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8 hours ago, mmorin said:

we aren't talking about releasing the vassals we're talking abt to do it LIKE IN AOH2

why can't i divide a big country i conquered into smaller pieces? why can't i create a puppet state created by me like in aoh2?

you can, you just don't know how

54 minutes ago, Warnnexx said:

i would add one more thing, before you start a game there would be a button that would enable or disable the border gore prevention, so you could annex the allies of your enemy in the war

that depends on ai aggressiveness tho (i think)

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5 hours ago, Warnnexx said:

nós realmente precisamos do sistema eleitoral. 

Ver qual província votou em qual partido. Isso tornaria o jogo realmente único!

lukasz will leave it in the hands of the community. and that in my view is not bad. because one of its greatest assets is the community.

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Oyuna eklenmesini istediğim bazı özellikler ve oyunun bazı sorunları

1: Oyunda ticaret olması gerektiğini düşünüyorum, şehirleri diğer ülkelerle takas edebilmelisiniz ve para karşılığında askeri erişim sağlayabilmelisiniz


2: Gemiler zaman durduğunda ileri gider, bu durumun da düzeltilmesi gerekir, sonuçta zaman durmuşken gemi nasıl ileri gitsin?


3:Bazı devletler nüfuslarından daha fazla ordu basabilir ve zayıf devletler çok fazla ordu basabilir, örneğin Avusturya normal modda doğrudan 100k ordu basar.


4:İttifakın mantığı biraz saçma, sadece bir devletle ittifak yapılmamalı, 3-4 tane ittifak kurulmalı.


5: Ayrıca kazananı olmayan bir barış için %25 puanınız olması da saçma. Ülkeyle savaştığımı hayal edin, her iki taraf da zarar görüyor, ancak %25 puanınız olmadığı için barış yapamıyorsunuz. Teslim olursanız, ülkenin yarısı ayrılır, aldığınız ülkeler bağımsız hale gelir 


6:Bu bir sorun değil, bir öneridir. Yan panelden ekonomiye basıldığında kaynak haritası yerine alt panelde ekonomi haritasının açılması daha iyi olur.


7: Oyunda'da kaynaklar işlevsiz hale geldi, örneğin kaynaklarla ticaret yapamıyorsunuz. Her kaynak için oyuna bir stok eklenirse ve bir bina veya tank inşa etmek istediğinizde hem paraya hem de kaynaklara ihtiyaç duyulursa, kaynaklar daha işlevsel olacaktır ve oynaması daha keyifli olacaktır.


8: Kırım devletinin Rusya'nın kuklası olması daha gerçekçi olurdu


9: Süveyş kanalı eklenmeli ve boğazlar kontrol altına alınmalı. Boğazı kontrol eden devlet boğazı geçenlerden para isteyebilmelidir.


10: Bana göre en önemlisi bu. Oyunda deniz savaşları için bir donanma sistemi yok. Askerleri denize çıkarmak için bir donanmaya ihtiyaç var ve bu donanmayla çıkarma yapmak için askeri birlikleri konuşlandırabilmeniz gerekiyor.


11: Bu da bir ordu kurmayı daha ilginç hale getireceğini düşündüğüm bir yenilik. Teknoloji sayesinde, tanklar, uçaklar geliştirdiğinizde, daha gelişmiş tanklar daha yüksek maliyetle gelir, ancak eskilerine erişemezsiniz, eski tanklara, uçaklara vb. erişemeyeceğinizi düşünüyorum, erişilebilir olmalı. Ve teknoloji arttıkça, maliyet azalmalı. Ve 7'de bahsettiğim gibi, kaynaklar kullanılmalı.


Bunların oyunu daha iyi hale getireceğini düşünüyorum

Yazdıklarımı dikkate almanızı rica ederim.

Hatalı örnek veya çeviriyi şikayet 

Edited by jorse
Yazım hataları

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5 hours ago, daniiiiiii said:

you can, you just don't know how

How? I can release vassals but of the countries i conquered before I cant create new vassals Like in AOH2 We can only create vassals of countries which we have a core we control 

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On 25/10/2024 at 14:45, Withsoss said:

¡Hola, chicos! 

Si te gustan estas ideas, entonces comenta y reacciona a la publicación para que la probabilidad de que Lukasz la vea sea mayor y, por lo tanto, la probabilidad de que se adopten características de esta lista.

Entonces compré Aoh3 y creo que realmente necesitamos estas características :

- Construcción con un solo clic en todas las provincias

- ¿Multijugador?

- ¿Quizás un sistema de árbol de enfoque? (Un sistema de árbol de enfoque como en hoi4 que puedes editar en el editor de escenarios para diferentes naciones)

- Editor de civilizaciones: opciones para diferentes nombres y banderas para diferentes religiones e ideologías

- Liberar el Estado Títere (como en AoH2 (como liberarlos como una nueva nación en el juego))

- Sindicatos (Relación quizás 60+)

- Anexión pacífica (quizás en una relación de 80+, 90+ o 100+)

- MUY IMPORTANTE: ¡  Antiguo sistema de alianzas! (El que tenemos ahora es más bien un sistema de coalición)

- ¿Más acciones diplomáticas para las malas y buenas relaciones?

- Quizás un sistema de unidades especial para algunas naciones como los catafractos bizantinos o los caballeros cruzados.

- ¿Tal vez un sistema para unirse al HRE si no eres una nación HRE?

- ¿Guerra Santa / Cruzadas? (¿Un sistema como en CK3 con Guerra Santa y Santa Dschihad para las religiones musulmana y cristiana?)

- Anexo marionetas

- MUY IMPORTANTE:  Ultimátum (Por favor, el mismo sistema que en AoH2)

- Quizás algo así como un sistema de Duque, Rey, Emperador, etc. que te dé bonificaciones.

- Sistema de elección de presidente

- Sistema de comercio (Vasallos, Dinero, Recursos, Mano de Obra, etc.)

- MUY IMPORTANTE Un nuevo sistema de acuerdos de paz (creo que debería ser como en AoH2.)


Creo que con estas características Age of History 3 sería EL mejor juego de estrategia de todos los tiempos 😄


¿Qué opinan ustedes sobre estas características?

And they should add an options to let you decide to play with turn or in real time, is my idea what do you think guys???

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36 minutes ago, BasaraMestre said:

Resumindo, Lukasz abandonará o jogo após alguns meses de atualizações, o jogo ficará sem atualizações e novidades, ele deixará todo o trabalho de manter o jogo vivo com a comunidade e mods, assim como fez com Age of History 2 , depois de alguns anos ele retornará com Age of History 4 com uma nova novidade, algo que ele poderia ter colocado no 3.

I honestly think it's easier to modify. so that's a good point. but I don't think Lukasz will abandon it.

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46 minutes ago, ExoWiz said:

How? I can release vassals but of the countries i conquered before I cant create new vassals Like in AOH2 We can only create vassals of countries which we have a core we control 

about that, i really sucks, but just save the game, create a new civ in the editor, and go back on

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In my opinion, an innovative and "revolutionary" idea would be the elections scheme but not only that.


so he can maximize his time. I think elections are a way to keep the game going in the long term.


as an employee? 


it would create elections for democratic countries, where you would have a screen that you could use to 

support parties

support movements of different ideologies.

support and make economic plans (it can be a little more complicated)


In my view, it would maximize your time, while delivering something long-term and good. either by game or by mods.

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On 10/25/2024 at 9:45 AM, Withsoss said:

Hello Guys! 

If you like these ideas, then comment and react to the post so that the probability that Lukasz will see it is higher and therefore the probability that features will be adopted from this list!

So i bought Aoh3 and i think we really need these features :

- One click build in all provinces

- Multiplayer?

- Maybe a focus tree system? (A focus tree system like in hoi4 which you can edit in scenario editor for different nations)

- Civ Editor : Options for Different Names und Flags for different Religions and Ideologies

- Release Puppet State (Like in AoH2 (Like releasing them as a new Nation into the Game))

- Unions (Maybe 60+ relation)

- Peaceful Annexation (Maybe at 80+, 90+ or 100+ relation)

- VERY IMPORTANT : Old Alliance System! (The one we have now is more a coalition system)

- More diplomatic actions for bad and good relations?

- Maybe a special unit system for some nations like byzantine cataphracts or crusader knights

- Maybe a system to join HRE if youre not a HRE nation?

- Holy War / Crusades? (A system like in CK3 with Holy War and Holy Dschihad for the Muslim and Christian Religions?)

- Annex puppets

- VERY IMPORTANT : Ultimatum (Please the same system as in AoH2)

- Maybe something like a Duke, King, Emporer, etc system that  gives you bonuses

- President elections system

- Trading system (Vassals, Money, Ressources, Manpower, etc)

- VERY IMPORTANT A new peace deals system (I think it should be like in AoH2.)


I think with these features Age of History 3 would be THE best strategy game of all time 😄


What do you Guys think about these features?

@Łukasz Jakowski

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On 10/25/2024 at 2:45 PM, Withsoss said:

Hello Guys! 

If you like these ideas, then comment and react to the post so that the probability that Lukasz will see it is higher and therefore the probability that features will be adopted from this list!

So i bought Aoh3 and i think we really need these features :

- One click build in all provinces

- Multiplayer?

- Maybe a focus tree system? (A focus tree system like in hoi4 which you can edit in scenario editor for different nations)

- Civ Editor : Options for Different Names und Flags for different Religions and Ideologies

- Release Puppet State (Like in AoH2 (Like releasing them as a new Nation into the Game))

- Unions (Maybe 60+ relation)

- Peaceful Annexation (Maybe at 80+, 90+ or 100+ relation)

- VERY IMPORTANT : Old Alliance System! (The one we have now is more a coalition system)

- More diplomatic actions for bad and good relations?

- Maybe a special unit system for some nations like byzantine cataphracts or crusader knights

- Maybe a system to join HRE if youre not a HRE nation?

- Holy War / Crusades? (A system like in CK3 with Holy War and Holy Dschihad for the Muslim and Christian Religions?)

- Annex puppets

- VERY IMPORTANT : Ultimatum (Please the same system as in AoH2)

- Maybe something like a Duke, King, Emporer, etc system that  gives you bonuses

- President elections system

- Trading system (Vassals, Money, Ressources, Manpower, etc)

- VERY IMPORTANT A new peace deals system (I think it should be like in AoH2.)


I think with these features Age of History 3 would be THE best strategy game of all time 😄


What do you Guys think about these features?

Tbh what I think made this game so good is that you could make your own events, now with focus trees this could be even better if we could once again make them as easily as before, so I really hope he adds once more this option in the editor with the new options or that a mod makes it but idk if it is even possible

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On 10/27/2024 at 1:44 PM, Aryati said:

I agree with everything, but apart from the focus tree, why if you can make a custom mission tree?

Thats true. But whats with Mobile players? Most of them arent able to mod. Modding on mobile is also a pain in the ass soo i think we have to implement features like this in the base game and/or game editor because of people who cant mod or dont know how. 

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On 10/27/2024 at 7:46 PM, ExoWiz said:

How? I can release vassals but of the countries i conquered before I cant create new vassals Like in AOH2 We can only create vassals of countries which we have a core we control 

Its simple. You can't. 

On 10/27/2024 at 7:48 PM, David Struk said:

And they should add an options to let you decide to play with turn or in real time, is my idea what do you think guys???

Nah, the main aspect of the game is the real time strategy. Without it would it be just aoh2 with a Unit system

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20 hours ago, Hitler the secend said:

Bad ideas. Most of those mechanics from aoh2 were op and broken. Do you really think ultimatums were a good mechanic? Where you could annex literally everyone after vassalizing them


Unions and ultimatums shouldn't be added unless reworked. The old alliance system was also horrible 

I think its kinda logical that they should be reworked, but i really liked ultimatun and union system. I mean unions were the only way to get into HRE as a non HRE nation. 


Just look at the mod Bloody Europe or Bloody Europe x MegaMod. There you have a more or less rework of these systems. Ai is more difficult to just annex or buy into war. 

On 10/28/2024 at 8:26 AM, Sojowy_Kotlet said:


Thats crazy, there is a genocide feature in the Bloody Europe mod. 


But i dont think lukasz would add this

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On 10/27/2024 at 8:14 PM, reau said:

I honestly think it's easier to modify. so that's a good point. but I don't think Lukasz will abandon it.

Of couse its easier but think of mobile players. I mean im 16yo i cant play or mod all the time on my pc.  I also enjoy Aoh2 and Aoh3 on mobile but without these features it just doesn't feel complete. 

17 hours ago, reau said:

In my opinion, an innovative and "revolutionary" idea would be the elections scheme but not only that.


so he can maximize his time. I think elections are a way to keep the game going in the long term.


as an employee? 


it would create elections for democratic countries, where you would have a screen that you could use to 

support parties

support movements of different ideologies.

support and make economic plans (it can be a little more complicated)


In my view, it would maximize your time, while delivering something long-term and good. either by game or by mods.

That shit is fire

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6 hours ago, justiamtgm said:

Focus trees are a Paradox big mistake because they're shackle the game history and variants and just forcing all campaigns in prepared routes by the developers.

nah, it just adds immersion and accuracy

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I totally agree and I express some additional thoughts. There should definitely be a navy in the game, and the colony system needs to be strengthened. The diplomatic options in Aoh 2 should come back. The alliance system should be changed. It should be possible to claim land from other countries in alliance wars, and the countries fighting on our side should join the war with certain demands. In the game, 1440-1790 and 1836 maps should have special roads for some countries Aggressive expansion should increase less when you attack tribal and nomadic states


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