations of the war. Stalin and his generals are confident that their preparations will turn the tide decisively in their favor. In Britain, optimism is cautiously rising as the tide of war begins to turn, but the losses of recent years weigh heavily on the population. The United States is pouring men and material into both the European and Pacific theaters, increasingly becoming the industrial and military backbone of the Allied war effort.

Will Germany’s gamble at Kursk restore their dominance in the East, or will the Soviet defenses spell the beginning of the end for the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front?

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Operation Bagration (21 June, 1944)


It is June 21, 1944. As the Western Allies land in Normandy and begin their push into occupied France, another hammer blow is being prepared on the Eastern Front. The Soviet Union is about to launch Operation Bagration, a massive offensive aimed at annihilating Army Group Centre and driving the Germans out of Belarus. The balance of power in Europe is shifting rapidly.

Germany is reeling from the Allied landings in Normandy just weeks earlier. The Wehrmacht is stretched to the limit, fighting to hold ground on two fronts. Morale is fraying among German troops, and supplies are dwindling, with air superiority increasingly in the hands of the Allies. Hitler’s stubborn refusal to allow strategic withdrawals is compounding the Wehrmacht’s problems. Meanwhile, Italy has switched sides, and the Axis alliance is crumbling, leaving Germany increasingly isolated.

On the Eastern Front, Soviet forces have massed for what will be the largest Soviet offensive of the war—Operation Bagration. The Germans are caught off guard, underestimating the strength and coordination of the Soviet buildup. To the west, Allied forces are expanding their beachhead in Normandy and preparing to liberate France. German forces in Italy are in full retreat as the Allies advance north. In the Pacific, the United States is continuing its island-hopping campaign, but Japan’s resolve remains strong.

The Soviet Union, buoyed by recent victories, is confident that Operation Bagration will shatter German resistance in the East. Stalin and his generals are determined to reach Berlin before the Western Allies. In Britain, there is cautious optimism as the Normandy invasion progresses, but the toll of the war is still heavy on the home front. The United States is ramping up its military production, supplying both the Pacific and European theaters with unprecedented resources, while American troops push deeper into France and the Pacific islands.

Can the Red Army's blitzkrieg-style assault crush Army Group Centre and bring the Soviets to the gates of Berlin, or will Germany find a way to halt the relentless Soviet advance in the East?

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The Battle of the Bulge (16 December, 1944)


It is December 16, 1944. As winter descends on the Western Front, the German Wehrmacht launches a desperate surprise offensive through the Ardennes forest, aiming to split the Allied lines and force a negotiated peace. Known as the Battle of the Bulge, this counterattack will be Germany’s last major offensive in the West.

Germany is on the brink of collapse. The Wehrmacht is battered from relentless fighting on both fronts, while resources, especially fuel, are critically low. Yet, Hitler remains convinced that a surprise blow in the West could turn the tide and force the Allies to sue for peace. Morale among the German population is wavering, with cities under constant bombardment, but the Wehrmacht is holding firm, bolstered by elite units like the SS and Panzer divisions. In the east, German forces are desperately trying to slow the Soviet advance, while at home, dissent and fear of the regime are growing.

On the Western Front, the Allies believe the Germans are on the verge of collapse, with little expectation of a major counteroffensive. As a result, they are unprepared for the scale of the Ardennes attack, which catches them off guard in the dense forests and snow-covered roads. In Italy, the Allies are pushing north, but progress is slow against well-prepared German defenses. On the Eastern Front, Soviet forces are preparing to launch another series of offensives that will bring them closer to Berlin. In the Pacific, the United States is winning decisive victories, but Japan remains defiant.

The Allies are confident of an impending victory. The Normandy landings have led to the liberation of much of France, and plans are being made for the final invasion of Germany. However, complacency is growing among the troops and commanders, particularly in the Ardennes sector. In Britain and the United States, the war-weary populations are beginning to hope for an early end to the conflict, unaware of the coming German counterattack. The Soviet Union, meanwhile, is preparing for its final push towards Berlin, with Stalin eyeing dominance in post-war Europe.

Can Germany’s bold offensive through the Ardennes create a rift between the Allies and force a peace deal, or will the Battle of the Bulge become a final, tragic failure for the Third Reich?

Edited by Shinayu
Title mistake

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