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8 hours ago, reau said:

It looks like there will be several events for the Soviet Civil War!


During the civil war, would the German government try to invade part of the Soviet Union? with the aim of breaking any chance of getting back on their feet? furthermore, would Japan also stand still? 



Just to finish my list of questions, is there any way you can unify the Soviet Union with Kazakhstan? for example, Khrushchev wins the civil war, but the communist party of Kazakhstan may or may not join Khrushchev, if he gives guarantees of de facto autonomy to the socialist republic of Kazakh


Thanks for your questions.

1. Japan is already overextended within Asia, and cant really expand at the start of the game. you will most likely need to secure your colonies from rebellion etc and fix the economy. 

2. Germany has achieved its goals for eastern Europe under Hitler so they have no real interest to expand (Speer might) their "ally" of the Orenburg will expand as stated into the western ASSRs, we think that they could either join the civil war or start a war with the victorious soviet faction with some German support.

3. The Kazakhstan idea is actually quite interesting and we may look into it, but at the minute it will depend on who wins Kazakh civil war and how they interact with the soviets etc.

5 hours ago, ryaugymd said:

Do there any Monarchist path? ( just asking) 




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We think so for Russia, in the far east republic or Buryatia. we are still coming up with ideas but yes we have considered it and we hope to add it.

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5 hours ago, PeteFromPat said:

Obrigado por suas perguntas.

1. O Japão já está sobrecarregado na Ásia e não pode realmente se expandir no início do jogo. Você provavelmente precisará proteger suas colônias de rebeliões, etc., e consertar a economia. 

2. A Alemanha atingiu seus objetivos para a Europa Oriental sob Hitler, então eles não têm interesse real em se expandir (Speer pode ter), seu "aliado" de Orenburg se expandirá, conforme declarado, para as ASSRs ocidentais, achamos que eles poderiam se juntar à guerra civil ou começar uma guerra com a facção soviética vitoriosa com algum apoio alemão.

3. A ideia do Cazaquistão é realmente muito interessante e podemos analisá-la, mas no momento dependerá de quem vencer a guerra civil cazaque e como eles interagem com os soviéticos, etc.

Acreditamos que sim para a Rússia, para a República do Extremo Oriente ou para a Buriácia. Ainda estamos tendo ideias, mas sim, já consideramos isso e esperamos adicioná-lo.

I sincerely expected it to be the opposite between Germany and Japan, where Germany would have ethnic and economic problems. and Japan, would probably have some problems due to the zaibatsu and that Japan would be "satisfied" with its current dominance without interest in expansion. Honestly, it's quite original. 



As for Kazakhstan, I believe that the communists could return to the Soviet Union. but I believe that any union again ends here. since I don't see nationalists, liberals, even social democrats supporting even a pragmatic alliance.

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1 hour ago, reau said:

I sincerely expected it to be the opposite between Germany and Japan, where Germany would have ethnic and economic problems. and Japan, would probably have some problems due to the zaibatsu and that Japan would be "satisfied" with its current dominance without interest in expansion. Honestly, it's quite original. 



As for Kazakhstan, I believe that the communists could return to the Soviet Union. but I believe that any union again ends here. since I don't see nationalists, liberals, even social democrats supporting even a pragmatic alliance.

Well German Reichskommisariats will collapse when Hitler dies (Except Ostland) and Germany will go into civil war unless Goering is in power.

And yeah I agree with the Kazakhstan Idea.

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26 minutes ago, PeteFromPat said:

Well German Reichskommisariats will collapse when Hitler dies (Except Ostland) and Germany will go into civil war unless Goering is in power.

And yeah I agree with the Kazakhstan Idea.

So I have to assume that Goering is the catalyst for the entire German civil war by not being chosen.

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16 minutes ago, reau said:

So I have to assume that Goering is the catalyst for the entire German civil war by not being chosen.

Post-Hitler German Civil War – Faction Breakdown

With Hitler’s death, the Reich is left without clear leadership, sparking a power struggle among the top Nazi officials. The factions are divided into Reformers, Moderates, and Radicals, each seeking to shape the future of the Reich.

Factions & Their Goals

Reformers (Mildly Pragmatic, Tries to Stabilize the Reich)

🔹 Hermann Göring – Advocates limited economic and political reforms to modernize the Reich while keeping its authoritarian structure intact. Changes ideology to Reformed National Socialism, easing totalitarian policies while maintaining control.

🔹Joachim von Ribbentrop – Advocates diplomatic realignment to stabilize the Reich while preserving its authoritarian structure. Prioritizes foreign relations, seeking strategic alliances and de-escalation to secure Germany’s dominance.

Moderates (Status Quo, Focused on Stability & Germanization)

🔹 Martin Bormann – Aims to preserve the Nazi state with minimal changes, ensuring the Reich follows Hitler’s original vision. Resists major reforms and seeks to consolidate internal power.
🔹 Joseph Goebbels – Shares Bormann’s orthodox approach but is more focused on cultural policies, doubling down on Germanization in the East and preparing for an inevitable war with the Soviet remnants.

Radicals (Aggressive Expansionists & Ideological Extremists)

🔹 Albert Speer – While pragmatic, he envisions the Reich’s total dominance over mainland Europe and Russia, pushing for industrialization and territorial expansion at all costs.
🔹 Heinrich Himmler – Transforms Germany into an Ascetic Nazi state, enforcing his extreme vision of National Socialism, doubling down on militarization, SS rule, and ideological purity.

The Civil War & Power Struggle

Rather than five factions fighting separately, the conflict coalesces into three major sides:

  • Reformers (Göring & Ribbentropeconomic-military elites who want pragmatism over dogma.)
  • Moderates (Bormann & Goebbels, keeping Nazi orthodoxy alive but with minor adaptations.)
  • Radicals (Speer & Himmler, each with their own vision of a more extreme future.)

Once the civil war ends, the internal power struggle begins, forcing the player to navigate political intrigue, military conflicts, and ideological battles to determine who will ultimately lead the Reich into the future.

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40 minutos atrás, PeteFromPat disse:

Guerra Civil Alemã Pós-Hitler – Desintegração de Facções

Com a morte de Hitler, o Reich fica sem uma liderança clara, dando início a uma disputa de poder entre os principais oficiais nazistas. As facções são divididas em Reformistas, Moderados e Radicais , cada um buscando moldar o futuro do Reich.

Facções e seus objetivos

Reformistas (Levemente Pragmáticos, Tentam Estabilizar o Reich)

🔹 Hermann Göring – Defende reformas econômicas e políticas limitadas para modernizar o Reich , mantendo sua estrutura autoritária intacta. Muda a ideologia para o Nacional-Socialismo Reformado , facilitando políticas totalitárias, mantendo o controle.

🔹Joachim von Ribbentrop – Defende o realinhamento diplomático para estabilizar o Reich enquanto preserva sua estrutura autoritária. Prioriza as relações exteriores, buscando alianças estratégicas e desescalada para garantir o domínio da Alemanha.

Moderados (Status Quo, Focados na Estabilidade e Germanização)

🔹 Martin Bormann – Visa preservar o estado nazista com mudanças mínimas, garantindo que o Reich siga a visão original de Hitler. Resiste a grandes reformas e busca consolidar o poder interno.
🔹 Joseph Goebbels – Compartilha a abordagem ortodoxa de Bormann , mas está mais focado em políticas culturais, reforçando a germanização no Leste e se preparando para uma guerra inevitável com os remanescentes soviéticos.

Radicais (Expansionistas Agressivos e Extremistas Ideológicos)

🔹 Albert Speer – Embora pragmático, ele prevê o domínio total do Reich sobre a Europa continental e a Rússia , impulsionando a industrialização e a expansão territorial a todo custo.
🔹 Heinrich Himmler – Transforma a Alemanha em um estado nazista ascético , reforçando sua visão extrema do nacional-socialismo, reforçando a militarização, o governo da SS e a pureza ideológica.

A Guerra Civil e a Luta pelo Poder

Em vez de cinco facções lutando separadamente, o conflito se une em três lados principais:

  • Reformadores (Göring e Ribbentrop elites econômico-militares que querem pragmatismo em vez de dogma.)
  • Moderados (Bormann e Goebbels, mantendo viva a ortodoxia nazista, mas com pequenas adaptações).
  • Radicais (Speer e Himmler, cada um com sua própria visão de um futuro mais extremo.)

Quando a guerra civil termina , a luta interna pelo poder começa, forçando o jogador a navegar por intrigas políticas, conflitos militares e batalhas ideológicas para determinar quem liderará o Reich no futuro.

interessante, parece que teremos muito conteúdo para cada um.



Além disso, há algum outro conteúdo já feito para descobrir como será a política americana e japonesa?



Haverá conteúdo para o Brasil?


Edited by reau

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11 minutes ago, reau said:

interessante, parece que teremos muito conteúdo para cada um.



Além disso, há algum outro conteúdo já feito para descobrir como será a política americana e japonesa?



Haverá conteúdo para o Brasil?


this will be done later on as we update the mod later on, south America is already a bit different.

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Considering that most of the small warlord states in China, eg Guangdong were mainly loyal the the nationalists government, would that still be the case now, or would they lean more towards the Japanese?

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4 hours ago, ConRadical said:

Considering that most of the small warlord states in China, eg Guangdong were mainly loyal the the nationalists government, would that still be the case now, or would they lean more towards the Japanese?

Following the mod tradition, there is no sign of unity among Chinese nationalists. That's why Japan created its empire in China, which is still fragmented.

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14 hours ago, ConRadical said:

Considering that most of the small warlord states in China, eg Guangdong were mainly loyal the the nationalists government, would that still be the case now, or would they lean more towards the Japanese?

Japanese as their leadership gets funding from Japan making them more loyal.


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2 hours ago, PeteFromPat said:

Os japoneses, pois sua liderança recebe financiamento do Japão, o que os torna mais leais.


There are 2 states in China that are not in Japan's sphere of influence. Who are these states?

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4 hours ago, reau said:

There are 2 states in China that are not in Japan's sphere of influence. Who are these states?

Kuomingtang Breakaways, it split after Chiang kai shek died

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