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Age of History 3

Add Slave trade and Serfdom

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Yo Lukas can you plesae like add Slave trade and Serfdom as a law? well there are the options
Slavery banned = you know what it means
slave trade = You get new slaves monthly It'll add a slave tab next to gold which add a new UI which is called Slaves, and you unlock "Slave camp" bulidings to actually start trading slaves.
Legacy Slavery = The slaves UI will stay but will have 0+ monthly new slaves and you keep all slaves

Slavery stuff: The Slaves will usally Rise the rebellion percentage and when they revolted they do a rebbellion.

Serfdom: You'll have a Landlords Ui tab similar to Slaves, where you can get slaves or other minorities to be serfs.

That's it. I hope you don't think it's offensive and generally similary to games like Hoi4 and Vic3 which have these features loved by their own Communities.

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