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Age of History 3

Inadequate Italian Translation.

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I created this topic because of the, as I said, inadequate translation of the game to Italian. 
I was myself (without knowing) one of the people who translated part of the game. When I played AoH3 I realized that I had translated only a portion the the whole game and, frankly speaking, the whole work kinda sucks there are plenty of spelling and grammar errors. 
Due to a lack of coordination, each translator appears to have independently decided on their own translations for various terms, resulting in an inconsistent and, at times, confusing final product.

I therefore translated myself the whole game  from scratch including the names of civilizations and the loading messages.
You can find here enclosed the files. You just need to replace the corresponding files (you need to rename them "Bundle_it.properties").
I hope my contribution will be appreciated, I put a lot of work in it.


Ho creato questa sottosezione perché, come ho detto, la traduzione italiana per il gioco è semplicemente inadeguata.
Sono (senza saperlo) una delle persone che hanno tradotto ognuno una parte del gioco. Quando ho giocato ad AoH3 ho capito che avevo tradotto solo una piccola arte del gioco e, francamente, il risultato finale fa abbastanza schifo, ci sono fiumi di errori  di ortografia e di grammatica.
Proprio perché ogni traduttore lavorava indipendentemente ognuno ha tradotto a suo gusto ogni parola non curandosi di essere coerente con tutti gli altri. Il risultato oltreché sgradevole è anche confusionario, specialmente per i novizî, che si vedono chiamare stesse cose con nomi diversi qua e là.

Ecco perché ho rifatto da zero la traduzione dell'intero gioco nomi delle Civiltà e messaggî di caricamento compresi.
Qui ho messo i documenti. È sufficiente sostituirli ai corrispondenti documenti esistenti (ovviamente vanno rinominati "Bundle_it.properties").
Spero che il mio contributo sia apprezzato, è stato un lavoraccio. 

Edited by Tolo02

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Dude, I don't really know what you're talking about. Maybe you were looking at an old version of the translation? I was the final translator of the game before its launch (I could recognize it from the translations inside the game) and yes there were still some minor spelling mistakes after the game came out, but I made sure to adjust all of them. What exactly did you have to edit? I've seen you've changed "manodopera" with "potenziale militare", honestly I don't think it was such a big deal. What else did you have to change? I also remind you that some texts are borrowed from aoh 2 and those weren't done by me

Edited by RennyTheSimpatic

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  On 11/17/2024 at 3:00 PM, RennyTheSimpatic said:

Dude, I don't really know what you're talking about. Maybe you were looking at an old version of the translation? I was the final translator of the game before its launch (I could recognize it from the translations inside the game) and yes there were still some minor spelling mistakes after the game came out, but I made sure to adjust all of them. What exactly did you have to edit? I've seen you've changed "manodopera" with "potenziale militare", honestly I don't think it was such a big deal. What else did you have to change? I also remind you that some texts are borrowed from aoh 2 and those weren't done by me


Hi, I'm referring to the release translation of the game.
What do you mean by "the final translator"?
I'm sure you did your job with expertise however there were not just spelling mistakes, Oftentimes you could run into grammar mistakes and improper translations, I could give you tons of examples if I had the old files. 
I edited: spelling, grammar, meaning, vocabulary, and I gave cohesion to the translation as a whole, as I said the pieces were not matching, you could find the same word translated to different ones.
Yes, I indeed changed "Manodopera" simply because it's misleading and does not match the definition of said word, I quote "manodopera" is "Il complesso delle persone che prestano lavoro subordinato in uno o più settori di attività produttiva: la m. occupata in Italia; m. qualificata, lavoratori che hanno una specializzazione professionale; m. non qualificata, lavoratori non specializzati. 2. Il lavoro umano, considerato come elemento fondamentale del processo produttivo, spec. in relazione al suo costo e in contrapp. al capitale: per produrre quella macchina occorre tanto di m. e tanto di materie prime." thus it refers to people involved solely in civilian and productive works; using it in the place of "manpower" is misleading because one could think that you need "manodopera" to build things, invest in the economy of whatever... and that's simply not the case "manpower" = people you can turn into soldiers. "Potenziale Militare" adheres more to the original meaning because the fact that it represents people is obvious from the context and suggests that it's the maximum size of your army. Your army has the capability (= potential) to grow to X ∈ {\displaystyle \mathbb {N} } soldiers. It may not be such a big deal in your eyes, but I see no point in adding confusion to the game.
I cannnot make a list of all the things I changed it would take a decade, you can download the files of my translation and compare the two line-by-line. I hide no secrets!

Again I translated the original AoH2 files in order to have a homogeneous and coherent work.

I'm open to discussion. I do not want to dictate what to do and how to do it, but I see no point in pretending that the translation is fine the way it is!

My best regards

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