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Age of History 3

Inglorious era

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Hello there

This is my first real scenario, based only in my own lore. It's over, but I will add updates

resume :

Due to many fascist rebels, most of the country's gouvernment has collapsed and EU was destroyed all like NATO.
french and spanish government has been overthrown by despotic regimes and most of european countries has been controlled by roman social republic. Scandinavia is near to collapse but garantee to keep alliance with his allies if there is a problem ( Freedom treaty ). For Asia, the democracy was destroyed since a long time and for America, USA was completely divided and many faction groups was created.

Fascists have also created GMO production which change human morphology and environment, but this was an serious error when this was too late. Peoples was forced to take their new life organism and when. Army has also grown with the GMO, it served for army technologies and defenses. Most of great companies in media, industry or sciences has been forced to contribute with their owns products.

Link of the mod:


require this for the civilizations:


I have also other mods, I will publish some of them

Edited by Dulmassia

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