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Age of History 3

Can't Open Map Editor (More detailed Question)

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After I examined the files the problem seemed to be quite complex.
let me start with saying that after deleting one of the following files that are highlighted in red, the map editor seems to start open again!


deleting one of them caused the map editor to open, BUT it appeared broken. But If i kept ALL the files and deleted none of them. The map editor refuses to open. I am not smart enough to look for the problem. But I dont think deleting the files would fix it either. This is how it would appear to me when I delete one of the files:-



Obviously missing alot of provinces. But then what is the solution for this bug?

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10 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Your PC can't load all of these files into RAM.
You might not have enough available memory.

Deleting a file from the middle causes the remaining files to not be loaded.

For me it seems thats not the problem. I have enough memory for it to load. So is there maybe any other reason? Map editor works perfectly fine when I open a different map file



When I change the MAP_NAME to Earth3 the map editor launchs for that folder

But when I change it to this one:


It doesnt open at all

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I am still trying to look for the solution but there is no clear solution to this problem. It might even be caused by the smallest of changes.

Problem also affects the map ingame because not a single province appears on the province connection tab, and also I cant open the scenario to play it.
I took these screenshots maybe there is something incorrect with these?



It might have been corrupted or something because I did also open map editor while I was installing a massive skyrim modpack (335 GB might interfere?) and they were on the same drive, and the map editor did struggle to open it took it a minute until it opened. And I added a new province at the time i was doing this and the map editor froze for a minute until it started working again. After that I dont remember what exactly I did but it started not opening, and it showed a java error. I used jarfix and the error stopped showing. But the map editor still wont open. And that's how I reached this point.

I just hope it's not because it's corrupted.

Edited by IIduce
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When you delete a corrupt file, the game (or editor) might default to using a fallback template or some partial recovery mode, which allows the editor to open — but the missing or broken data (like provinces) makes the map incomplete or unusable.


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