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Age of History 3

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So, previously when I upload the Diodochi wars scenario I said I was working on a new scenario called 300. Somehow I made the greeks a little more advance in technology. And when I first played the Persian empire, I found it very OP. So I added new factions and of course, rebellion in order to nerf it. But depends on you, if you want Persia to be OP and have a challenge playing as Sparta, just comment below and I will remove the factions. Just added the civilization rar file in case if you can't play the civilizations. Some are for Diodochi wars scenario.


Greek City States

- Sparta

- Athens

- Epirus

- Macedon

- Thebes

- Taras

- Croton

- Syracuse

- Rhodos

- Knossos

- Pergamon

- Ionian League

- Byzantium

- Corinth

- Archae


- Illyria

- Ordysia


- Cyprus rebellion

- Egyptian rebellion

Eastern Empire

- Achaemenid Empire

Campaign Map


Greek City States


Egyptian rebellion



Greek Rebellion


1545921743054svbbbzey.rarFetching info...


Edited by Spartan Assassin

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