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Age of History 3

Buying provinces in trade

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Buying a provinces from trade was always rejected even if I gave them 3 of my provinces + 500k gold for two of theirs, reason is that they had an exclave inside my country and were too big to conquer. 

Has trading anything for the ai's provinces ever worked for you? Cuz I think Lukasz should make it easier. 

Edited by DragosRS

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I believe that it doesn't work aside if it isn't a core. 

Trading is really broken in this game however; free war and coalitions don't really turn out well for both the player and the AI.

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On 29.12.2018 at 09:33, DragosRS said:

Покупка провинций в обмене всегда отклонялась, даже если я давал им 3 свои провинции + 500 тысяч золота за две из них, причина в том, что у них был эксклав внутри моей страны, и они были слишком велики, чтобы их можно было завоевать. 

Помогала ли вам когда-нибудь торговля чем-либо за провинции ИИ? Потому что я думаю, что Лукаш должен упростить задачу. 

You can buy provinces from a country if and only if they are not its national ones, so try to buy territories before that. One regular province costs 80,000, a province with a port ~100-150,000, a capital - ~500,000

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