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Immerse yourself in the world of Metro 2033

The mod will carry you to the post-apocalyptic world of the Metro 2033 universe, where you can take control of factions from the Moscow Metro, fight for resources, and survive under the constant threat of mutants and other hostile groups


Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3424684835


Edited by IlyaRU

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Alpha version of Age of Metro 2033 (Android/PC)

I present to you the alpha version of the Metro 2033 mod, which has added:

- New units;
- New buildings;
- The new Technology Tree;
- New laws;
- Music and ambient;

In addition, the systems were rebalanced and introductory sample events were added for several states!

Download links (All rights to the original game belong to Łukasz Jakowski)

- Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3424684835 
- Android (Google Drive): Link has been removed by a club moderator

Have a nice game!





Edited by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan
Removed Android links. Against site rules

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22 hours ago, IlyaRU said:

Alpha version of Age of Metro 2033 (Android/PC)

I present to you the alpha version of the Metro 2033 mod, which has added:

- New units;
- New buildings;
- The new Technology Tree;
- New laws;
- Music and ambient;

In addition, the systems were rebalanced and introductory sample events were added for several states!

Download links (All rights to the original game belong to Łukasz Jakowski)

- Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3424684835 
- Android (Google Drive): Link has been removed by a club moderator

Have a nice game!





 Sorry but A P K files are banned from the site now so I have removed the link. you can send the link to mobile players who prove they own the game but having it out open is not allowed and I dont want the club taken down so I had to remove it. sorry 😞

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1 hour ago, YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan said:

 Sorry but A P K files are banned from the site now so I have removed the link. you can send the link to mobile players who prove they own the game but having it out open is not allowed and I dont want the club taken down so I had to remove it. sorry

Understandable, I'll keep that in mind for the future. I want to believe that Lukasz will make support for mods

Edited by IlyaRU

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Hot-Fix 0.1.1

- Reduced prices for buildings by 2-3 times, increased income from some buildings;
- New buildings have been added;
- The formula of tax efficiency has been corrected, now taxes generate income;
- Fixed bugs with icons in the Android version;
- Some game parameters in diplomacy and scenarios have been changed;

Download links:
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3424684835
PC (Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FT6dd86xHv6vkebZ6mtAnn4ImsjUc-Ji/view?usp=sharing



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On Thursday (06.03), the Alpha 0.2 update is scheduled to be released, in which you will see:

- Rebalancing of economics and culture;
- Story events for VDNKH, the Ryazan community and Europe;
- New leaders and characters;
- New events for all countries;
- Several new buildings and resources;
- Wonders of the world.

Wait for the news!

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Dear friends!

So the alpha version 0.2 was released, which added:

- Rebalancing of economics and culture;
- New leaders and characters;
- Story events for VDNKH, the Ryazan community and Europe;
- New events for all countries;
- Several new buildings and resources;
- Wonders of the world;
- Now you can take over the provinces of enemy allies during the truce.

To make the events work better, you can remove the events from the vanilla game (optional) along the way.\Age of History 3\game\events

Download links:

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3424684835




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