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Age of History 3

Navy Plugin Mod - Rainfall Strategy Next

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download link:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3375326356

Version: 1.0.0

Author: RedreamR
Assistance: Greyeon

Supported Languages: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English

Mod Description:
Rainfall Strategy is a mod that modifies the combat system in Age of History 3 (AoH3). It introduces new naval units, new combat strategies tailored for naval forces, and new occupation mechanics. The mod is built on the Finality Framework.

New Naval Units and Combat System:
- When recruiting naval units, if there are naval forces on the battlefield, ground units will automatically be excluded from the battle. Once all naval units are exhausted, the attacking ground units’ offense and defense become zero. Therefore, ground units effectively lose all combat power when forced into battle at sea. Similarly, when naval units are on land, if there are ground forces in the same army, the navy will not participate in combat until all the ground units are exhausted. The navy will then enter the battle with zero offense and defense (effectively no combat power).
- When ground armies fight at sea, the battle outcome is determined by the number of troops, dice rolls, and commanders (if assigned).
- When assembling units for sea operations, only the speed of naval units is considered. If the army consists only of ground units at sea, their speed is reduced by 40%. On land, only the speed of ground units is considered; if a navy unit is used exclusively on land, their speed is reduced by 40%.
- The current tech tree includes 10 main battleships (starting from ancient times) and 2 auxiliary ships (introduced in modern times).

New Optional Occupation/Advancement Mechanism:
- Prevents attacking another province across unoccupied provinces (rainfall mechanic).
- After besieging a province, other provinces will not be automatically occupied regardless of their defense level (AoH2-style occupation mechanism).

These settings can be adjusted in the rfStrategy.json file. By default, the mod uses the rainfall mechanic. To use the original game’s mechanic, set the value of battleLineMode from "rainfall" to "aoh3".


For Players (No Experience Required):
 - Ensure this mod is enabled (subscribing through the Steam Workshop will automatically enable it).
 - Download the latest Finality Framework command line loader from: https://github.com/Finality-Framework/loader/releases/ .
 - Place the downloaded loader-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar file in your game’s root directory.
 - Double-click the loader-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar file to start the game.

For Modders (Some Coding Knowledge Required):
- Open the mod’s folder and locate the Rainfall/rfStrategy.json file to customize the settings.
- battleLineMode: String / Choose the advancement mechanism ("aoh3", "aoh2", or "rainfall"). When set to "aoh3", the system behaves like the original game; "aoh2" disables chain occupation and prevents attacking through unoccupied provinces; "rainfall" enables chain occupation and prevents attacking through unoccupied provinces.
- To integrate this mod into your own mod, there is no need to copy the entire plugin. Instead, set your mod to depend on Rainfall Strategy Next in the Steam Workshop. Create a Rainfall folder in your mod's directory, and copy and modify the rfStrategy.json file. Usually, the configuration files in your mod’s folder will be prioritized (the plugin reads configuration files based on priority: mods > Steam Workshop > game default).


Requires Java 8: https://www.java.com/en/download/

Alternative Loader Download:

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/n4gnrXFEQk







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