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Age of History 3

all the issues that will need improvement with Age of history 3 thus far

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firstly i'd like to preface that i believe the main focus of the game development right now should be bug fixing, not adding new features and creating more bugs on top of the old ones, this is by no means meant to be hateful or criticize lukasz, these are just suggestions (please dont ban me)

1 - the military system


the military system is a massive upgrade from aoh2 (anything is to be honest, the bar wasn't very high lmao 💀) because it's actually no longer just about numbers, with many new units introduced, and tactics and generals, it's pretty amazing, but it needs some minor tweaking 


for starters, the generals need to be more influential, like WAY MORE INFLUENTIAL, I MEAN IT, the number 1 defining factor in a battle is the general, you don't need a top equipped army or expensive weapons to win war, you just need a smart enough general, which is why i think those stats should be tweaked to have WAY MORE INFLUENCE in the battle, it should also be way harder to find a skilled general than it currently is


secondly, the tactics are very nice, but they're not nearly as influential as they should be, i think they should be buffed, i do have a suggestion though


below is an example of a battle map that's displayed, you can make soldiers retreat and attack, but that's about it, you can't move them around, which is why i (very very optionally) suggest a tactic system similar to chess but much more simpler, in this system, the units (i.e the squares) would have unique stats that determine the speed, amount of damage a unit can deal, and defenses of each unit box based on the already assigned stats we see next to them when we attempt to recruit units, the more damage a unit box takes, the more cracks will appear on it until it cracks completely, units will only be aware of the units they're engaging against, allowing the player to potentially maneuver around them (if their units are faster, otherwise they'll just be caught and the enemy unit boxes will either retreat or attack, if they retreat using this tactic again would be much harder since they'll now be aware of your units) and deal damage, the player could also be allowed to place the troop lines he has in formation, ofcourse all of this is optional, the player could just let the AI deal with it and it will just do the battle the default way it does now, this is for more *complicated* battles where the player has a smaller army size, the player still needs to unlock some tactics like the encirclement etc, i think it adds way more soul to the system, it will be hard to program the AI though, but i don't think it's anything mr lukasz cant do


2 - the province buildings and the resources 

yep, everyone has complained about this one a little bit, the current buildings all just give the same stats and don't do much other than stack stats, and people seem to feel underwhelmed by resources and how little uses they have, everyone kinda feels like they have way more potential, which is why i suggest hitting two birds with one stone AND: 

incorporate resources into the creation of new buildings, also some buildings are just unnecessary and need to be merged with other buildings as just upgrades, (Prime example is the palisade and the walls, castle can just be upgraded into military base for modern day uses since still having castles in the 18th century is insane, irrigation shouldn't be a seperate building, i think it should be an upgrade that can be done for all the plantation and farm buildings by right clicking on it, trade center can be upgraded to market)

example: the factory building, it's very one dimensional for now, but my proposed feature would make it way more interesting, it would need metal, wood, and steel to be built, you'd also need either oil or natural gas or else the factory will go out of order, but in exchange for all of this, what would the factory building give us that is new?!
very simple, it would eliminate a large sum of the current useless resources and make them under a new thing i call ''manufactured goods''

this was made for resources that make zero sense as resources, think about it, why are things like clothes, cheese, and beer in the same section and raw materials like cotton, cocoa, coffee, silk, iron, oil, milk, wine etc?


when cheese is made from milk, clothes are made from silk and cotton, and beer and wine are made from grapes (which are a resource), so it makes no sense to put them as resources exclusive to one province when anyone can just get the resources and manufacture them, which brings us to the next (and probably overasked) idea:




the idea is, not all civilizations have all the resources, and as i said, oil is needed to run buildings like factories in my previous idea, which is why i think an international market should be set up for resources with market rates for each resource that increase or decrease based on how many civilizations are buying oil (all of them in this context, so oil will be the most important resource purely naturally, if rice becomes high demand, then it'll be the most important resource), you can post your own resource for a cheaper or more expensive price, but you should make sure not to make a loss since there will be a production cost, so posting oil for sale for expensive will get you way less purchase offers than if you posted it with the market price, likewise, posting it for a cheaper price (even if at a loss) will get you a ton of trade offers, theres also the ability to manipulate the price of resources by controlling the majority provinces that make it, which makes you the largest producer, and therefore, you will have a higher chance for offers by 60% since you're capable of providing other civilizations with as much quantity as they ask for, so you're way more reliable, this SHOULD BE THE MAIN AND ONLY SOURCE OF INCOME IN THE MODERN PERIOD, PERIOD. (lol), it will also make more sense since now you'll make more money therefore the effect of countries having trillions in the modern period will be replicated naturally


i have way more i could share, but i don't have much time. @Łukasz Jakowski thoughts?

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On 11/24/2024 at 9:19 AM, OwnM3Z0 said:

secondly, the tactics are very nice, but they're not nearly as influential as they should be, i think they should be buffed, i do have a suggestion though


below is an example of a battle map that's displayed, you can make soldiers retreat and attack, but that's about it, you can't move them around, which is why i (very very optionally) suggest a tactic system similar to chess but much more simpler, in this system, the units (i.e the squares) would have unique stats that determine the speed, amount of damage a unit can deal, and defenses of each unit box based on the already assigned stats we see next to them when we attempt to recruit units, the more damage a unit box takes, the more cracks will appear on it until it cracks completely, units will only be aware of the units they're engaging against, allowing the player to potentially maneuver around them (if their units are faster, otherwise they'll just be caught and the enemy unit boxes will either retreat or attack, if they retreat using this tactic again would be much harder since they'll now be aware of your units) and deal damage, the player could also be allowed to place the troop lines he has in formation, ofcourse all of this is optional, the player could just let the AI deal with it and it will just do the battle the default way it does now, this is for more *complicated* battles where the player has a smaller army size, the player still needs to unlock some tactics like the encirclement etc, i think it adds way more soul to the system, it will be hard to program the AI though, but i don't think it's anything mr lukasz cant do

My only issue is that most of Aoh3's player base is children. It might melt their brains 

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