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About French translation

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Hey guys, I'm the French translator for the game.

I'm aware there are some mistakes due to lack of context while translating. Be sure that I'm working on a fix as fast as possible.


Salut, je suis le traducteur en français du jeu.

Je suis conscient des erreurs dûes au manque de contexte pendant la traduction. Soyez assurés que je travaille sur un corrective aussi vite que je peux.



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Greetings, Salutations,

I am here to help to translate in French because I have seen some mistakes or no translated names for some countries and regions. Here the corrections I propose:


LowerNile = Nile Inférieur => Nil inférieur

UpperNile = Nile Supérieur => Nil supérieur

CapeOfGoodHope = Cap de Bonne Espérance => Cap de Bonne-Espérance


476 - Chute de la Ville éternelle

Salians Franks = Francs saliens

Ripuarian Franks = Francs ripuaires

Eburones = Éburons

Berbers = Berbères

Alans = Alains

Eastern Roman Empire = Empire romain d'Orient


Why Cologne is named "Liste des archevêques de Cologne" ?

Toledo = Tolède

Samogitia = Samogitie

Wari Empire = Empire wari (ou huari)


Wales = Pays de Galles

Lancaster = Lancastre

Why Cologne is named "Liste des archevêques de Cologne" ?

Gauda Kingdom = Royaume Gauda

White Horde = Horde blanche

Same question about Kiev named "Liste des souverains de Kiev"

Blue Horde = Horde bleue


Uzbek = Ouzbek or Ouzbeks if people

Liste des clans japonais = Clan Kono ? 

Pahang Kingdom = Royaume Pahang

Murcie is not a region yet

1618 - La guerre de trente ans

New Biscay = Nouvelle-Biscay

New Galicia = Nouvelle-Galice

New Mexico = Nouveau-Mexique (not the US state)

New Kingdom of Leon = Nouveau Royaume de Leon

New Santander = Nouvelle-Santander or Nouveau-Santander

Brazil = Brésil

Persia = Perse

1836 - Epoque victorienne

British Columbia = Colombie britannique

Upper Canada = Haut-Canada

Guiana = Guyana

North/South Peru = Pérou du Nord/Sud

Riograndese Republic = République riograndense

Western Australia = Australie occidentale

New South Wales = Nouvelle-Galles du Sud

South Australia = Australie-Méridoniale

Tasmania = Tasmanie

United Tribes = Tribus-unies

Burma = Birmanie

Ionian Islands = Iles ioniennes

Trucial States = États de la Trêve 

1910 - La grande guerre

Gambia = Gambie

Guinea (French) = Guinée

Ivory Coast = Côte d'Ivoire

Chad = Tchad

Eritrea = Érythrée

Northern/Southern Rhodesia = Rhodésie du Nord/du Sud

Algeria = Algérie

Morocco = Maroc

Mauritania = Mauritanie 

Tunisia = Tunisie

Libya = Libye

Netherlands = Pays-Bas 

Seconde République (1931-1939) = Espagne 

Persia = Perse

Burma = Birmanie

Dominique : it's the wrong country! The true one is République dominicaine (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/République_dominicaine)

Ceylon = Ceylan

1936 - Seconde guerre mondiale

Dominique : it's the wrong country! The true one is République dominicaine (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/République_dominicaine)

Gambia = Gambie

Guinea (French) = Guinée

Ivory Coast = Côte d'Ivoire

Chad = Tchad

Eritrea = Érythrée

Northern/Southern Rhodesia = Rhodésie du Nord/du Sud

Algeria = Algérie

Morocco = Maroc

Mauritania = Mauritanie 

Netherlands = Pays-Bas 

2022 - Monde moderne

Netherlands = Pays-Bas 

Seconde République (1931-1939) = Espagne 

Rif = Maroc

Swaziland has become Eswatini since 2018

Its all for now. I am pretty sure I missed a lot but maybe I will find others mistake. I will be glad to share with you.

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Merci beaucoup, j'ai mis à jour ce que tu m'as dit (concernant la seconde république je crois que c'est une volonté de l'auteur au niveau du code car j'ai rien trouvé, et pour la République dominicaine c'est un bug à signaler, pas une erreur de traduction)
N'hésite pas à me dire au fur et à mesure pour les autres problèmes ^^
(Concernant les listes de (machin) c'est une erreur de AoH2 qui a été remise dans le jeu, les traducteurs n'ont pas fait les civilisations, seulement le reste du jeu)

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Merci pour la réponse.

J'ai signalé dans ce forum et celui de Steam les erreurs concernant l'Espagne, la Dominique et les pays ayant pour nom "Liste de ...".

C'est avec grand plaisir de contribuer à la traduction française du jeu.

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On 10/26/2024 at 8:50 PM, Mortek said:

Greetings, Salutations,

I am here to help to translate in French because I have seen some mistakes or no translated names for some countries and regions. Here the corrections I propose:


LowerNile = Nile Inférieur => Nil inférieur

UpperNile = Nile Supérieur => Nil supérieur

CapeOfGoodHope = Cap de Bonne Espérance => Cap de Bonne-Espérance


476 - Chute de la Ville éternelle

Salians Franks = Francs saliens

Ripuarian Franks = Francs ripuaires

Eburones = Éburons

Berbers = Berbères

Alans = Alains

Eastern Roman Empire = Empire romain d'Orient


Why Cologne is named "Liste des archevêques de Cologne" ?

Toledo = Tolède

Samogitia = Samogitie

Wari Empire = Empire wari (ou huari)


Wales = Pays de Galles

Lancaster = Lancastre

Why Cologne is named "Liste des archevêques de Cologne" ?

Gauda Kingdom = Royaume Gauda

White Horde = Horde blanche

Same question about Kiev named "Liste des souverains de Kiev"

Blue Horde = Horde bleue


Uzbek = Ouzbek or Ouzbeks if people

Liste des clans japonais = Clan Kono ? 

Pahang Kingdom = Royaume Pahang

Murcie is not a region yet

1618 - La guerre de trente ans

New Biscay = Nouvelle-Biscay

New Galicia = Nouvelle-Galice

New Mexico = Nouveau-Mexique (not the US state)

New Kingdom of Leon = Nouveau Royaume de Leon

New Santander = Nouvelle-Santander or Nouveau-Santander

Brazil = Brésil

Persia = Perse

1836 - Epoque victorienne

British Columbia = Colombie britannique

Upper Canada = Haut-Canada

Guiana = Guyana

North/South Peru = Pérou du Nord/Sud

Riograndese Republic = République riograndense

Western Australia = Australie occidentale

New South Wales = Nouvelle-Galles du Sud

South Australia = Australie-Méridoniale

Tasmania = Tasmanie

United Tribes = Tribus-unies

Burma = Birmanie

Ionian Islands = Iles ioniennes

Trucial States = États de la Trêve 

1910 - La grande guerre

Gambia = Gambie

Guinea (French) = Guinée

Ivory Coast = Côte d'Ivoire

Chad = Tchad

Eritrea = Érythrée

Northern/Southern Rhodesia = Rhodésie du Nord/du Sud

Algeria = Algérie

Morocco = Maroc

Mauritania = Mauritanie 

Tunisia = Tunisie

Libya = Libye

Netherlands = Pays-Bas 

Seconde République (1931-1939) = Espagne 

Persia = Perse

Burma = Birmanie

Dominique : it's the wrong country! The true one is République dominicaine (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/République_dominicaine)

Ceylon = Ceylan

1936 - Seconde guerre mondiale

Dominique : it's the wrong country! The true one is République dominicaine (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/République_dominicaine)

Gambia = Gambie

Guinea (French) = Guinée

Ivory Coast = Côte d'Ivoire

Chad = Tchad

Eritrea = Érythrée

Northern/Southern Rhodesia = Rhodésie du Nord/du Sud

Algeria = Algérie

Morocco = Maroc

Mauritania = Mauritanie 

Netherlands = Pays-Bas 

2022 - Monde moderne

Netherlands = Pays-Bas 

Seconde République (1931-1939) = Espagne 

Rif = Maroc

Swaziland has become Eswatini since 2018

Its all for now. I am pretty sure I missed a lot but maybe I will find others mistake. I will be glad to share with you.

Will be fixed in next update

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Thank you very much for the update!

After I have checked, I have stil found mistakes:

- Netherlands is not translated to Pays-Bas in Great War, World War II and Modern World;

- Dominique is replaced by République dominicaine but the flag is still from Dominique. This is the flag of Dominican Republic


- Guyana is the British colony, not the Netherlands one. According to researches, Guyana was previously call British Guiana (Guyane britannique) but Dutch Guiana was the unofficial name of Surinam. I don't know if Surinam was given by Netherlands of after its independence. 

-  (Out of context) In World War II, the Syrian flag is an anachronism : it was the United Arab Republic founded in 1985 with Egypt and Syria (and Yemen for a short time). The flag during this time was this one:


- In World War II, I found others non-translated countries:

Cyprus = Chypre

[French] Guinea =Guinée française

[Portuguese] Guinea = Guinée portugaise

Mauritius = Maurice.

Uganda = Ouganda.

Gambia = Gambie

Somaliland = Somalie (In French, Somaliland is the separatist state)

Djibouti was called like that after its independence. Between 1897 and 1967, the official name was "French Coast of the Somalis" (Côte française des Somalis) but could also be called "French Somaliland" (Somalie française) 

- In Modern World : Dominique is wrongly called République dominicaine (the flag is correct):


Sao Tomé and Principe = Sao Tomé-et-Principe

Virgin Islands = Îles Vierges. The British Virgin Islands (Îles Vierges britanniques) have the flag of United States Virgin Islands (Îles Vierges des Etats-Unis). This is the right flag:image.png.5039aef44a690b842fb4f722b3ae7ed1.png


(Out of context) Tonga has the Red Cross flag. This is the right flag: image.png.c690a7b778b38f5cf943eb5012d1e481.png

Empire de Brunei = Brunei

- In 1066:

Fatimids = Fatimides

Mosul = Mossoul

Uighur = Ouïghour (Ouïghours if people)

- In 1354 :

Province de Hainaut = Comté de Hainaut 

- (Out of context) "Organisation pour une Papouasie libre" ( Free Papua Movement) didn't exist in 1836 yet :


That's all for now. I will check later if I find others mistakes and/or forgotten translations.

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Bonjour, voici le projet de traduction pour les phrases de chargement du jeu:

L0 = Sharpening swords, forging alliances, and building Civlizations = Aiguisant des épées, forgeant des alliances et construisant des civilisations
L1 = Raising armies, forging Civlizations, and shaping destinies = Levant des armées, forgeant des civilisations et modelant des destins
L2 = Civlizations rise and fall, your saga is about to begin = Les civilisations s'élèvent et tombent, votre saga est sur le point de débuter
L3 = Gathering resources and uniting factions under your banner = Rassemblant des ressources et unifiant des factions sous votre bannière
L4 = From the ashes of history, a new era emerges under your command = Des cendres de l'histoire, une nouvelle ère émerge sous votre commandement
L5 = Fate is in your hands; Civlizations will tremble at your decisions = Le destin est entre vos mains; les civilisations trembleront devant vos décisions
L6 = History waits for your command, Civilizations await your call = L'histoire attend votre commandement, les civilisations attendent votre appel
L7 = Loading ambitions, dreams, and the echoes of ancient battles = Chargeant des ambitions, des rêves et des échos d'anciennes batailles
L8 = From nomadic tribes to mighty Civilizations, your journey begins = Des tribus nomades aux puissantes civilisations, votre voyage commence
L9 = The world is your canvas. Will you paint it with conquest or diplomacy? = Le monde est votre toile. Le peindrez vous par la conquête ou la diplomatie? 
L10 = Building legacies, forging alliances, and rewriting the books of history = Construisant des héritages, forgeant des alliances et réécrivant les livres d'histoire
L11 = In the silence of loading, Civlizations prepare for the symphony of your rule = Dans le silence du chargement, les civilisations se préparent pour la symphonie de votre autorité
L12 = In the grand theater of Civilizations, loading the script of your leadership = Dans le grand théâtre des civilisations, chargeant le scenario de votre direction
L13 = History is the canvas. Loading the brush of your conquests and alliances = L'histoire est la toile. Chargeant la brosse de vos conquêtes et des alliances
L14 = In the quiet before the storm, your reign prepares to make history = Dans le calme avant la tempête, votre règne se prépare à faire l'histoire
L15 = When it's ready :P = Quand ce sera prêt :P

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J'ai aussi remarqué des erreurs ou des omissions dans le fichier Bundle_fr. properties:

Minimap = Minimap => Minicarte

DifficultyLevel = Difficulté => Niveau de difficulté

Language = Langage => Langue

LowerNile = Nile Inférieur => Bas-Nil

UpperNile = Nile Supérieur => Haut-Nil

SaharaDesert = Désert du Sahara => Sahara

Library = Librairie => Bibliothèque 

BuildLibraryIn = Construire une Librairie dans => Construire une Bibliothèque dans

t0 = Age of Civilizations II ... => Age of History III

Upgrade = Upgrade => Améliorer
UpgradeRegiment = Upgrade Regiment => Améliorer Régiment
UpgradeRegiments = Upgrade Regiments => Améliorer Régiments
UpgradeAllRegiments = Upgrade All Regiments => Améliorer tous les Régiments
RegimentsUpgraded = Regiments Upgraded => Régiments améliorés

Armies = Armies => Armées

MaxMorale = Max Moral => Moral maximum

CivilizationLegacy = Civilisation Legacy => Héritage de civilisation

CivilizationRank = CivilizationRank => Classement de la civilisation

County = Compté => Comté

Dye = Colorant => Teinture

Oil = Huile => Pétrole 

Manpower0 = Manpower représente => La main d'œuvre représente 

Legacy0 = Legacy Points est => Les Points d'héritage sont

SettingsProvinceBorder = Paramètres Province Border => Paramètres Frontières Province

PossibleRebels = Rebels Possibles => Possibles rebelles

Outraged = Outraged => Scandalisé

Rebellious = Rebelleux => Rebelle

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Certains passages de l'encyclopédie ne sont pas traduits: 



Je pense qu'il s'agit d'un bug car les paragraphes sont bien traduits dans le fichier cité dans le post précédent.

I think it's a bug because they are translated in the file from the previous post.

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Greeting, Bonjour,

J'ai continué à traduire les civilisations depuis le fichier Bundle_fr.properties du dossier "civilizations". Ne pouvant le partager ici, j'ai copié l'intégralité du fichier ici:


# Age of Civilizations II
# @author Łukasz Jakowski
# @since 08.03.2017 22:28

ran = Civilisation Aléatoire
neu = Neutre

aac = Ville libre d'Aix-la-Chapelle
abb = Alba 
abba = Califat abbasside
abbr = Projet d'union entre la Tunisie et la Libye
aben = Abénaquis
abk = Abkhazie
abk_m = Abkhazie
aca = Acadie
acaa = Achéménides
aceh = Sultanat d'Aceh
achh = Achaïe
acre = Acre 
adah = Clan Adachi
adal = Sultanat d'Adal
adyg = Adyguée
afar = Afars
afg = Afghanistan
afg_m = Émirat d'Afghanistan
afri = Union africaine
afsh = Afsharides
ahh = Anhui
aib = Antigua-et-Barbuda
ainu = Aïnous 
ajar = Adjarie
ajur = Sultanat Ajuran
akam = Clan Akamatsu
akon = Empire kong
akr = Marrakech
akss = Aksoum
aksu = Aksoum
alab = Alabama
alag = Alagoas
alan = Alanie
alas = Alaska
alaw = Territoire des Alaouites
alb = Albanie
alb2 = Albanie
alba = Albe la Longue
albc = Aghbanie
alem = Alamans
alen = Alençon
alg = Algérie
algi = Alger
all = Anguilla
alle = État d'Alep
almm = Almoravides
almo = Almohades
alod = Alodie
alot = Tunisie ottomane
als = Alsace
amag = Clan Amago
amal = Duché d'Amalfi
amap = Amapá
ams = Samoa américaines
amzz = Amazonas 
anaz = `Anizzah
and = Andorre
anda = Andalousie
andd = Al-Andalus
and_m = Andorre
aneg = Soudan Anglo-égyptien
ang = Angola
angl = Angles 
ani = Antioche
anjo = Anjouan
anju = Anjou
ank = Ankole
ans = Ansbach
anss = Antaisaka 
ant = Duché d'Aquitaine
anta = Traité sur l'Antarctique
ante = Antaimoro 
antt = Antes
anxx = Anglo-Saxons
anzu = Royaume Tio
apa = Apaches
aqq = Aq Qoyunlu
aqu = Patriarcat d'Aquilée
arab = Expansion de l'islam
arag = Couronne d'Aragon
arap = Arapahos
ard = Ardalan
arda = Ardalan
arg = Argentine
arg2 = Confédération argentine
arga = Armagnac 
ariz = Arizona
arka = Arkansas
arm = Arménie
arm_c = République socialiste soviétique d'Arménie
arm_m = Arménie
arre = Arrernte
aru = Aruba
arun = Provinces-Unies du Río de la Plata
arw = Arawaks
arzt = Papers, Please
asak = Clan Asakura
asc = Île de l'Ascension
asha = Empire ashanti
ashi = Clan Ashikaga
aslr = Morava 
assi = Assiniboines
assy = Assyrie
astra = Astrakhan
astu = Asturies
atha = Athapascanes
athe = Duché d'Athènes
atla = République de l'Altaï
atr = Autriche
atr2 = Autriche
atr2_m = Autriche
atre = Atrébates
atr_m = Empire d'Autriche
aug = Principauté épiscopale d'Augsbourg
auhh = James Cook
auhu = Autriche-Hongrie
aus = Australie
auss = Awsa
aus_m = Australie
auvg = Auvergne
ava = Ava
avar = Khaganat avar
aver = Arvernes
awa = Arawaks
awi = Avignon
ayd = Émirat d'Aydın
aym = Aymaras
ayut = Ayutthaya
ayuu = Ayyoubides
azaw = Azawad
aze = Azerbaïdjan
aze_c = République socialiste soviétique d'Azerbaïdjan
azor = Açores
azte = Empire aztèque
baa = Marche de Brandebourg
baas = Ba 
bab = Barbade
baby = Babylone
bac = Bactriane
bade = Bade
bah = Bosnie-Herzégovine
bah2 = Fédération de Bosnie-et-Herzégovine
bah3 = République croate d'Herceg-Bosna
bahh = Bahia
bahm = Bahmanî
baj = Bahreïn
baky = Baekje
balh = Balhae
balu = Baloutchistan
bamb = Bamberg
ban = Bangladesh
bant = Sultanat de Banten
baq = Bara 
bar = Bar
barb = Brabant
barc = Comté de Barcelone
barh = Berghouata
bash = Bachkirie
basq = Pays basque 
bass = État de Bastar
batv = République batave
bau = Bahamas
bav = Bawandides
bava = Bavière
bava_m = Bavière
bayi = Baiyue
bei = Belize
beih = Beihan
bej = Pékin
beja = Bedja 
bel = Belgique
belo = Beloozero
bel_m = Belgique
ben = Bénin
bene = Benelux
beng = Sultanat du Bengale
benn = Bénin
benv = Bénévent
ber = Biélorussie
berg = Berg
berr = Bernicie
berry = Berry
ber_c = République socialiste soviétique de Biélorussie
beth = Béothuks
bets = Betsimisarakas
bhu = Bhoutan
bhu_m = Bhoutan
biaa = Biafra
bit = Bitlis
bjar = Biarmie
blfo = Confédération des Pieds-Noirs
bn = Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
boh = Botan
bohe = Bohême
bohh = Byeonhan
bol = Bolivie
bon = Bonaire
boph = Bophuthatswana
bor = Bosphore
born = Kanem-Bornou
borr = Bornéo du Nord
bosk = Bosnie
bot = Botswana
bra = Brésil
brab = Brabant
bra_m = Empire du Brésil
brd = Nouvelle-Hollande 
bre = Brême 
brig = Brigantes
brit = Bretagne
brq = Burgondes
brr = Bermudes
brra = Raj britannique
bru = Brunei
brun = Brunswick-Lunebourg
bru_m = Empire de Brunei
bues = État de Buenos Aires
bug = Buganda
bugo = Bougainville 
bukh_c = République soviétique populaire de Boukhara
buki = Bukidnon
bul = Bulgarie
buls = Bulgarie
buly = Sultanat de Bulungan
bul_m = Second Empire Bulgare
bunh = Bundelkund
buny = Bunyoro
bur = Burkina Faso
burb = Bourbon
burg = Bourgogne
bury = Bouriatie
bus = Busoga
but = Baubau
buu = Burundi
buu_m = Burundi
buyy = Puyŏ
byza = Empire byzantin
byza_m = Empire byzantin
cab = Cambodge
cabb = Cabinda
cab_m = Cambodge
caco = Califat de Cordoue
cadd = Caddos
caii = Royaume arménien de Cilicie
caja = Cajamarca
calh = Calchaquí
cali = Californie
cals = République de Basse-Californie
cam = Cameroun
camb = Cameroun britannique
camd = Kamerun
can = Canada
cann = Isfendiyarides
cant = Cantabrie
cap = Cap-Vert
capa = Cappadoce
caq = Colonie du Cap
car = République centrafricaine
cara = Qara Qoyunlu
cari = Carinthie
carr = Carthage
cas = Cascadie
casi = Castille
cast = Castille
cat = Catalogne
cavv = Catuvellauni
cay = Îles Caïmans
ceaa = Ceará
cent = République fédérale d'Amérique centrale
cer = Gordyène
cery = Cyrénaïque
ceut = Ceuta
cey = Sri Lanka
cgg = Khanat de Djaghataï
ch = Chachapoyas 
cha = Tchad
chah = Cahokia
chal = Chalukya
cham = Champassak
chan = Chandela
char = Charrúa
chec = Tchétchénie
chee = Chera
chen = Dynastie Chen
cheo = Cherokees
cher = Tchernigov
cheu = Chérusques
chey = Cheyennes
chh = Chen 
chi = République de Chine 
chib = Clan Chiba
chic = Chicachas
chin = Chinook 
chi_c = Chine
chl = Chili
chnd = Chandrapur
choc = Chactas 
chok = Tchokwés
chol = Dynastie Chola
chos = Clan Chōsokabe
chpp = Champā
chss = République soviétique chinoise
chuc = Tchouktches
chus = Chu 
chuv = Tchouvachie
cii = Carniole
cir = Circassie
cire = Sultanat de Cirebon
cis = Province cisplatine
cisi = République cisalpine
cisp = Province cisplatine
ciss = Ciskei
clam = Clan Amago
clas = Clan Ashikaga
clch = Clan Chiba
clda = Clan Date
cldd = Clan Andō
cle = Clèves
clha = Clan Hatakeyama
clho = Clan Hosokawa
clii = Clan Shiba
clki = Clan Kikuchi
clko = Clan Kono
clks = Clan Isshiki
clna = Clan Nanbu
clod = Clan Oda
clos = Clan Ogasawara
clot = Clan Ōtomo
clou = Clan Ōuchi
clsa = Clan Satake
clsh = Clan Shōni
clss = Clan Shimazu
clto = Clan Toki
clts = Clan Tsutsui
clu = Clan Uesugi
clut = Domaine d'Utsunomiya
clya = Clan Yamana
cm = Couto Misto
cnn = NN
co = Cologne
col = Colombie
colc = Colchide
colo = Colorado
com = Comores 
coma = Comanches
comi = Domination de la Compagnie britannique des Indes orientales en Inde
conb = Congo belge
conf = États confédérés d'Amérique
coni = Connecticut
conn = Connacht
coo = Îles Cook
cor = Costa Rica
corr = Corinthe antique
cors = Corse
cos = Hetmanat cosaque
coub = Évêché de Courlande
coul = Gouvernement de Courlande
cour = Courlande
cpr = Chypre 
cr = Kali'na
crac = Ville libre de Cracovie
cree = Cris
cret = Crète autonome
crim = République de Crimée
crkh = Khanat de Crimée
crkk = Creeks
cro = Croatie
crsl = Croatie-Slavonie
cub = Cuba
cum = Coumanie
curs = Couroniens
cusc = Cuzco
cuuu = Corieltauvi
cvvv = Cornovii 
cyn = Chypre du Nord
cypk = Chypre
cze = République tchèque
czsl = Tchécoslovaquie
dab = Dabwaïhides
dacc = Dacie
dag = Daghestan
daho = Dahomey
daiv = Đại Việt
dall = Dali
dama = État de Damas
darf = Sultanat du Darfour
date = Clan Date
daup = Dauphine
daxi = Zhang Xianzhong
day = Dayak
dcco = Washington 
ddo = République Dominicaine 
ddo_m = Dominique 
dehe = Deheubarth
dela = Delaware
delh = Sultanat de Delhi
dem = Sultanat de Demak
den = Danemark
den_m = Danemark
des = Comte de Desmond
detc = Arrondissement de Dithmarse
deus = Dieu le veut
dhal = Dhala
dilm = Dilmun
divi = Divriği
dje = Jérid
djen = Djenné
dji = Djibouti
dom = République dominicaine
domr = Damaras
done = République populaire de Donetsk
dong = Tongye
dox = Canada
drc = République démocratique du Congo
drc_f = Zaïre
duin = Indes orientales néerlandaises
dulk = Dulkadir
dum = Domnonée
dumm = Corée
dumn = Domnonée
dure = Durotriges
durr = Empire durrani
dyfe = Dyfed
eaff = Fédération d'Afrique de l'Est
easg = Afrique orientale allemande
eat = Timor oriental
ecu = Équateur 
eds = Comté d'Édesse
efr = Francie orientale
egy = Égypte
egyc = Égypte antique
egyo = Khédivat d'Égypte
egy_m = Égypte
els = Salvador
emgr = Grenade
emu = Émeu d'Australie
eng = Angleterre
engk = Angleterre
ent = Érythrée
eph = Éphèse
epir = Épire
eqa = Guinée équatoriale
ere = Eretnides
ertt = Eretnides
esi = Émirat de Sicile
espi = Espírito Santo
esse = Essex
est = Estonie
estd = Estonie danoise
estt = Première République 
est_c = République socialiste soviétique d'Estonie
eth = Éthiopie
eth_m = Empire éthiopien
etru = Étrusques
eunn = Union européenne
eure = Étrurie
eus = Saint-Eustache 
ewei = Dynastie Wei de l'Est
fal = Îles Malouines
famm = République de Formose
fcd = Ville libre de Dantzig
fcoo = Compagnie française des Indes orientales
feng = Clique du Fengtian
fent = Clique du Fengtian
fer = Ferrare
fez = Fès
fezz = Fezzan
ffra = Ville libre de Francfort
fij = Fidji
fin = Finlande
fin2 = Finlande
fin_m = Finlande 
flan = Flandre 
flan_m = Comté de Flandre
flir = Floride
flor = République de Florence
foix = Foix
for = Îles Féroé
fpap = Organisation pour une Papouasie libre
fra = France
fra2 = France
fra2_m = France
fra3 = Premier Empire
frai = Royaumes francs
fral = Algérie française
fra_f = Régime de Vichy
fra_m = France
frc = Franconie
frg = Guyane
fri = Frise
fris = Frise 
frkk = Francs
frl = Louisiane 
frp = Polynésie française
frr = Ukraine libertaire
fuji = Clan Fujiwara
funn = Fou-nan
fuu = Fujian
fyr = Macédoine 
gab = Gabon
gabu = Gabu 
gaga = Gagaouzie
gali = Galice
gam = Gambie
ganp = Gampola
gans = Gansu
garh = État de Garhwal
gata = Gètes
gaul = Gaulois 
gawo = Galicie-Volhynie
gaya = Confédération de Gaya
gea = Goths de Scandinavie
gee = Galilée
gees = Östergötland
gel = Gueldre
gen = Diocèse de Lausanne, Genève et Fribourg
geno = République de Gênes
geo = Géorgie 
geo_c = République socialiste soviétique de Géorgie
geo_m = Géorgie
gep = Gépides
ger = Allemagne
ger2 = Allemagne de l'Ouest
gerc = Confédération germanique
gerr = Germiyan
gert = Germiyan
ger_c = République démocratique allemande
ger_f = Troisième Reich
ger_m = Empire allemand
ges = Géorgie du Sud-et-les îles Sandwich du Sud
gess = Géorgie 
get = Gètes
gewe = Västergötland
gex = République démocratique de Géorgie
ggg = Groenland
ggue = Gugé
gha = Ghana
ghae = Empire du Ghana
ghav = Ghaznévides
gho = Goths
ghur = Ghorides
gib = Gibraltar
gila = Gilan
gogg = Koguryo
goia = Goiás
gojj = Période Gojoseon
gok = Göktürk
golc = Côte-de-l'Or 
gold = Horde d'or
gond = Gondwâna
gory = Goryeo
got = Gotland 
grc = Grande Colombie
grce = Grande République d'Amérique centrale
gre = Grèce
gren = République de Nouvelle-Grenade
gre_m = Grèce
grn = Grenade 
grr = Guaranis
gua = Guatemala
guag = Nouvelle clique du Guangxi
guan = Guangdong
gub = Guinée-Bissau
gue = Guernesey
guge = Gugé
gui = Guinée
guib = Territoire de Nouvelle-Guinée
guig = Nouvelle-Guinée allemande
guj = Sultanat du Gujarat
gum = Guam
gupt = Empire Gupta
gut = Gotland
guu = Guadeloupe
gux = Guangxi
guy = Guyana
guzh = Guizhou
gwal = Gwalior
gwee = Gwent
gwyn = Gwynedd
hadh = Hadramaout
hadr = État kathiri de Sai'un
hady = Hadiya 
hafs = Sultanat hafside de Tunis
hai = Haïti
haid = Haïdas
hain = Province de Hainaut
ham = Hambourg
hamp = New Hampshire
hana = Henan
hand = Dynastie Han
hano = Hanovre
hans = Han 
hant = Hanthawaddy
hara = Harar
hari = Haripunchai
hars = Harsha
hata = Clan Hatakeyama
haus = Haoussas
hawa = Hawaï
hawa_m = Hawaï
hbb = Hubei
hebe = Hebei
heil = Heilongjiang
heja = Hedjaz
hejz = Hedjaz
hel = Sainte-Hélène 
heph = Shvetahûna
her = Hérules
herm = Hermundures
hess = Landgraviat de Hesse
hh = Hunan
hii = Hainan
hiit = Hittites
himy = Himyar
hisn = Hasankeyf
hitt = Hittites
hobj = Hobyo
hoh = Hohokams
hojo = Clan Hōjō
hol = Comté de Hollande
hols = Holstein
holy = Saint-Empire romain germanique
hon = Hong Kong
honb = Hong Kong 
hoso = Clan Hosokawa
hou = Honduras
hoys = Hoysala
hsew = Hsenwi
hua = Huaxtèques
hun = Hongrie
huns = Huns
hun_m = Hongrie
huro = Hurons-Wendat
hyb = État de Hyderabad
iber = Union ibérique
ice = Islande
icen = Iceni
ice_m = Islande
idah = Idaho
idat = Sultanat d'Ifat
illi = Illinois 
illk = Ilkhanides
illo = Illinois
imag = Clan Imagawa
imer = Iméréthie
imrr = Madagascar
inca = Empire inca
ind = Inde
indd = Indiana
infro = Indochine française
ingu = Ingouchie
inne = République populaire de Mongolie-Intérieure
inr = Mongolie-Intérieure
ins = Indonésie
int = Fédération Międzymorze
inui = Groenlandais 
inve = Inverness 
iowa = Iowa
ira = Iran
ira_m = Perse
ire = Irlande 
ire_m = Irlande
irid = Idrissides
iroq = Iroquois
irq = Irak
isee = Man et des Îles
isl = Île de Man
isr = Israël
isr_m = Juda
ita = Italie
ita2 = Italie 
ita_m = Italie 
ito = Clan Itō
itza = Itzá
ivo = Côte d'Ivoire
iza = Iazyges
jaa = Comté de Jaffa et d'Ascalon
jaba = État des Druzes
jaff = Jaffna
jam = Jamaïque
jamt = Jämtland
jap = Japon
jap_m = Empire du Japon
jeff = État de Jefferson
jer = Jersey
jihh = Jinhan
jii = Jilin
jiis = Jin 
jin = Jin 
jind = Dynastie Jin 
jing = Dynastie Jin 
jinl = Dynastie des Jin postérieurs
jiq = Jiangsu
jjj = Jiangxi
jolo = Djolof
jor = Jordanie
jos = Période Joseon
jsh = Émirat de Haïl
jubb = Jubaland
jul = Juliers
jur = Jérusalem
jut = Jutes
kaaa = République de Carélie
kaab = Kaabu
kaba = Kabardino-Balkarie
kaby = Kabylie
kach = État Kachin
kak = Kakouyides
kaka = Kartl-Kakhétie
kaki = Priozersk
kakk = Kâkâtiya
kal = Kalingga
kall = Kalmoukie
kalm = Union de Kalmar
kamc = Kamtchadales
kamr = Époque de Kamakura
kand = Kandy
kane = Kanem-Bornou
kang = Kangaba
kanr = District de Kangra
kans = Kansas
kar = République d'Artsakh
kara = Karakalpakistan
karh = Qarakhanides
kark = Kara-Khitans
karr = Karatchaïévo-Tcherkessie
kasa = Cassange
kata = État du Katanga
kats = Katsina
katt = Kâkâtiya
kays = Kaysites
kaz = Kazakhstan
kaza = Khanat de Kazan
kazi = Kassimov
kaz_c = République socialiste soviétique kazakhe
kaz_m = Khanat kazakh
kbu = Khanat de Boukhara
kedi = Kediri
kek = Pepe the Frog
kemp = Kampuchéa démocratique
ken = Kenya
kent = Kentucky
kett = Kent
khaa = Khakassie
kham = Kham
khh = Khatchen
khha = Khazars
khht = Kâthiâwar
khiv = Khanat de Khiva
khm = Khamag Mongol
khme = Empire khmer
kho = Khotan
khod = Youkaguirs
khq = Khantys
khwa = Khwârezm-Shahs
khya = Khandesh
kia = Kiautschou
kich = Royaume quiché
kids = Saltukides
kigr = Grenade 
kild = Gerald FitzGerald 
kilw = Sultanat de Kilwa
kiow = Kiowas
kir = Kiribati
kita = Italie 
kitr = Empire du Kitara
kiv = Kiev
koch = État de Cochin
kohq = Khoïkhoïs
koka = Khanat de Kokand
komi = République des Komis
konb = Dynastie Konbaung
kong = Kongo
koor = Koori
koq = Komis
korc = Khorchins
kos = Kosovo
koss = Kosala
kott = Kotte
krr = Khorassan
krrr = Karamanides
krus = Rus' de Kiev
kss = Cachemire
ktu = Kootenays 
kuba = Royaume Kuba
kur = Kurdistan
kush = Koush
kuss = Empire kouchan
kuta = Kutai
kuw = Koweït
kyog = Clan Kyōgoku
kyr = Kirghizistan
kyr_c = République socialiste soviétique kirghize
laa = Liaoning
ladh = Ladakh
lann = Lanna
lanx = Lan Xang
lao = Laos
lao_c = Laos
lao_m = Laos
laro = La Rioja
lat = Lettonie
latg = Latgale
lati = Empire latin de Constantinople
lat_c = République socialiste soviétique de Lettonie
lavo = Lavo
lavv = Livonie
leb = Liban
lebe = Lebensraum
lef = République de Lanfang
leha = Lahij 
lein = Duc de Leinster
lena = Lenapes
lenc = Lenca
leon = León
les = Lesotho
les_m = Lesotho
liaa = Dynastie Liao
lib = Libye
libe = Liberland
lic = Liechtenstein
lie = Liège
lii = Liberia
lio = Ordre de Livonie
lip = Livonie
lis = Livonie suédoise
lit = Lituanie
lit_c = République socialiste soviétique de Lituanie
lit_m = Lituanie
liu = Dynastie Song du Sud 
loan = Loango
lobb = Lombards
loka = République Lakota
lomb = Lombardie-Vénétie
lorr = Lorraine
losa = Los Altos 
lot = Lotharingie
lubb = Empire Luba
luc = République de Lucques
luha = République populaire de Lougansk
luis = Louisiane
lun = Lunebourg
lund = Royaume Lunda
lusa = Lusace
luus = Lu 
luwu = Luwu
lux = Luxembourg
lux2 = Luxembourg
luzi = Lazique
lyon = Lyon
maa = Maurice 
mac = Macao
macc = Macédoine
mad = Madagascar
madh = Soudan mahdiste
madi = Madère
maed = Clan Maeda
mag = Magadha
magd = Magdebourg
maha = Mahafaly
mahh = Mahan
mahi = Mohicans
mahr = Sultanat Mahri de Qishn et Socotra
mai = Mali
maii = Maris 
main = Maine 
mai_m = Empire du Mali
majj = Majorque
maka = Makua 
maks = Makassar 
maku = Makurie
mal = Malaisie
mala = Sultanat de Malacca
malb = Zamorin
mall = République des Moluques du Sud
malw = Malva 
mamm = Sultanat mamelouk 
man = Mandchoukouo
manc = Castille-La Manche
manh = Mandchous
mani = Manipur 
mans = Mansis
maor = Maoris 
map = Macao 
maqq = Mapuches
mar = Îles Mariannes du Nord
mara = Empire marathe
marc = Marcomans
marh = Maragha
mari = République des Maris
marr = Maranhão
marv = Maravi
marw = Mârvar
mary = Maryland
masa = Massachusetts
maso = Mazovie
mat = Malte
mata = Mataram
mats = Clan Matsumae
matt = Mato Grosso do Sul
mau = Mauritanie
maur = Empire maurya
maw = Malawi
maw2 = Nyassaland
max = Malaisie britannique
may = Mayotte
maya = Mayas
mdd = Maldives
mdi = Mèdes
meat = Mide
mecc = Mercie
meck = Mecklembourg-Strelitz
med = Mataram
mehh = Finnois de la Volga
meis = Marche de Misnie
mek = Mecklembourg
meks = Mecklembourg-Schwerin
mell = Melilla
mem = Memmingen
meng = Mengjiang
ment = Menteşe
meri = Madagascar
merk = Merkit
mes = Mésopotamie
mesk = Mesquakies
mess = Empire du Macina
met = Métis 
mew = État d'Udaipur
mex = Mexique
mex2 = Premier Empire mexicain
mex_m = Second Empire mexicain
mhhh = Majapahit
miam = Miamis
mic = États fédérés de Micronésie
mich = Michigan
mikq = Mosquitos
mila = Milan
mina = Clan Minamoto
ming = Dynastie Ming
minn = Minnesota
mino = Civilisation minoenne
miq = Micmacs
mis = Îles Marshall
misr = Missouri 
miss = Mississippi 
mitt = Mitanni
mixt = Mixtèques
miyo = Clan Miyoshi
mld = Malindi
mnnn = Minas Gerais
mo = Moldavie
moc = Monaco
moch = Moche 
modd = Mordovie
mode = Modène et Reggio
moden = Modène
mof = Montferrat
mog = Grand Maroc
mogo = Mogollon
mohe = Mohéli
mol = Moldavie
mol_c = République socialiste soviétique moldave
mol_f = Moldavie
momb = Mombasa
mon = Mongolie
monn = Mongolie autonome
monq = Monténégro
mont = Montana
mon_m = Empire mongol
moo = Montserrat 
mor = Maroc
mor2 = Mérinides
mord = Mordves
morg = Grande-Moravie
mors = Protectorat espagnol au Maroc
mor_m = Maroc
mosc = Grande-Moscou
mosi = Mossi 
mosl = Mossoul
moss = Côte des Mosquitos
mot = Monténégro
mot_m = Monténégro
moy = Finnois de la Volga
moz = Mozambique
mqu = Martinique
mro = Maures
mt = Mantoue
mtgo = Mato Grosso
mugg = Sultanat de Maguindanao
mugh = Empire moghol
mui = Maurétanie
muis = Chibchas
mun = Munster 
murr = Région de Murcie
mus = Münster
mut = Empire du Monomotapa
mya = Birmanie
mya_m = Pagan
myin = Myinsaing
myso = État de Mysore
mzab = Mozabites
mzz = Mayence
nabo = Nobatie
nag = Nagaur
nago = Horde Nogaï
naim = Naïmans
najr = Najran
nam = Namibie
nanb = Clan Nanbu
nany = Nanyue
nanz = Nanzhao
nap = Naples
nata = Natalia
nau = Nauru
nava = Navarre
navj = Nation navajo
nax = Naxos
naz = Nazca 
nca = Nouvelle-Calédonie
ndoo = Ndongo
nebr = Nebraska
negr = République de Nouvelle-Grenade
neko = Émirat de Nekor
nene = Nénètses
neng = Nouvelle-Angleterre
neo = Néopatrie
nep = Népal
net = Provinces-Unies
neta = Pays-Bas autrichiens
nets = Pays-Bas espagnols
netu = Royaume uni des Pays-Bas
net_m = Pays-Bas 
neva = Nevada
neve = Comté de Nevers
newf = Dominion de Terre-Neuve
newj = New Jersey
newm = Nouveau-Mexique
newy = État de New York
nez = Nouvelle-Zélande
nez_m = Nouvelle-Zélande
nga = Nganassanes
nguy = Dynastie Nguyễn
nic = Nicaragua
nica = Empire de Nicée
nice = Diocèse de Nice
nie = Nieuwe Republiek
nig = Nigeria
nii = Niger
nin = Ningxia
nitr = Nitra
nitt = Clan Nitta
niu = Niue
niu_m = Niue
nizn = Nijni Novgorod
nnn = Nouvelle-Néerlande
nodm = Danemark-Norvège
nok = Corée du Nord
nomm = Normandie
noon = Noongar
nor = Norvège
nor2 = Norvège 
nor3 = Norvège 
norc = Caroline du Nord
nord = Dakota du Nord
noro = Nouvelle-Russie 
nors = Empire anglo-scandinave
nort = Northumbrie
nor_m = Norvège
nosw = Suède-Norvège
not = Irlande du Nord
nowg = République de Novgorod
nsp = Nouvelle-Espagne
nuba = Noubas
nupe = Nupe 
nvt = Novantae
nwei = Dynastie Wei du Nord
obo = Abodrites
occa = Occitanie 
oda = Clan Oda
odq = Outaouais 
odry = Royaume des Odryses
oett = Oettingen
ogh = Oghouzes
ohio = Ohio
oir = Oïrats
ojib = Ojibwés
okjj = Okcho
oklo = Oklahoma
olde = duché d'Oldenbourg
olpr = Prussiens
oma = Oman
oran = État libre d'Orange
ord = Ordovices
oreg = Oregon
orl = Orléans
orms = Ormuz 
osag = Osages
ose = Ossétie du Sud-Alanie
osee = Ossétie du Nord-Alanie
ost = Royaume ostrogoth
ostr = Ostrogoths
otom = Clan Ōtomo
ouch = Clan Ōuchi
oyo = Oyo
pacc = Province de Pacajes
pahl = État impérial d'Iran
pak = Pakistan
pal = Palestine 
pala = Palatinat du Rhin
pall = Aborigènes de Tasmanie
palv = Dynastie des Pallava
pan = Panama
pand = Empire Pandya
pang = Pangasinan
pap = Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
papa = États pontificaux
papb = Territoire de Papouasie
papl = États pontificaux
pap_m = Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
par = Paraguay
para = Pará
parh = Parthie
pari = Paraïba
parm = Parme et de Plaisance
parn = Paraná 
part = Empire parthe
pary = Pereïaslavl
pas = Sultanat de Pasai
pata = Patani
pau = Palaos
pauu = Pagaruyung
pawn = Pawnees
pebo = Confédération péruvio-bolivienne
pech = Petchénègues
peee = Les Griffin
pens = Pennsylvanie
pequ = Pequots
per = Pérou
perm = Permie
perr = Pernambouc 
peub = Pueblos
phi = Philippines
pho = Phénicie
phra = Luang Prabang
piaa = Piauí
pibe = Ibérie
pic = Pictes
pica = Picardie 
pima = Pimas
piny = Pinya
pipi = Pipils
pira = République des Corsaires
pirl = Libertalia
pisa = République de Pise
pit = Îles Pitcairn
plcr = République tripartite de Pologne-Lituanie-Ruthénie
plsr = Fédération Międzymorze
pol = Pologne
pol2 = République des Deux Nations
pol3 = Deuxième République 
pola = Galicie et de Lodomérie
polo = Polotsk
polr = Congrès
pol_c = République populaire de Pologne
pol_m = Pologne 
pome = Poméranie
pont = Pont
por = Portugal
por2 = Portugal
por3 = Comté de Portugal
porg = Grand Portugal
por_m = Portugal
pota = Potéouatamis
poti = Potiguaras
pow = Powys
powh = Powhatans
prat = Pratihâra
prov = Provence
prud = Prusse
prus = Prusse
prus2 = Brandebourg-Prusse
pskv = République de Pskov
pue = Porto Rico
pun = Pount 
qaja = Dynastie Kadjar
qar = Qarmates
qara = Qara Qoyunlu
qat = Qatar
qii = Qinghai
qiid = Qi 
qin = Dynastie Qing
qind = Dynastie Qin
qino = Dynastie Qi du Nord
qin_f = République de Chine 
qiq = État de Qin
qua = Quades
qube = Québec
qui = Quito
quom = Toba 
qura = Quraych
quu = Kolla
racz = Racibórz
rag = République de Raguse
ram = Ramazanides
rap = Île de Pâques
rash = Califat Rachidun
rass = Rashtrakuta
rav = Comté de Ravensberg
rco = Congo
rhe = Rheged
rhhh = Rhode Island
rho = Rhodésie 
rhod = République rhodanienne
rif = Rif
riga = Riga
riod = État de Rio de Janeiro
riog = Rio Grande do Norte
rios = Rio Grande do Sul
rohi = Rohingya
roka = Clan Rokkaku
rokk = Royauté romaine
rom = Roumanie
romw = Empire romain d'Occident
rom_m = Roumanie
rond = Rondônia
ropr = Prusse royale
rora = Roraima
ros = Rostov Veliki
rozw = Empire rozvi
rrio = Rio Grande
ruan = Ruanda-Urundi
ruii = Ruges
rum = Sultanat de Roum
rus = Russie
rus2 = Empire russe
rus3 = Tsarat de Russie
rus_c = Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques
rus_m = Empire russe
rwa = Rwanda
rwa_m = Rwanda
ryaz = Riazan
ryuk = Ryūkyū
ryuz = Clan Ryūzōji
saac = Santa Catarina
saar = Territoire du bassin de la Sarre
sab = Saba
saff = Séfévides
saga = Sagaing
sai = Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines
saka = Sakalaves
sakh = République de Sakha
sal = Sainte-Lucie
sale = Salerne
sali = Salish
salz = Salzbourg
sam = Samoa
sama = Samanides
samg = Samoa allemandes
sami = Samis
samp = Laponie
samt = Meskhétie
san = Saint-Marin
sana = Sanaa
sand = Sandomierz
sanh = Sanhadja
sanp = Bochimans
san_m = Saint-Marin
sap = Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
sar = Sarmates
sara = Sarawak
sasa = Sassanides
sata = Clan Satake
satv = Satavahana
sau = Arabie saoudite
saup = État de São Paulo
sau_m = Arabie saoudite
savo = Savoie
sax = Saxe
saxe = Saxe-Lauenbourg
saxo = Saxe
scch = Schleswig
scna = Saint-Christophe-Niévès-Anguilla
sco = Écosse
sco2 = Écosse
sco_m = Écosse
sdd = Comté de Sidon
sea = Sealand
sei = Zemgale
sele = Séleucides
selj = Empire seldjoukide
selk = Selkoupes
sels = Séloniens
semm = Séminoles
semo = Serbie-et-Monténégro
sen = Sénégal
sena = Dynastie Sena
ser = Serbie
ser2 = Empire Serbe
ser3 = Serbie
serg = Sergipe
ser_m = Serbie
sett = Setos
seu = Suèves
seve = Séverianes
shaa = Shaanxi
shaj = Charjah 
shan = Dynastie Shang
shas = Shah Arman
shaw = Chaouanons
sheb = Saba
shib = Clan Shiba
shim = Clan Shimazu
shir = Chirvan 
shos = Shoshones
shq = Shanghai
shud = Shu
shun = Dynastie Shun
shus = État de Shu
shy = Shandong
siak = Sultanat de Siak
sic = Sicile
sicc = Lambayeque 
sick = Royaume des Deux-Siciles
siem = Simien
sien = République de Sienne
sijl = Sijilmassa
sikh = Empire sikh
siki = Sikkim
sil = Sierra Leone
sile = Silésie
sill = Silla 
sim = Saint-Martin 
sin = Singapour
siou = Sioux
siq = Siraques
sis = Sistân
sita = Sitawaka
sito = Ito
sjus = Simien
skas = Sud-Kasaï
skn = Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès
sli = Somaliland
slo = Slovaquie
slok = Slavonie
slv = Slovénie
smo = Smolensk
sn = Zenú
soa = Afrique du Sud
soab = Sud-Ouest africain
soag = Sud-Ouest africain allemand
soa_m = Union d'Afrique du Sud
sof = Sofala 
sogg = Dynastie Song
sok = Corée du Sud
soko = Empire de Sokoto
sok_c = Corée du Nord
sok_m = Empire coréen
sol = Îles Salomon
sol_m = Îles Salomon
som = Somalie
somb = Somalie britannique
song = Empire songhaï
sons = Song 
sori = Sorabes
souc = Caroline du Sud
soud = Dakota du Sud
souq = Dynastie Qi du Sud
soyo = Soyo
spa = Espagne
spa2 = Espagne des Lumières
spa3 = Espagne des Habsbourgs
spa4 = Empire espagnol
spar = Sparte
spa_f = Espagne franquiste
spa_m = Espagne
spg = Capitainerie générale du Guatemala
spgu = Guinée espagnole
spqr = Empire romain
sq = Silures
sqq = Sichuan
sqy = Shanxi
srbs = République serbe de Bosnie
sri = Sri Lanka
sriv = Sriwijaya
srra = Saruhanides
ssia = Kabupaten de Siak
ssz = Seychelles
st = Styrie 
sth = Strathclyde
sud = Soudan
sue = Suèves
sufr = Soudan français
suid = Dynastie Sui
sukh = Sukhothaï
sulu = Sultanat de Sulu
sung = Sundgau
sunn = Sunda
suq = Sumer
sur = Suriname
sus = Soudan du Sud
susk = Souss
susq = Andastes
suss = Sussex
svea = Svealand
swab = Souabe
swe = Suède
swe2 = Empire suédois
swe_m = Suède
swi = Suisse
swq = Suiones
sww = Eswatini
sya = Samoyèdes
syr = Syrie
syrr = Syrie
szam = Champagne 
tab = Tabarestan
tafi = Tafilalet
tagg = Dynastie Tang
tai = Taïwan
tair = Clan Taira
taj = Tadjikistan
taj_c = République socialiste soviétique du Tadjikistan
take = Clan Takeda
takr = Tekrour
tamn = Tamna 
tan = Tanzanie
tang = Tanganyika 
tann = Touva
tann_c = Tannou-Touva
tara = Royaume tarasque
tata = Tatarstan
tath = Tatars
tau = Taungû
tech = Culture de Teuchitlan
tee = Îlam tamoul
tenn = Tennessee
ter = Sultanat de Ternate
teut = État monastique des chevaliers teutoniques
tex = Texas
tg = Tianjin
th = Landgraviat de Thuringe
tha = Thaïlande
tha2 = Thaïlande
thar = Tahirides
thcc = Colonie du Connecticut
thcca = Province de Caroline
thcd = Colonie du Delaware
thcg = Province de Géorgie
thcm = Province du Maryland
thcmb = Province de la baie du Massachusetts
thcnh = Province du New Hampshire
thcnj = Province du New Jersey
thcny = Province de New York
thcpe = Province de Pennsylvanie
thcri = Colonie de Rhode Island et des plantations de Providence
thcv = Colonie de Virginie
theb = Thèbes 
thh = Culture de Thulé
thir_m = Treize colonies
thor = Théodoros
thur = Thuringe
tib = Tibet
tib2 = Empire du Tibet
tii = Taïnos
tim = Empire timouride
timb = Tombouctou
tir = Tayronas
tirh = Mithila
tiwa = Tiwanaku
tlap = Tlapanèques
tlem = Royaume zianide de Tlemcen
tli = Tlingits
toca = Tocantins
tog = Togo
togf = Togo français
togo = Togoland
tok = Tokelau
toku = Shogunat Tokugawa
tokuw = Clan Tokugawa
tolt = Toltèques
ton = Tonga
tond = Tondo 
tonm = Empire Tuʻi Tonga
ton_m = Tonga
tooo = Dynastie Taungû
toto = Totonaques
tou = Toulouse
tr = Tayronas
tra = Transnistrie 
tran = Transkei
trans = Transoxiane
trass = Transylvanie 
tra_c = Transnistrie 
tre = Trente
treb = Empire de Trébizonde
trie = Trèves
trip = Régence de Tripoli
trk = Turkménistan
trk_c = République socialiste soviétique du Turkménistan
troy = Troie
trq = République sud-africaine 
trr = Comté de Tripoli
trra = Thessalonique
trre = Territoire libre de Trieste
trrr = Tripoli 
try = Trinité-et-Tobago
tsa = Ü-Tsang
tsou = Tsou
tuc = Îles Turques-et-Caïques
tugg = Sultanat de Touggourt
tukk = Turkestan
tumb = Tumbuka 
tun = Tunisie
tung = Toungouses
tupi = Tupinamba
tuq = Tupiniquim
tur = Turquie
turr = Khaganat turc
tur_m = Empire ottoman
tusc = Toscane
tuts = Tutsis
tuv = Tuvalu
tver = Tver
tyr = Comte de Tyrone
tyro = Comté de Tyrol
tyrol = Tyrol
uae = Émirats arabes unis
uae_m = Émirats arabes unis
uara = République arabe unie
ubl = États belgiques unis
udmm = Oudmourtie
uesu = Clan Uesugi
uga = Ouganda
ukr = Ukraine
ukr_c = République socialiste soviétique d'Ukraine
ulm = Ulm
umayy = Omeyyades
unba = Duché balte uni
uni = Royaume-Uni
uni2 = Grande-Bretagne 
uni_m = Royaume-Uni
unnn = Organisation des Nations unies
unpp = Fédération des planètes unies
ura = Urartu
urb = Duché d'Urbino
urg = Comté d'Urgell
uru = Uruguay
usa = États-Unis
uso = Océanie
usu = Union 
utah = Utah
utr = Utrecht
uyg = Ouïghours
uygh = Turkestan oriental
uzb = Ouzbékistan
uzb_c = République socialiste soviétique d'Ouzbékistan
valk = Valence
van = Vanuatu
vand = Royaume vandale
vat = Vatican
veca = Candie
vedi = Vénètes de la Vistule
vele = Vélètes
velp = Vice-royauté du Pérou
ven = Venezuela
vend = Venda
venr = Troisième République 
veo = Vérone
veps = Vepses
ver = République de Venise
verm = Vermont
vie = Viêt Nam
vien = Vientiane
vies = Viêt Nam
vija = Vijayanagara
virg = Virginie 
viru = Virú
visi = Wisigoths
vlad = Vladimir-Souzdal
vndd = Vandales
vnn = Votadini
volg = Khanat bulgare de la Volga
waf = Wallis-et-Futuna
wal = Pays de Galles
wala = Valachie 
walh = Valachie 
wall = ALL
waq = Huancas
warr = Warsangali
wars = Varsovie
wasc = Vasconie
wash = Washington 
wazz = Waziristan
weff = République de Floride occidentale
wefr = Francie occidentale
weid = Wei
weir = République de Weimar
weis = Wei 
well = Welaytas
wepp = Westphalie
wes = République arabe sahraouie démocratique
wess = Wessex
wesv = Virginie-Occidentale
wfr = Royaumes francs
wic = Wichí
wich = Wichitas
wiek = Évêché d'Ösel-Wiek
wife = Fédération des Indes occidentales
wisc = Wisconsin
worm = Worms
wudd = Wu
wurt = Wurtemberg
wurz = Wurtzbourg
wuus = Wu 
wuyu = Wuyue
wwee = Dynastie Wei de l'Ouest
wwei = Wei 
wyom = Wyoming
xia = Dynastie Xia
xib = Clique des Ma
xij = Xinjiang
xind = Dynastie Xin
xion = Xiongnu
xixi = Dynastie des Xia occidentaux
yac = Yucatán
yaka = Yaka 
yama = Clan Yamana
yans = Yan
yao = Yao 
yar = Iaroslavl
yark = Xian de Yarkand
yate = Yatenga
ych = Chongqing
yem = Yémen
yem_m = Royaume mutawakkilite du Yémen
yeni = Ienisseï kirghize
yog = Yugurs
yong = Yolngu
yuan = Dynastie Yuan
yucl = Clique du Yunnan
yues = Yue 
yugo = Yougoslavie
yugo_c = République fédérative socialiste de Yougoslavie
yup = Yupiks
yuu = Yunnan
zagg = Zagwés
zam = Zambie
zand = Dynastie Zand
zan_m = Zanzibar 
zaph = Zaporijia
zee = Comté de Zélande
zeng = Zengides
zhao = Zhao
zhh = Zheng
zhon = Zhongshan 
zhos = Zhou postérieurs
zhou = Dynastie Zhou
zhuu = Dynastie Zhou du Nord
zim = Zimbabwe
zqq = Zhejiang
zulu = Zoulous

aden = Aden
adrr = Ardabil
anh = Saxe-Anhalt
bew = Russie blanche
bttu = Butuan
bukd = Bucovine
cai = CAI
cao = Cao 
cebu = Cebu 
clan = Famille de Bourg
corn = Cornouailles
cq = Cara
dais = Dai
dang = Dongola
ef = Frise orientale
fars = FARS
gr = GE
grcr = Croatie
grov = Groningue 
hena = Henan
hens = Hengshan
jai = Jaisalmer
jhh = Jharkhand
jiu = Jiujiang
joho = Johor
kaff = Kaffa 
kakh = Kakhétie
kama = Kamarupa
kano = Kano 
kart = Karthli
kedd = Kedah
kohh = Koch
lebb = Liban
lia = Péninsule du Liaodong
lian = Liang
ligg = Nakhon Si Thammarat
lin = Linjiang 
maje = Majeerteen
mayp = Mayapan
meca = La Mecque
medi = Médine
min = Mingrélie
moga = Mogadiscio
mrau = Mrauk U
muda = Madurai
mult = Multan
muro = Mourom
nass = Nassau
nejd = Nejd
nur = Nuremberg
oma2 = Oman
ori = Odisha
ork = Orcades
ovrr = Overijssel
pong = Pong
sais = Sai
sard = Sardaigne
shew = Choa
sind = Sind
slig = Sligo
sono = Sonora
swi2 = Suisse
thom = Comté de Thomond
tiwi = Tiwi
tlax = Tlaxcala 
tonn = Tondo 
trri = Tripura
uls = Ulster
wa = WA
wuw = Weihai
yere = Yeren
yin = Yin 
yons = Yong 
zho = Dynastie Zhou
zim_m = Zimbabwe

aes = Aesti
aho = Ahom
alb3 = Royaume d'Albanie
amyy = Emirat d'Arménie
andh = Andhra
anti = Confédération antillaise
arak = Arakan
arts = Artsakh
avv = Avaria
baar = Arménie bagratide
bage = Bagelkhand
bang = Grand Bangladesh
batu = Butua
bga = Baglana
bono = Bonoman
brak = Royaume du Brésil
buha = Buha
bukh = Ouzbek
cacc = Kachar
ccc = Changshan
chav = Chavda
chhh = Charca
chim = Chimor
coco = Cocomes
comm = Commagene
dagb = Dagbon
damo = Damot
daws = Dawasir
dhun = Dhundhar
dwar = Dawaro
fadl = Fadl
gaud = Royaume Gauda
haas = Haasa
haix = Haixi
hhad = Hadoti
icq = Ichma
jang = Jangladesh
jau = Jaunpur
jian = Jianzhou
ka = Karagwe
kabu = Kaboulistan
kada = Kadambas
kadb = Kadamba
kalh = Kalachuri
kard = Kara Del
kaze = Kazembe
kihh = Kitabatake
konk = Konkana
krq = Kara Del
kven = Kvenland
lll = Liga Federal
lubi = Lendians
madj = Madja-as
madu = Madurai Nayak
mady = Madyas
mait = Maitraka
mau_m = Emirat de Trarza
medd = Medri Bahri
meha = Marehan
mewt = Mewat
more = Morée
mori = Mori
mth = Mthwakazi
mup = Muang Phuan
muur = Murri
nask = Naskapi
odo = Odoyev
osq = Osraige
oudh = Oudh
paci = Union pacifique
paha = Royaume Pahang
plsw = Union polono-suédoise
prro = Royaume Prome
push = Pushyabhuti
radd = Reddy
ratt = Rattanakosin
rewk = Rewa Kantha
rsss = Rassides
sady = Sadiya
samo = Samo's Empire
sane = San Escobar
sikk = Royaume de Singapura
ss = Sur Empire
sut = Sutiya
tavs = Tavastians
tgg = République tagalog
tyrc = Tyrconnell
verd = Verden
vvn = Venad
wang = Wangai
wari = Empire wari
waur = Waura
xiut = Xiu
yamm = Yamatji
yud = Yadava
zan = Zanzibar
zapo = Zapotèque
zhai = Zhai
zuzz = Zazzau

kano = Kano
kane = Kanem

taii = Royaume céleste de la Grande Paix
chss = République soviétique chinoise
estt = République du Turkestan oriental
monn = Mongolie
inne = République populaire de Mongolie-Intérieure
khwa = Khwarezm
chan = Chandela
prat = Pratihara
chav = Chavda
chal = Chalukya
kada = Kadambas
palv = Pallava
kala = Kalabhra
kama = Kamarupa
hars = Harsha
chee = Chera
kadb = Kadamba
oran = Oranje
kia = Baie de Jiaozhou
wuw = Weihaiwei
honb = Hong Kong britannique
map = Macao portugais
kak = Kakouyides
cisi = Républqieu cisalpine
kids = Saltukides
hisn = Hisn Kayfa
pary = Pereïaslavl
vlad = Vladimir
muro = Mourom
mord = Mordves
marh = Maragheh
divi = Divrigi
nax = Naxos
mzab = Mzab
tugg = Touggourt
shas = Shah-Armens
mosl = Mossoul
bit = Bitlis
fral = Algérie
dulk = Dulkadir
dje = Jérid
prov = Provence
maso = Masovie
riga = Riga
wurz = Würzburg
nejd = Nejd
dilm = Dilmun
sheb = Sheba
rag = Raguse
salz = Salzbourg
ram = Ramazan
st = Styrie
kanr = Kangra
jang = Jangladesh
khht = Kâthiâwar
nag = Nagaur
dhun = Dhundhar
mewt = Mewat
chnd = Chanda
bass = Bastar
gond = Gondwana
bage = Bagelkhand
bga = Baglana
malw = Malwa
gwal = Gwalior
bunh = Bundelkhand
hhad = Hadoti
rewk = Rewa Kantha
khya = Khandesh
ggue = Guge
ladh = Ladakh
kohh = Koch
sady = Sadiya
mong = Mong Yang
cacc = Kachar
trri = Tripura
buki = Bukidnon
kitr = Kitara
svea = Svealand
tuts = Tutsi
semm = Seminole
yup = Yupik
tung = Toungouse
nene = Nénètse
nga = Nganassane
selk = Selkoupe
mans = Mansi
khq = Khanty
koq = Komi
nuba = Nuba
abbr = République islamique arabe
anti = Confédération antillaise
sijl = Sijilmassa
sanh = Sanhadja
barh = Barghawata
anju = Anjou
qar = Qarmates
neng = Nouvelle-Angleterre

zee = Zeeland
ovrr = Overijssel
grov = Groningen
frkk = Francs
gila = Guilan
kita = Italie

nany = Nanyue
gory = Goryeo
bues = Buenos Aires
plcr = Commonwealth polono-lituanien-ruthène

dehe = Deheubarth
alot = Tunisie ottomane
benv = Bénévent
sori = Sorbie
lubi = Lendians

iber = Union ibérique
nors = Empire anglo-scandinave
cals = République de Basse-Californie

thcnh = Province du New Hampshire
thcmb = Province de la baie du Massachusetts
thcri = Colonie de Rhode Island et des plantations de Providence
thcc = Colonie du Connecticut
thcny = Province de New York
thcnj = Province du New Jersey
thcpe = Province de Pennsylvanie
thcd = Colonie du Delaware
thcm = Province du Maryland
thcv = Colonie de Virginie
thcca = Province de Caroline
thcg = Province de Géorgie

arun = Provinces-Unies du Rio de la Plata
cm = Couto Misto
ork = Orcades
plsr = Empire balte
plsw = Union polono-suédoise
brsw = Empire anglo-suédois

sea = Sealand
libe = Liberland
anta = Antarctique

kek = Kekistan
sane = San Escobar
auhh = Australie-Hongrie
grcr = Croatie
paci = Union pacifique
unnn = Nations unies

band = Bandiaterra
vejs = Vajsnoryja
arzt = Arstotzka
deus = Deus vult
peee = Petoria
unpp = Fédération unie des Planètes
three = Trois-Empires
uso = Etats-Unis d'Océanie
emu = Emeu
aoc = Age of Civilizations
ikea = Ikea britannique

gaet = Gétules
gara = Garamantes
blem = Blemmyes
ntea = Nabatéens
jeu = Judée
osro = Osroène
adi = Adiabène
atro = Atropatène
gethh = Gerrha
muus = Muscat
thah = Thamud
qata = Qataban
ay = Ay
chut = Chutu
kou = Kongu
kalr = Kalinga
daks = Dakshina
suh = Suhma
samta = Samatata
kanj = Kangju
wusu = Wusun
wstr = Kshaharatas
inpp = Royaume indo-parthe
zhan = Zhangzhung
liq = Limbuwan
vajj = Vajji
gaq = Garha
dasar = Dasarna
padq = Padmavati
kosam = Kosambi
panch = Panchala
kaq = Kathmandu
kuq = Kuninda
nosa = Satrapes du Nord
yaud = Yaudheya
arq = Arjunayanas
thato = Thaton
pyu = Pyu
lawa = Lawa
mn = Mon
shhu = Sa Huynh
qia = Qiang
shans = Shanshan
shul = Shule
kuqq = Kucha
karas = Karasahr
dbuy = Dongbuyeo
nakok = Nakoku
hayat = Hayato
kibi = Kibi
izum = Izumo
yamat = Yamato
shima = Emishi
langa = Langkasuka
kanto = Kantoli

thq = Thessalie
thaq = Thrace
phq = Paphlagonie
phy = Phrygie
lyq = Lydie
ioq = Ionie
luq = Lycie

jaen = Jaén
reda = Rédanie

laon = Laon
reim = Reims
psai = Saint-Pol
arto = Artois
camra = Cambrai
fmaq = Maine
stvq = Stavelot
qmet = Metz
verq = Verdun
tolq = Toul
lanr3 = Langres
besa3 = Besançon
base3 = Basel
rupp3 = Ruppin
star3 = Stargard
wolg3 = Wolgast
pinn3 = Pinneberg
sall3 = Saluzzo
mass3 = Masserano
frei3 = Freising
kemp3 = Kempten
lube3 = Lübeck
neuh3 = Neuchatel
zuri3 = Zurich
lanh3 = Landshut
pasc3 = Passau
scht3 = Schauenburg
rosq3 = Regensburg
einh3 = Eichstätt
inglo3 = Ingolstadt
chur3 = Chur
vadu3 = Vaduz
togg3 = Toggenburger
gall3 = Saint-Gall
kons3 = Konstanz
furs3 = Furstenberg
breg3 = Bregenz
berh3 = Berchtesgaden
bamb3 = Bamberg
brix3 = Brixen
linz3 = Gorizia
cill3 = Cilli
rijj3 = Rijeka
gruy3 = Greyerz
ten3 = Ligue des dix juridictions
bibe3 = Biberach
luxx3 = Luxeuil
hohe3 = Hohenzollern
rott3 = Rottweil
offe3 = Offenburg
helq3 = Heilbronn
spex3 = Speyer
katz3 = Katzenelnbogen
full3 = Fulda
wald3 = Waldeck
lipp3 = Lippe
prum3 = Prüm
pald3 = Paderborn
wetz3 = Wetzlar
sayn3 = Sayn
beyr3 = Bayreuth
schw3 = Schwarzburg
hana3 = Hanau
rutx3 = Rothenburg
helf3 = Helfenstein
norx3 = Nördlingen
hene3 = Henneberg
ellw3 = Ellwangen
hoya3 = Hoya
bent3 = Bentheim
teck3 = Tecklenburg
osna3 = Osnabrück
diep3 = Diepholz
plau3 = Plauen
hill3 = Hildesheim
hal3 = Halberstadt
buff3 = Wolfenbuttel
esse3 = Essen
dort3 = Dortmund
cell3 = Calenberg
mind3 = Minden
mans3 = Mansfeld
gott3 = Goettingen
masx3 = Massa
bolo3 = Bologna
foe3 = Faenza
imol3 = Imola
perg3 = Perugia
anc3 = Ancona
cese3 = Cesena
orvi3 = Orvieto
camx3 = Camerino
gazr3 = Gazaria
samo3 = Samogitia
gali3 = Galich
stol3 = Stolp
camm3 = Cammin
stet3 = Stettin
glog3 = Glogau
legn3 = Legnica
opol3 = Opole
oppa3 = Opava
nysa3 = Nysa
brze3 = Brzeg
raci3 = Racibórz
oswi3 = Oświęcim
cies3 = Cieszyn
oles3 = Oleśnica
herz3 = Herzegovina
bafr3 = Bafra
debo3 = Clandeboye
ferm3 = Fermanagh
mayo3 = Mayo
ormo3 = Ormond
laig3 = Laighin
wex3 = Wexford
offa3 = Offaly
bref3 = Breffny
meat3 = Meath
ala3 = Alaiye
kili3 = Kilis
negr3 = Negroponte
shek3 = Sheki
luri3 = Luristan
ajam3 = Ajam
maza3 = Mazandaran
yas3 = Yas
mikh3 = Mikhlaf
rimm3 = Rimini
mun3 = Munich
sirh3 = Sirhind
call3 = Calicut
kola3 = Kolathunadu
tela3 = Telangana
jha3 = Jhalavad
jey3 = Jeypore
parl3 = Parlakhimidi
kalh3 = Kalahandi
rata3 = Ratanpur
patn3 = Patna
garj3 = Garjat
keon3 = Keonhjar
bish3 = Bishnupur
kaln3 = Kalinjar
kalp3 = Kalpi
ida3 = Idar
pali3 = Palitana
juna3 = Junagarh
pord3 = Porbandar
sirm3 = Sirmur
kuma3 = Kumaon
doti3 = Doti
juml3 = Jumla
dang3 = Dang
gork3 = Gorkha
prom3 = Prome
mong3 = Mong Pai
nai3 = Mong Nai
kwa3 = Mong Kawng
mao3 = Mong Mao
mit3 = Mong Mit
keng3 = Kengtung
sips3 = Sipsong Panna
jara3 = Jarai
rhad3 = Rhade
mnon3 = Mnong
yawn3 = Yawnghwe
kela3 = Kelantan
deli = Deli
baru3 = Barus
indr3 = Indrapura
pale3 = Palembang
blam3 = Blambangan
samb3 = Sambas
bajj3 = Banjar
berr3 = Berau
jamb3 = Jambi
suka3 = Sukadana
sing3 = Sintang
galu3 = Galuh
bima3 = Bima
sumb3 = Sumbawa
bali3 = Bali
kale3 = Kale
mara3 = Marrakesh
sus3 = Sus
debd3 = Debdou
ourg3 = Ouargla
ghad3 = Ghadames
trip3 = Tripolitania
lagh3 = Laghouat
kasa3 = Kasa
kiang3 = Kiang
sank3 = Sankola
bal3 = Balanta
biaf3 = Biafada
land3 = Landuma
baga3 = Baga
limb3 = Limba
bul3 = Bullom
vai3 = Vai
kon3 = Kono
kisi3 = Kissi
kru3 = Kru
gola3 = Gola
sen3 = Senufo
bwa3 = Bwa
guru3 = Gurunsi
bono3 = Bono
gyam3 = Gyaman
guan3 = Guan
dong3 = Dogon
beng3 = Benga
dago3 = Dagbamba
mamp3 = Mamprusi
noun3 = Noungu
waga3 = Wagadugu
borg3 = Borgu
nupe3 = Nupe
gwar = Gwari
yaur3 = Yauri
zamf3 = Zamfara
air3 = Air
kebb3 = Kebbi
atar3 = Kel Ataram
ketu3 = Ketu
ijeb3 = Ijebu
iban3 = Ibani
igbo3 = Igbo
idom3 = Idoma
koro3 = Kororofa
afo3 = Afo
diaf3 = Diafanu
koto3 = Kotoko
bagu3 = Bagirmi
wada3 = Wadai
zagh3 = Zaghawa
tunj3 = Tunjur
maso3 = Masalit
tama3 = Tama
neur3 = Nuer
fazu3 = Fazughli
funj3 = Funj
daju3 = Daju
suku3 = Sukuma
wang3 = Wanga
nkor3 = Nkore
alur3 = Alur
orm3 = Orma
ngo3 = Ngoyo
kako3 = Kakongo
begg3 = Benguela
holo3 = Holo
songo3 = Songo
kiko3 = Kikondja
nyak3 = Ngonde
bemb3 = Bemba
ogad3 = Ogaden
bare3 = Barento
enna3 = Ennarea
shina3 = Shinasha
gabr3 = Gabra
orom3 = Oromo
bora3 = Borana
luuq = Luuq
ango3 = Angoche
quel3 = Quelimane
ndau3 = Ndau
vend3 = Venda
ahag3 = Kel Ahaggar

achor = Chorotega
acuzz = Cuzcatlan
artii = Chorti
alenc = Lenca
akaqq = Kaqchikel
chlap = Chlapanec
tzotz = Tzotzil
chact = Chactemal
pechq = Can Pech
yokot = Yokotan
mixee = Mixe
tutut = Tututepec
coixx = Coixtlahuaca
teott = Teotitlan
otomi = Otomi
guach = Guachichil
zacat = Zacatec
guama = Guamar
caxca = Caxcan
xalis = Xalisco
tonal = Tonala
matla = Matlatznica
tarah = Tarahumara
yaqui = Yaqui
opata = Opata
tongva = Tongva
chuma = Chumash
yakut = Yakuts
stolo = Stolo
hopii = Hopi
zunii = Zuni
acoma = Acoma
ziaaa = Zia
islel = Islela
keres = Keres
ohkay = Ohkay Owingeh
taoss = Taos
mesca = Mescalero
lipan = Lipan
hasll = Haslnal
nathi = Natchitoches
natche = Natchez
anico = Anico
casqu = Casqui
quiss = Quisquis
pomoo = Pomo
atahh = Atahachi
kasih = Kasihta
cowot = Cowota
coosa = Coosa
satap = Satapo
etowa = Etowah
altam = Altamaha
chiss = Ichisi
cataw = Catawba
chiah = Chiaha
chisc = Chisca
hatha = Hathawekela
kispo = Kispoko
chala = Chalaghawtha
joara = Joara
cofit = Cofitachequi
watee = Wateree
abihh = Abihka
tuscc = Tuscarora
pacah = Pacahe
kaska = Kaskaskia
peori = Peoria
oneot = Oneota
wihiy = Wichiyena
lakot = Lakota
assss = Assiniboine
foxxx = Fox
nanti = Nanticoko
pisca = Piscataway
unami = Unami
munse = Munsee
scahe = Scahento
takoo = Takoulgue
kettt = Kentaientonga
eriee = Erie
masww = Massawomeck
wenro = Wenro
senec = Seneca
cayug = Cayuga
ononn = Onondaga
oneid = Oneida
mohaw = Mohawk
penna = Pennacook
nipmu = Nipmuc
wampp = Wampanoag
sokok = Sokoki
oshee = Osheaga
algoo = Algonquin
stada = Stadacona
ilnu = Ilnu
peenn = Penobscot
malss = Maliseet
passs = Passamaquoddy
mikqq = Mikmaq
innu = Innu
attaq = Attawandaron
tahaq = Tahontaenrat
tiono = Tionontati
ottaq = Ottawa
missq = Mississaugas
arenq = Arendaronon
chipq = Chipewyan
nakot = Nakota
nehiy = Nehiyaw
flatq = Flathead
beavq = Beaver
dechq = Deh Cho
sahtq = Sahtu
denai = Denaina
zenuq = Zenu
tairo = Tairona
wayuu = Wayuu
timot = Timoto
tunda = Tundama
guanq = Guanae
quimq = Quimbaya
piyao = Piyao
yalco = Yalcon
nasaq = Nasa
mantq = Manta
canar = Canari
jiva = Jivaro
huanc = Huancabamba
talll = Tallan
chimu = Chimu
huyla = Huyla
huanu = Huanuc
yauyo = Yauyo
chinq = Chincha
canchi = Canchi
chiri = Chiribaya
canaq = Cana
colla = Colla
lupac = Lupaca
soraq = Sora
chui = Chui
carac = Caracara
quill = Quillaca
caman = Camanchaco
kunza = Kunza
chich = Chicha
chane = Chane
braca = Bracamoros
ashaq = Ashaninka
guay = Guaycuru
chang = Chango
diag = Diaguita
pinc = Pincunche
genn = Gennaken
huil = Huiliche
cunco = Cunco
puel = Puelche
eyg = Eyiguayegui
paya = Payagua
chirq = Chiriguano
guai = Guaianases
tamai = Tamoio
temi = Temimino
goic = Goicataz
aimo = Aimore
caete = Caete
taraq = Tarariu
carir = Cariri
treme = Tremembe
manao = Manao
chunn = Chuncho
omag = Omagua
shaa3 = Schaumburg-Lippe
weim3 = Saxe-Weimar
sax3 = Saxe-Meiningen
bru3 = Brunswick
hess3 = Hesse-Kassel
ion3 = Iles ioniennes
haunu = Huanuco

sok_h = Horse Korea
bra_m2 = Bra Zil
spa_m2 = Spa In
jor_m2 = Jordan
fyr_m2 = Mc Edonia
ind_m2 = Indo Nesia
ger_m2 = Ger Money
zim_m2 = Zombie Bwe
nez_m2 = Old Zeland

rio3 = République Riograndense

vite3 = Vitebsk
mins3 = Minsk
podo3 = Podolia
erm3 = Ermland
plo3 = Plock

okara3 = Karasides
otto3 = Ottomans
osuta3 = Sutayides
oartu3 = Artukides
oahis3 = Ahiler
oteke3 = Teke
ohami3 = Hamidides
olad3 = Ladik
okuba3 = Kubadides
ohaci3 = Haciemirides
otadj3 = Tadjeddinides
osal3 = Salone
oarg3 = Argos

gla3 = Glastening
badd3 = Baddan
gwi3 = Gwintguic
rig3 = Suth Rig
sex3 = Middlesex
sfolk3 = South Folk
nfolk3 = North Folk
cele3 = Celemion
chil3 = Chiltern
cyn3 = Cynwidion
hers3 = Herstingas
spal3 = Spaldingas
unda3 = Undalum
icli3 = Iclingas
lind3 = Lindsey
ceri3 = Ceri
sang3 = Angles du Sud
caer3 = Caer Gloui
ergy3 = Ergyng
glyw3 = Glywysing
bryh3 = Brycheiniog
yst3 = Ystrad Tywi
seis3 = Seisyllwg
dogf3 = Dogfeiling
nrhe3 = Rheged du Nord
peak = Peak
elme3 = Elmet
deir3 = Deira
duno3 = Dunoting
ebra3 = Ebrauc
bryn3 = Bryneich
godd3 = Gododdin
ocae3 = Caer Guendoleu
galw3 = Galwyddel
ys3 = Ystrad Clud
fib3 = Fib
cirr3 = Circinn
ce3 = Ce
fotl3 = Fotla
fiat3 = Dal Fiatach
fort3 = Fortriu
fida3 = Fidach
cait3 = Caithness
eang3 = Est-Anglie
hwi3 = Hwicce
glam3 = Glamorgan
bue3 = Buellt
dunb3 = Dunbar
csha3 = Shanyue
jing3 = Jing
zho3 = Zhong
xu3 = Xu
ji3 = Ji
you3 = You
wuh3 = Wuhuan
sxia3 = Xiongnu du Sud
di3 = Di

syra3 = Syracusae
sic2 = Siculia
cala3 = Calactea
brut3 = Bruttia
luca3 = Lucania
apu3 = Apulia
mess3 = Messapia
bada3 = Badajoz
tole3 = Toledo
tole2 = Toledo
zara3 = Zaragoza
empu3 = Empuries
cer3 = Cerdanya
palr3 = Pallars
torr3 = Tortosa
denn3 = Denia
vale3 = Valencia
alpu3 = Alpuente
albb3 = Albarracin
murr3 = Murcia
alme3 = Almeria
cord3 = Cordoba
corm3 = Carmona
sevi3 = Seville
mala3 = Malaga
alge3 = Algeciras
silv3 = Silves
malo3 = Małopolska
pome3 = Pomorze
wro3 = Wrocław
cra_m2 = Kraków
wiel3 = Wielkopolska
kuj3 = Kujawia
kali3 = Kalisz
belz = Belz
piom3 = Piombino
kiel = Kiel
bern = Bern
luze = Luzern
thar3 = Thurgau
vala3 = Valais
schw = Schwyz
uri3 = Uri
glar3 = Glarus
sff3 = Schaffhausen
app3 = Appenzell
frib3 = Fribourg
gris3 = Grischa
zehn3 = Zehngerichten
ebe3 = Eberstein
enel3 = Engelberg
wad3 = Waldburg
arl3 = Arles
zug3 = Zug
colm3 = Colmar
str3 = Strassburg
lich3 = Lichtenberg
bre3 = Bregenz
wan3 = Wangen
bur3 = Burgau
ira_m2 = Perse
hakk = Hakkari
elis3 = Elisu
alan3 = Alania
kab3 = Kabardia
aba3 = Abazins
yer3 = Yegeruqwai
hatu3 = Hatuqwai
abz3 = Abzakh
nata3 = Natukhai
shap3 = Shapsug
jiqq = Jiqeti
gur3 = Guria
lezg3 = Lezgin
durr3 = Durdzuketia
sims = Simsir
ouj = Oujda
slas2 = Las Californias
snki2 = Nouveau Royaume de Leon
snsa2 = Nouveau-Santander
sbis2 = Nouvelle-Biscay
smex2 = Nouveau-Mexique
sext2 = Nouvelle-Estrémadure
sgal2 = Nouvelle-Galice
sgua2 = Guatemala
ssan2 = Santiago
slou2 = Louisiana
sflo2 = Florida
scub2 = Cuba
spor2 = Puerto Rico
sdom2 = Santo Domingo
sphi2 = Philippines
sper2 = Pérou
schi2 = Chili
sgre2 = Nouvelle-Grenade
sven2 = Venezuela
srio2 = Rio de la Plata
pbra2 = Brésil
lana2 = Lanao
yuc2 = Yucatan
sfe2 = Santa Fe
squ2 = Quito
sli2 = Lima
scu2 = Cusco
scha2 = Charcas
sbe2 = Buenos Aires
tonk2 = Tonkin
anna2 = Annam
golk3 = Golkonda
bij2 = Bijapur
kel2 = Keladi
tan2 = Tanjore
ahme2 = Ahmednagar
hadr2 = Hadramut
ajuu2 = Ajuuraan
oga2 = Ogaadeen
fulo2 = Fulo
assa2 = Assam
mak2 = Makwanpur
hab2 = Habsan
ging2 = Gingee
per2 = Perak
xibe2 = Xibe
nan2 = Nanai
niv2 = Nivkh
oro2 = Orochoni
chav3 = Chavchuveny
kho3 = Khodynt
solo2 = Solon
ike2 = Ikeda
jan2 = Janjiro
pate2 = Pate
fada2 = Fada N'gourma
mac2 = Macina
ango2 = Angola
moza2 = Mozambique
cey2 = Ceylan
pmal2 = Malacca
lund2 = Lundu
ptim2 = Timor
pgol2 = Côte d'Or
gui2 = Guyana
tun2 = Tunisie
moro2 = Maroc
gui3 = Guinea
ivo3 = Côte d'Ivoire
daho3 = Dahomey
afra = Afrique occidentale française
mau3 = Mauritanie
nig3 = Niger
seg3 = Senegal
upp = Haute-Volta
togo3 = Togoland
nigr3 = Nigeria
nige3 = Nigeria
gam3 = Gambie
gam2 = Gambie
cha2 = Tchad
uba2 = Ubangi-Shari
con2 = Congo
gab2 = Gabon
cam2 = Cameroun
sao2 = São Tomé and Príncipe
mad2 = Madagascar
soma2 = Somaliland
dji2 = Djibouti
ad2 = Aden
banc2 = Bencoolen
eflo = Floride orientale
res2 = Réserve indienne
jami2 = Jamaïque
thn2 = Caroline du Nord
th2 = Territoire du Nord-Ouest
qub2 = Québec
rupe3 = Terre de Rupert
thss2 = Caroline du Sud
thf2 = Floride
asha2 = Ashanti
basu2 = Basutoland
borr2 = Borneo
eaf2 = Afrique orientale
guu2 = Guiana
hond2 = Honduras
lee2 = Îles-sous-le-Vent
tsom2 = Somaliland
twes2 = Territoires du Pacifique occidental
twind = Îles du Vent
tcey = Ceylon
tcyp = Chypre
tass = Assam
tbeng = Bengale
tbom = Bombay
tbur = Birmanie
tcen = Provinces centrales et Berar
tmad = Madras
tpun = Punjab
tajm = Ajmer-Merwara
tbal = Balochistan
tcor = Coorg
tmac = Îles Heard-et-MacDonald
tken = Kenya
tmal = Malte
tpal = Palestine
ttra = Transjordanie
tmau = Maurice
tmus = Mascate et Oman
trho = Rhodésie du Nord
tsor = Rhodésie du Sud
tsie = Sierra Leone
tsin = Singapour
tuga = Ouganda
pgui = Guinée
tbuch = Bechuanaland
isom = Somaliland
ieri = Érythrée
ilib = Libye
stru = États de la Trêve 
basr = Basra
tawa = Awadh
tbik = Bikaner
tija = Jaipur
tjod = Jodhpur
tbar = Baroda
tku = Kutch
tind = Indore
tbho = Bhopal
tnag = Nagpur
trra = Travancore
eis2 = Saxe-Eisenach
cob2 = Saxe-Coburg
sur2 = Surguja
sam2 = Sambalpur
nam2 = Namur
lut2 = Luticia
nord2 = Nordgau
spol2 = Spoleto
kip2 = Kipchak
har2 = Harran
shab2 = Shabankara
ker2 = Kerman
ghor = Ghor
ajme3 = Ajmer
khu2 = Khuttal
gil2 = Gilgit
teli2 = Telingana
tosh2 = Toshala
ruh2 = Ruhuna
toma2 = Tomar
pala2 = Pala
khas2 = Khasa
yar2 = Yarlung
duk2 = Duklja
pom2 = Pomerelia
ruge3 = Rugen
gnie = Gniezno
slil3 = Limburg
yotv = Yotvingia
fat3 = Fatimides
asir = Asir
tmur2 = Tmutarakan
iber2 = Iberia
ganj2 = Ganja
sari2 = Sarir
naga2 = Nagash
bazi2 = Bazin
belg2 = Belgin
jari2 = Jarin
harla = Harla
heis = Heis
boss2 = Bosaso
hafu2 = Hafun
gafs2 = Gafsa
logu2 = Logudoro
arb2 = Arborea
cag2 = Cagliari
mah2 = Mahdia
gabe2 = Gabes
ife2 = Ife
nri = Nri
rano = Rano
gobir = Gobir
dogo2 = Tenkodogo
tunn2 = Tunni
bada2 = Badakhshan
karl2 = Karluk
kime2 = Kimek
uig2 = Ouïghours
kere2 = Kéréits
derg2 = Derge
tson2 = Tsongkha
cham2 = Chamdo
hira2 = Hiran
yi2 = Yi
mu2 = Mu'ege
siz2 = Sizhou
kala2 = Kalay
jai2 = Jaintia
gour2 = Gour
hsi2 = Hsipaw
palu2 = Palaung
chia2 = Chiang Hung
tai2 = Tai Khao
bru2 = Bru
chan2 = Chanthaburi
sri2 = Sri Gotapura
kat2 = Katang
oy = Oy
koho2 = Koho
dhar2 = Dharmasraya
peu2 = Peureulak
lam2 = Lamuri
tanj2 = Tanjungpura
seli2 = Selimbau
tidu2 = Tidung
gur2 = Gourmantché
zand2 = Zandoma
alva2 = Alvakheda
bhur2 = Bhurishrestha
kosa3 = Dakshina Kosala
bozh3 = Bozhou
sizh3 = Sizhou
uuu = U
tsang = Tsang
lith2 = Lithang
yogi2 = Sarig Yogir
heis2 = Heishui Mohe
kiy2 = Kiyohara
jo2 = Jo
ii2 = Ii
sai2 = Saito
usu2 = Usuki
hara2 = Harada
tach2 = Tachibana
amis2 = Amis
atay2 = Atayal
midd2 = Middag
tja2 = Tjaquvuquvulj
shiw2 = Shiwei
kami2 = Kaminaljuyu
pure2 = Purepecha
jang2 = Janggala
vybo = Vyborg
nyla3 = Nyland
sata3 = Satakunda
savo3 = Savolax
oste3 = Ostrobothnia
rzhe3 = Rzhev
trub3 = Trubetsk
sev3 = Novgorod-Seversk
volh3 = Volhynia
dru3 = Druckas
sca2 = Scania
oste2 = Östergötland
rosk2 = Roskilde
rybe2 = Rybe
jell2 = Jelling
ebu2 = Éburons
rip2 = Francs Ripuaires
sax2 = Saxons
soi2 = Soissons
bisc2 = Biscaia
sal2 = Francs Saliens
berb2 = Berbères
getu2 = Getulia
odac2 = Odoacer
dalm2 = Dalmatia
east2 = Empire romain d'Orient
mai2 = Maiotai
lega2 = Legae
alan2 = Alains
bri2 = Britannia
dalr2 = Dalriada
haro2 = O'Hara
antr2 = Antrim
arma2 = Armagh
orie2 = Oriel
dub2 = Dublin
mea2 = Westmeath
eli2 = Eli
cork2 = Cork
bear2 = Beara
galw2 = Galway
kerr2 = Kerry
wate2 = Waterford
nper2 = Pérou du Nord
quic2 = Iquicha
sper3 = Pérou du Sud
teu3 = Tehuelche
ute2 = Ute
pan2 = Pannakwati
abs3 = Absaroka
sel3 = Selis
nimi3 = Nimiipuu
nisi3 = Niitsitapi
huds3 = Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson
bcol3 = Colombie Britannique
bupp3 = Haut-Canada
blow3 = Bas-Canada
rusa3 = Compagnie russe-américaine
stex3 = Texas
sind3 = Territoire indien
bbr3 = Nouveau-Brunswick
bsco3 = Nouvelle-Écosse
oua3 = Oualata
adag3 = Adagh
tuat3 = Tuat
cons3 = Constantine
ait3 = Ait Abbas
masc2 = Mascara
sahr3 = Sahrawi
sego3 = Segou
futa3 = Futa Toro
kaar3 = Kaarta
susu3 = Susu
futa2 = Futa Jallon
mand2 = Mandinka
kabb3 = Kabadougou
baul3 = Baule
anyi3 = Anyi
ewe3 = Ewe
bamu3 = Bamum
dual3 = Duala
sere3 = Serer
bund3 = Bundu
cayo3 = Cayor
kish3 = Kishi Zhuz
orta3 = Orta Zhuz
turr3 = Turkmenia
kala3 = Kalat
makr3 = Makran
bass3 = Basuto
namm3 = Nama
herr3 = Hereroland
tsww3 = Tswana
matt3 = Matabele
makk3 = Maseko
man3 = Manica
mahh3 = Mashona
baro3 = Barotse
ovim3 = Ovimbundu
hemb3 = Hemba
lega3 = Lega
mang3 = Mangbetu
azan3 = Azande
dar3 = Dar Fertit
darr3 = Dar al Kuti
fann3 = Fang
boba3 = Bobangi
dink3 = Dinka
topo3 = Toposa
tukk3 = Turkana
kikk3 = Kikuyu
isq3 = Isaaq
tigg3 = Tigray
azal3 = Azal
achh3 = Acholi
maai3 = Masai
gogo3 = Gogo
hehe3 = Hehe
nyam3 = Nyamwezi
sann3 = Sangu
gazz3 = Gaza
gell3 = Geledi
bagg3 = Bangala
wele3 = Welega
gojj3 = Gojjam
begr3 = Begemder
well3 = Wello
sidd3 = Sidamo
wati3 = Wati
bwal3 = Nouvelle-Galles du Sud
bsou3 = Australie-Méridoniale
kaur3 = Kaurna
awes3 = Australie occidentale
mirr3 = Mirning
noon3 = Noongar
tidd3 = Tidore
sula3 = Sulawesi
daii3 = Dai Nam
chhh3 = Chiang Mai
pont3 = Pontianak
sela3 = Selangor
tas3 = Tasmanie
ngai3 = Ngai Tahu
toa3 = Ngati Toa
tri3 = Tribus-unies
burr3 = Birmanie
sakh3 = Sakhaline
saha2 = Sahara

norb3 = Northumberland
lanc3 = Lancaster
wale3 = Wales
fore3 = Forez
bloi3 = Blois
monf3 = Montfort
fcom3 = Franche-Comté
loon3 = Loon
dobr3 = Dobrzyn
rawa3 = Rawa
padu3 = Padua
traka3 = Trakai
ingr3 = Ingria
kost3 = Kostroma
myr3 = Merya Mari
bolg3 = Bolgars
erzy3 = Erzyat
qas3 = Qasim
dorj3 = Dobruja
vid3 = Vidin
zeta3 = Zeta
sfax3 = Sfax
zuwr3 = Zuwarah
ouu3 = Ouarsenis
miti3 = Mitidja
dahr3 = Dahra
alee3 = Alexandrie
safi3 = Safi
teto3 = Tetouan
kebr3 = Kebir
idaj3 = Idaj
muzz3 = Mozaffarides
chup3 = Tchoupanides
jala3 = Djalayirides
cani3 = Canik
blue3 = Horde bleue
argy3 = Argyn
frr3 = Freiburg
mulh3 = Mulhouse
moks3 = Mokshet
tras2 = Trastamara
whi3 = Horde blanche
rash3 = Rasht
hera3 = Herat
asta2 = Astarabad
ferg3 = Ferghana
mogh2 = Moghulistan
biap3 = Biapas
tra3 = Astrakhan
sir3 = Sirpur
deo3 = Deogarh
soan3 = Sonargaon
carn3 = Carnatic
hka3 = Hkamti Long
shay2 = Shaybanid
guoz3 = Fang Guozhen
sung3 = Sung
zhu3 = Zhu Yuanzhang
liao3 = Liaoyang
mela3 = Melanau
saam3 = Sampit
riau3 = Riau
roka3 = Rokan
sib3 = Sibir
ning3 = Ning
min3 = Min
huai3 = Huai
chan3 = Changsheng
miao3 = Miao
asit = Empire austro-italien
list3 = Listenbourg

spir3 = Fédération du Grand Esprit
plai3 = Confédération des Plaines
keis3 = Kaiserreich
magy3 = Empire magyar
cary3 = Empire carpathe
aval3 = Empire avalonien
frak3 = Empire gallien
ots3 = Imperium Osmanica
slav3 = Empire slave
sarr3 = Empire des Sardines
pier3 = Rzeczpospolita Pierogowa
burg3 = Empire bourguignon
argg3 = Empire catalan
alpi3 = Empire alpin
adri3 = Empire adriatique
meko3 = Empire du Mekong
indo3 = Empire d'Indochine
cau3 = Empire caucasien
danu3 = Empire danubien
fish3 = Empire du Fish and Chips 
mone3 = Empire mongol
lech3 = Imperium Lechitów
nirr3 = Empire du Grand Niger
somi3 = Empire somali
red3 = Empire de la Mer rouge
jauu3 = Empire du Jaunpur
hind3 = Empire hindou
nand3 = Empire Nanda 
gaja3 = Empire Gajapati 
moor3 = Empire Moorish 
saku3 = Empire Sakura 
suns3 = Sunset Empire
eagl3 = Union de l'Aigle
amon3 = Impostoria
anda3 = Andalousie
rij3 = Empire de Rijekia
pelo3 = Ligue du Péloponnèse
soco3 = Socotra
rivi3 = Kingdom of Riviera
bbl3 = Ligue noire
calb3 = Calabrie
grea3 = Sphère de coprospérité de la Grande Asie orientale
pizz3 = Empire Pizza
pizz3_m2 = Morceau d'Italie
glux3 = Empire du Luxembourg
zapa3 = Zapadoslavia
prbr3 = Royaume-uni du Portugal, Brésil and des Algarves
gboh3 = Empire bohémien
leva3 = Empire du Levant
gmor3 = Grande Moravie
gkor3 = Corée
evil3 = Evil Scotland
gguy3 = Guyane-Unie
gmag3 = Fédération arabe du Maghreb
gsca3 = Scandinavie
hans3 = Ligue commerciale hanséatique
glat3 = Union d'Amérique latine
gbra3 = Sacro Imperio do Brasil
gleg = Union celtique
gang3 = Anglosphère
gatr3 = Reich autrichien
gase3 = Association des nations de l'Asie du Sud-Est
gbul3 = Tsarat de Bulgarie
gsg3 = Confédération d'Allemagne du Sud
goma3 = Empire d'Oman

sui2 = Suionie
teut2 = Teutonie
cher2 = Cheruscie
semn2 = Semnonie
salo2 = Saloia
scir2 = Skirie
vene2 = Venedie
sudi2 = Sudinoia
guth2 = Guthonie
leu2 = Leuonie
lemo2 = Lemovie
rau2 = Raumaricie
gal2 = Galindie
marc2 = Marcomanie
vari2 = Varinie
goth2 = Gothonie
fosi2 = Fosie
eudo2 = Eudosie
rugi2 = Rugie
dan2 = Danie
burg2 = Bourgogne
gra2 = Granie
aete2 = Aetelrugie
heru2 = Hérulie
angr2 = Angrivarie
cimb2 = Cimbrie
avio2 = Avionie
angl2 = Anglie
chau2 = Chaucie
lang2 = Longobardie
reud2 = Reudignie
lugi2 = Lugie
bast2 = Bastarnie
saar2 = Saaremaa
war2 = Warmie
savo2 = Savone
fina2 = Finale
oneg2 = Oneille
asti2 = Asti
usor2 = Usora
donji2 = Donji Kraji
orkn2 = Orcades
tain2 = Taino
wars2 = Pacte de Varsovie
nato2 = OTAN
bric2 = BRICS
tuar2 = Touareg
bedo2 = Bédouin

bama2 = Amazonas
bant2 = Antioquia
bara2 = Arauca
batl2 = Atlantico
bbog2 = Bogota
bbol2 = Bolivar
bboy2 = Boyaca
bcal2 = Caldas
bcaq2 = Caqueta
bcas2 = Casanare
bcau2 = Cauca
bces2 = Cesar
bcho2 = Choco
bcor2 = Cordoba
bcun2 = Cundinamarca
bgun2 = Guainia
bgua2 = Guaviare
bhul2 = Huila
bla2 = La Guajira
bmag2 = Magdalena
bmet2 = Meta
bnar2 = Narino
bnor2 = Norte de Santander
bput2 = Putumayo
bqu2 = Quindio
bris2 = Risaralda
band2 = Archipielago de San Andres
bsa2 = Santander
bsuc2 = Sucre
btol2 = Tolima
bvel2 = Valle del Cauca
bvau2 = Vaupes
bvic2 = Vichada
vama2 = Amazonas
vanz2 = Anzoategui
vapu2 = Apure
var2 = Aragua
vbar2 = Barinas
vbol2 = Bolivar
vcar2 = Carabobo
vcoj2 = Cojedes
vdel2 = Delta Amacuro
vfal2 = Falcon
vgu2 = Guarico
vgu3 = La Guaira
vlar2 = Lara
vmer2 = Merida
vmir2 = Miranda
vmon2 = Monagas
vesp2 = Nueva Esparta
vpor2 = Portuguesa
vsuc2 = Sucre
vta2 = Tachira
vtru2 = Trujillo
vya2 = Yaracuy
vzul2 = Zulia
pama2 = Amazonas
panc2 = Ancash
pap2 = Apurimac
pare2 = Arequipa
pya2 = Ayacucho
pcaj2 = Cajamarca
pcal2 = Callao
pcus2 = Cuzco
phu2 = Huancavelica
pha2 = Huanuco
pica2 = Ica
pju2 = Junin
pli2 = La Libertad
plam2 = Lambayeque
plim2 = Lima
plor2 = Loreto
pmad2 = Madre de Dios
pmoq2 = Moquegua
ppas2 = Pasco
ppi2 = Piura
puno2 = Puno
psa2 = San Martin
ptac2 = Tacna
ptu2 = Tumbes
puc2 = Ucayali
bba2 = Beni
bch2 = Chuquisaca
bco2 = Cochabamba
blap2 = La Paz
bor2 = Oruro
bpan2 = Pando
bpto2 = Potosi
bcru2 = Santa Cruz
btar2 = Tarija
blit2 = Litoral
vbu2 = Buenos Aires
vbu3 = Buenos Aires
vcat2 = Catamarca
vcha2 = Chaco
vchu2 = Chubut
vcor2 = Cordoba
corr2 = Corrientes
entr2 = Entre Rios
vfor2 = Formosa
vju2 = Jujuy
vpam2 = La Pampa
vrio2 = La Rioja
vmen2 = Mendoza
vmis2 = Misiones
vneq2 = Neuquen
vneg2 = Rio Negro
vsal2 = Salta
vjua2 = San Juan
vlu2 = San Luis
vcr2 = Santa Cruz
vfe2 = Santa Fe
ves2 = Santiago del Estero
vfu2 = Tierra del Fuego
vtuc2 = Tucumán
zari2 = Arica y Parinacota
ztara2 = Tarapaca
zanto = Antofagasta
zatac = Atacama
zcoq = Coquimbo
zval2 = Valparaiso
vmet2 = Metropolitan
vhig2 = O'Higgins
vmau2 = Maule
vnub2 = Nuble
vbio2 = Biobio
vara2 = Araucania
vlos2 = Los Rios
vlag2 = Los Lagos
vya3 = Aysen
mage3 = Magallanes

prze3 = Przemysl
zve3 = Zvenigorod
tere3 = Terebovlia
kamm3 = Kamianets-Podilskyi
luts3 = Lutsk
chel3 = Chelm
bres3 = Brest
pin3 = Pinsk
turo3 = Turov
slu3 = Slutsk
kle3 = Kletsk
grod3 = Grodno
pere3 = Pereyaslavl
liub3 = Liubech
gluh3 = Glukhov
ryls3 = Rylsk
kurs3 = Kursk
brya3 = Bryansk
bly3 = Belyov
novs3 = Novosil
star2 = Starodub
mst3 = Mstsislaw
krh3 = Karachev
ust3 = Ustyug
goro3 = Gorodets
suzd3 = Suzdal
toro2 = Toropets
mol3 = Mologa
dmi3 = Dmitrov
ugl3 = Uglich
kash3 = Kashin
pers3 = Pereyaslavl
mikk3 = Mikulino
vyaz3 = Vyazma
pron3 = Pronsk
yele3 = Yelets
ovru3 = Ovruch
dubr3 = Dubrovytsia
vysh3 = Vyshhorod
svis3 = Svisloch
meze3 = Meshchovsk
taru3 = Tarusa
mozh3 = Mozhaysk
doro3 = Dorogobuzh
yury3 = Yuryev
soci3 = République populaire d'Europe
pdis3 = Distrito Capital
pcon3 = Concepcion
psan3 = San Pedro
pcor3 = Cordillera
pgua3 = Guaira
pcua3 = Caaguazu
pcaa3 = Caazapa
pita3 = Itapua
pmis3 = Misiones
ppar3 = Paraguari
palt3 = Alto Parana
pcen3 = Central
pnee3 = Neembucu
pama3 = Amambay
pcan3 = Canindeyu
phay3 = Presidente Hayes
pal3 = Alto Paraguay
pboq3 = Boqueron

uart3 = Artigas
ucan3 = Canelones
ucerr3 = Cerro Largo
ucol3 = Colonia
udur3 = Durazno
uflo3 = Flores
ufl3 = Florida
ulav3 = Lavalleja
umal3 = Maldonado
umol3 = Montevideo
upay3 = Paysandu
urio3 = Rio Negro
uriv3 = Rivera
uroc3 = Rocha
usal3 = Salto
ujos3 = San Jose
usor3 = Soriano
utuc3 = Tacuarembo
utre3 = Treinta y Tres
eaz3 = Azuay
ebol3 = Bolivar
eca3 = Canar
ecar3 = Carchi
echi3 = Chimborazo
ecot3 = Cotopaxi
eel3 = El Oro
esm3 = Esmeraldas
egal3 = Galapagos
egua3 = Guayas
eim3 = Imbabura
eloj3 = Loja
elos3 = Los Rios
eman3 = Manabi
emor3 = Morona Santiago
enap3 = Napo
eorr3 = Orellana
epas3 = Pastaza
epic3 = Pichincha
esss3 = Santa Elena
edom3 = Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas
esuc3 = Sucumbios
etun3 = Tungurahua
ezam3 = Zamora Chinchipe
gbar3 = Barima-Waini
gpom3 = Pomeroon-Supenaam
gess3 = Essequibo Islands-West Demerara
gdem3 = Demerara-Mahaica
gmah3 = Mahaica-Berbice
geas3 = Berbice Oriental-Courantyne
gcuy3 = Cuyuni-Mazaruni    
gpat3 = Potaro-Siparuni
gupp3 = Haut Takutu - Haut Essequibo
gupp2 = Haut-Demarara-Berbice
fsai2 = Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni
fsai1 = Saint-Georges
fcay3 = Cayenne
sbor3 = Brokopondo
scor3 = Coronie
ssar3 = Saramacca
spar3 = Para
swan3 = Wanica
scom3 = Commewijne
smaro3 = Marowijne
sspa3 = Sipaliwini
snic3 = Nickerie
spp3 = Paramaribo

fleo3 = Leon
fpen3 = Pentever
froh3 = Rohan
fvan3 = Vannes
fpor3 = Porhoet
fco3 = Combourg
fren3 = Rennes
fnan3 = Nantes
fret3 = Retz
fmon3 = Montaigu
fav3 = Avranches
fmor3 = Mortain
fevr3 = Evreux
fhar3 = Harcourt
famu3 = Aumale
foso3 = Osona
fcer3 = Cerdanya
fcon3 = Conflent
fcrr3 = Carcassonne
fse3 = Couserans
fqc3 = Commingia
fbig3 = Bigorre
fbe3 = Bearn
flab3 = Labourd
fdax3 = Dax
ftar3 = Tartas
falb3 = Albret
fcap3 = Captal de Buch
fben3 = Benauges
fsan3 = Saintonge
fag3 = Agen
fper3 = Perigord
fque3 = Quercy
fai3 = Albi
fmil3 = Millau
fnar3 = Narbonnais
fbez3 = Beziers
fmont3 = Montpellier
fnim3 = Nimes
fuze3 = Uzes
ffor3 = Forcalquier
ften3 = Tenda
flon3 = Alba Longa
fva3 = Valentinois
fmar3 = La Marche
fve3 = Velay
fmer3 = Mercoeur
fcar3 = Carlat
fbaza3 = Bazadais
flim3 = Limoges
fang3 = Angouleme
fpoi3 = Poitou
flus3 = Lusignan
ffon3 = Fontenay
fpon3 = Ponthieu
fbou3 = Boulogne
fcha3 = Chalon
fval3 = Valois
fver3 = Vermandois
frh3 = Rethel
fcou3 = Coucy
faux3 = Auxerre
fsr3 = Sancerre
fru3 = Roucy
fle3 = Clermont
fbs3 = Beauvais
fami3 = Amiens
fhh3 = Chartres
fjoi3 = Joinville
fbre3 = Breisgau
zah3 = Zahringen
chab3 = Chablais
fauc3 = Faucigny
auni3 = Aunis
perc3 = Perche
tude3 = Chateaudun
eu3 = Eu
fton3 = Tonnerre
zwei3 = Zweibrucken
maco3 = Macon
lusa3 = Lausanne
sion3 = Sion
nvr3 = Novara
thie3 = Thiers
bjj3 = Beaujeu
pes3 = Montpensier
rous3 = Roussillon
lomg3 = Lomagne
mars3 = Marsan
gev3 = Gevaudan
roug3 = Rouergue
tnn3 = Turenne
fcb3 = Comborn
deol3 = Deols
flt3 = Chatellerault
rse3 = Thouars
isso3 = Issoudun
troo3 = Touraine
merc3 = Mercoeur
beli3 = Montbeliard
pgal3 = Galicie

aaa3 = Royaume-Uni d'Autriche et d'Australie
anz3 = Australie-Nouvelle-Zélande
schc3 = Schleswig
vast3 = Vasterbotten
lapp3 = Lappmarken
norl3 = Nordland
trom3 = Troms
ane3 = Angermanland
canr3 = Iles Canaries
frat3 = Fratalonie
saff3 = Empire saffaride
teme3 = Temeria
gmaj3 = Empire Majapahit 
cono3 = République du Conosur
ical3 = Califat ibérique
wait3 = Waitaha
ngat3 = Ngati Kahungunu
ngap3 = Ngapuhi
tai3 = Tainui
vell3 = Velletri
zomb3 = Horde zombie
zomb2 = Zombistan

qmys3 = Mysia
qbit3 = Bithynia
qsin3 = Sinope
qkyt3 = Kytores
qmes3 = Messenia
qteg3 = Tegea
qpel3 = Pellene
qdym3 = Dyme
qeli3 = Elis
qpso3 = Psophis
qarc3 = Arcadia
qkep3 = Kephalonia
qkar3 = Karystos
qer3 = Eretria
qmag3 = Magnesia
qphi3 = Phitiotis
qdel3 = Delphi
qcha3 = Chalkis
qaet3 = Aetolia
qmali3 = Malis
qpha3 = Pharsalus
qpcc3 = Phacium
qmet3 = Metropolis
qdol3 = Dolopia
qcar3 = Acarnania
qamb3 = Ambrakia
qchy3 = Chyton
qmoo3 = Molossia
qee3 = Elimeia
qperr3 = Perrhaebia
qcor3 = Corcyra
qchim3 = Chimaira
qhaa3 = Chaonia
qori3 = Orikon
qapp3 = Apollonia
qnik3 = Nikaia
qepi3 = Epidamnos
qzge3 = Zgerdesh
qdar3 = Dardania
epel3 = Pelion
qore3 = Orestia
qeor3 = Eordaia
qpenn3 = Pennestia
qdo3 = Odomantia
qpod3 = Potidea
qpar3 = Parthenopolis
qstag3 = Stageira
qedo3 = Edonia
qabd3 = Abdera
qcae3 = Caeni
qsal3 = Salmydessus
qpp3 = Phillia
qbyz3 = Byzantion
qhal3 = Chalcedona
qher3 = Herakeia
qtio3 = Tios
qses3 = Sesamos
qkyr3 = Kytoros
qasp3 = Aspendos
qatt3 = Attaleia
qoly3 = Olympos
qmyr3 = Myra
qidy3 = Idynia
qsamo3 = Samos
qhee3 = Halicarnassus
qtin3 = Tinos
qchio3 = Chios
qsky3 = Skyros
qlem3 = Lemnos
qmar3 = Maroneia
qaby3 = Abydos
qadr3 = Adrasteia
qcyz3 = Cyzirus
qere3 = Eresos
qlyr3 = Lyrnessos
qatar3 = Atarneus
qnic3 = Phenicus
qleb3 = Lebedos
gmaa3 = Magnesia ad Sipylum
qita3 = Itanos
qgor3 = Gortyn
qkno3 = Knossos
qele3 = Eletherna
qtar3 = Tarra
qlis3 = Lissos
qkis3 = Kissamos
qmilo3 = Milos
qthe3 = Thera
qrho3 = Rhodes
qkos3 = Kos
qkaly3 = Kalymnos
qgar3 = Gaurion
qtino3 = Tinos
tikar3 = Ikaria
qimb3 = Imbros
eleu3 = Eleus
strym3 = Stryme
apsy3 = Apsynthia
peri3 = Perinthos
meee3 = Melanditai
lamp3 = Lamponeia
asty3 = Astyra
kist3 = Kisthene
kelo3 = Kelonis
vry3 = Vrykeion
lyrn3 = Lyrnessos
ephe3 = Ephesos
mynd3 = Myndos
mile3 = Miletos
hama3 = Hamaxitus
kelm3 = Kelmessos
nymp3 = Nymphaeon
qoor3 = Scodra
mete3 = Meteon
aur3 = Autariatae
ardo3 = Ardiaoia
daor3 = Daorsia
rhiz3 = Rhizon
epid3 = Epidaurus
pler3 = Pleria
armi3 = Armistia
dito3 = Ditones
qdal3 = Dalmatae
qlib3 = Liburnia
iap3 = Iapodes
ditio3 = Ditiones
oxu3 = Oxuia
pharo3 = Pharos
qaaa3 = Andetrium
qep3 = Epidauros

agde3 = Agder
roga3 = Rogaland
tele3 = Telemark
hord3 = Hordaland
vest3 = Vestfold
hard3 = Hardanger
numa3 = Numadal
hali3 = Hallingdal
sunoo3 = Sunnmore
vald3 = Valdres
oppl3 = Oppland
guds = Gudbrandsdal
rams3 = Ramsdalen
nomm3 = Nordmore
orka3 = Orkladalen
hein3 = Heinmark
hedm3 = Hedmark
eays3 = Eystridal
gauu3 = Gauldolaland
stjo3 = Stjordolaland
verd3 = Verdolaland
qnos3 = Sparbyggjaland
namd3 = Namdalen
eyn3 = Eynaland
halo3 = Halogaland
pohj3 = Pohjola

Libre à vous de laisser un feedback ou de pointer d'éventuels erreurs ou oublis.

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  • Our picks

    • Age of History 3 - October 23rd, 2024 - Official release date
      Age of History 3 - Official release date


      Steam: October 23rd, 2024

      Android: When it's ready

      iOS: When it's ready

      Epic: When it's ready

    • Campaign: Small Scenarios
      In this topic, share your ideas for Campaign scenarios.

      These scenarios focus on a small part of the map, with the rest designated as wasteland.


      For example, a scenario of the Reconquista in 1054, where gameplay takes place only on the Iberian Peninsula.

      What are your ideas for small historical scenarios?


    • Events - Common events for every civilization in the game
      in this topic, I am interested in your ideas for events that can happen for every Civilization in the game.
      I'm also interested in Missions for every Civilization.

      Here is some example, have more than 10k army, have more than 5000 gold, build 10 buildings, recruit an Advisor, increase tax efficiency 20 times, be largest  producer of some resource in the world, unlock 5 Civilization legacies etc.
      • 196 replies
    • First preview of the Alpha version of Age of History 3
      First preview of the Alpha version of Age of History 3, YouTube.
      Release date: When it's ready 😛 Subscribe for more!


    • Land units - Ideas AoH3
      AoH3 will have different types of land units.

      In this topic we will write ideas for new land units. 


      So the AoH 3 will have new battle system.

      Representation of the battlefield in the game.

      Land units will be grouped into 3 types. Each unit will have a different recruitment cost, attack, defense, movement speed and upkeep.

      Groups determine the placement of units on the battlefield.


      Each unit can be unlocked by researching technology and then upgraded.


      Here is the current list of units with upgrades:

      First line:

      Warrior -> Light Footmen -> Heavy Infantry -> Infantry -> Line Infantry -> Modern Infantry

      Hoplites -> Spearmen -> Pikeman -> Elite Pikeman -> Musketeer -> Riflemen -> Mechanized Infantry -> Modern Mechanized Infantry

      First line side:

      Horseman -> Elite Horseman -> Cavalry -> Tank -> Modern Tank

      Second line:

      Archer -> Bowmen -> Crossbowman -> Elite Crossbowman

      Canon -> Field Cannon -> Artillery -> Modern Artillery

      Early Airplane -> Airplane -> Modern Airplane


      This is a very early version, so maybe something should be changed?

      Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.

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