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Age of History 3

Simple idea to fix atomic experience

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This is a repost. I think I posted in the wrong area before.
Looking at the last videos, I thought a lot about how to make nukes work better, in a more realistic way, so we don't have everyone nuking everyone when the tecnology is achieved. I thought a simple but effective way to make it works.

Atomic doctrines - Tec tree

First of all, we need a more sophisticated tec tree for nukes, not for add more atomic weapons types, but to update how we use them.
I thought at something like this:


I am going to explain them.

First Strike Doctrine: If at war with another nuclear power, it will use immediately the atomic weapon, to assure itself a tactical vantage
Tactical Bombing Doctrine: When at war, it will use atomic wapons only if he is near to capitulation
Assured Destruction Bombing: It will not use the atomc weapon, untill the enemy doesn't use it, but if so, it will respond with a massive atomic attack

This way, we have a functioning system to use this weapon, without having a mess around. AIs can choose to adopt one of the achieved doctrines, based on their ideology and aggressive expansion of their rivals, with the option to change the doctrines during the game. It will build more or less atomic weapons, based on the doctrine it has adopted.

Impact of using nukes

As in the real world, nukes has to have a really significant impact on diplomacy, devastations and so on. I thought what to do to improve this too in a simple way.

Diplomacy: When you use an atomic weapon, you simply lose a certain amount of relations with all the nations of the world and earn aggressive expansions. Bonus suggestion: if you have too much aggressive expansion, your alliance can broken.

Nuclear winter event: If a certain amount of nukes is used during the same year, you can trigger the Nuclear Winter event. It will affect all nations, reduncing all the production, growth, happyness and increase recovery time for devastation.

Nuclear doomsday event: If a bigger amount of nukes is used during a span of 3 years, you can trigger the Nuclear Doomsday event. It will affect all nations, reduncing all the production, growth, happyness to 0. This time, you even have rebels spawn rate increased, technology reduced to ancient or medieval age, and empires exploding, relasing tribals nations.

Thanks to these simple adds, we will have a more realstic experience, because nations will use nukes really more carefully and the escalation to nuclear wars will happen only with the right (better to say wrong, LoL) combo of doctrines between the nations at war.

I really hope Lukasz could check this ideas.


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