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      [ Summary ]
The Q-BAM project is an AoH2 mod that redoes the Earth map, using as a base the 
Q-BAM resource you can find on the internet, that's where the name comes from. The main purpose of this mod is bringing the most accurate as possible scenarios, while being varied as well as bringing the ULTIMATE SCENARIO CREATION SCENE... Alright, that's quite an exaggeration, but you get the idea.

      [ Main Features ]

  • Like, 4 different engines supported by the mod.
         -  Vanilla
         -  AoH 2.5
         -  Bloody Engine
         -  Uwut Engine 1.6.5
  • A map with around 7,4K provinces , trying to be as accurate as possible with the historical borders (mostly focused on recent centuries)
  • 60 Tracks, 56 being replacements for the Vanilla music. (PC ONLY)
  • Scenarios that are Detailed enough
  • New color palletes, being cool as hell, I guess.
    Although almost everyone is unaware of the fact that going to the connections menu and pressing "ctrl + q" will get the map points, which are useful for the map editor because that's how you modify the provinces in the first place.

      [ Map Progress ]

  • Provinces (7.4K, I think I am done with them.)
  • Cities (6.200+)
  • Scenarios (70 as of 1.1 RC2)
  • Terrain Types (100%)
  • Continents and Regions (100%)
  • Growth Rates (100%)
  • Easter Eggs (Here be dragons.) 

      [ Links ]

Preview the mod with some images!
They are dope, I took them myself.










- Uwut engine by Uwut
  - Superevents made by 桑榆不是鱼
  - Nuclear Age by Mega4oss
  - Custom Building Plugin by YellowSquared
- Bloody Europe 2 by Transamur, MrDavid and the rest of the BE2 team
- Age of History 2.5 by Pump3d

- Prototyped Mobile port by The_Duse

- Rise of the Phoenix (base mod) by bun_dha3 (me, but 1 year younger.)
    - The Second Great War (base of the base mod) by Italian P&C
        - Addon+ (base of the base of the base mod) by ivr17.
 - General stuff by RotislavMerte and the Discord community.
- A whole lot of flags by r/vexillology
 - Even more other flags in DeviantArt
 - Prussia-Russia by PrusRus
 - Labrador Reich by the Edgecommunity

- The music authors appear when the music is played, if you wonder (PC ONLY). This mod is probably the only one that does that it seems.
- Probably missing stuff here, contact if you know any missing person.


This is a work by bun_dha4/MonsieurB (Owner of "The Blue Dawn Archive" channel on Youtube). Mods.su will reupload it anyways so why bother on putting a copyright notice, I also literally allow you to use this for a base for your mods (Credit would be appreciated).

Also, thank you Lukasz for hiding the original post. For real.


Edited by bun_dha4
cool fun stuff

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Yoooo, i have an issue, when i try to load the game at scale x5 or x3 the game always gets stuck at 79 or 85%, idk if it is a issue of my pc or what but is really annoying.

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  On 11/30/2024 at 1:56 AM, Yjuu8 said:


Hi, I have a request regarding the Through the Ages mod. I know it's an older mod, and not many people play it anymore, especially with Age of History III already released. However, I still enjoy it and would love to see the Bloody Engine integrated into it.

Here's the link to the mod to help with the process: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12Ip2M1nFI8yDus4S61q-9S_YkvNa3u_a/view?usp=drivesdk

If you could add the Bloody Engine to the mod, it would mean a lot to me. It's Android.


Можешь скачать здесь: https://mods.su/ageofhistory-mods/project-hybrid-through-the-ages/

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  On 12/3/2024 at 12:56 PM, SrWilson said:



either you leave it 3 hours loading (using the task manager to set the priority to high) or you give up.

the mod is not really supported anymore.

  On 12/4/2024 at 9:13 AM, BigCrow said:

Moving to the Age of History III?


im sure i have said it so many times, but oh so many times. but no.


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  On 12/4/2024 at 5:47 PM, bun_dha4 said:

either you leave it 3 hours loading (using the task manager to set the priority to high) or you give up.

the mod is not really supported anymore.

im sure i have said it so many times, but oh so many times. but no.




  On 11/23/2024 at 2:55 PM, safinfarhan said:

non of us oh god i miss you today i making on editors to makes too



  On 11/30/2024 at 1:56 AM, Yjuu8 said:


Hi, I have a request regarding the Through the Ages mod. I know it's an older mod, and not many people play it anymore, especially with Age of History III already released. However, I still enjoy it and would love to see the Bloody Engine integrated into it.

Here's the link to the mod to help with the process: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12Ip2M1nFI8yDus4S61q-9S_YkvNa3u_a/view?usp=drivesdk

If you could add the Bloody Engine to the mod, it would mean a lot to me. It's Android.


SQUAD bro is joke

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