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Age of Civilizations 2 | Addon 2.0 | ALIVE

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  On 7/1/2019 at 9:20 PM, Tincho987 said:

@ReichHow do I fix this?



Ok so heres how to fix this. 1. Download mt manager from google play. 2.Get The original AOC2 3. Download --- extractor 4. Extract the --- from The original AoC2 5. Uninstall addon+ and then get the download file (Dont install the file for addon+) 6.go to mt manager. 7. On the right side of the screen go to the path to the original aoc2 --- and on the left side go to addon+ and press view for both apks. 8. Delete the file named assets on the original Aoc2 9.Copy The assets over from addon+ file to the original --- 10. Back out of the original --- and Then press the original aoc2 ---  again and press function. 11.press sign --- (it might not say sign --- just pick the first option)  12. Press the original --- again and install. 13. Delete the addon+ --- 14.enjoy!


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  On 7/31/2019 at 4:09 AM, Xxmlgboyxx3433 said:

Ok so heres how to fix this. 1. Download mt manager from google play. 2.Get The original AOC2 3. Download --- extractor 4. Extract the --- from The original AoC2 5. Uninstall addon+ and then get the download file (Dont install the file for addon+) 6.go to mt manager. 7. On the right side of the screen go to the path to the original aoc2 --- and on the left side go to addon+ and press view for both apks. 8. Delete the file named assets on the original Aoc2 9.Copy The assets over from addon+ file to the original --- 10. Back out of the original --- and Then press the original aoc2 ---  again and press function. 11.press sign --- (it might not say sign --- just pick the first option)  12. Press the original --- again and install. 13. Delete the addon+ --- 14.enjoy!



Note: the *---* is a---p--k


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I'm glad to see that someone is invested in improving the game, but I have a question about this mod, does this mod also fix recurring bugs from the vanilla game such as the save bug and the one related to diplomacy?

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  On 12/29/2018 at 9:32 AM, Reich said:

Addon+ is a global modification that adds interest to the game process.

                                                      !!!Update 1.4 (Beta) has been released

Download (Windows):

Yandex - https://yadi.sk/d/jlfb_Dem8Tesjw

Google - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P2c-T_07BIjm-1m8Qb_vd7FSdzo_eE0R/view

Mail - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/3nLc/2dr5f17rD

Installation: Download the clean version of AoC II. Run the downloaded mod file, select the" Destination folder " location where the game is installed and click extract. If you have a licensed version of the game on steam, you do not need to change anything.
This video shows the process of installing the mod on PC.


Main innovations 1.4:
- Fixed bugs and bugs of the previous update. Irregular borders, poor elaboration, etc. was almost completely eliminated, and too faulty scenarios (1988, Age of the Grand Nations, Civil War in Russia, Arabian Peninsula, 100, 1600, 1701, Seven Years War) was removed;
- All the scripts on all the new maps have been carefully designed, but rather received new backgrounds, povyshenie growth and connection, new scenarios formed the nation, and elaborate the old scripts.
- Study of the earth map+. Each scenario was fixed and worked out. Added new scenarios: The New Order: Starless Horizon, The New Order: The Sunset of a Black Sun, and the Modern World (with diplomacy and elaboration of ideologies), In The Name of The Tsar (1936, 1939), Old World Blues, 1699, Great War, 1916, 1940, 1941, 1944, 1945, Fuhrerreich, Kaiserreich, Apres Moi Le Deluge, Another World, Regions of Canada, India and the Commonwealth, Italy 1816, Alternative 2027.
- New map of Ukraine and "AoC-United";
- Updated list of ideologies. Now their 40, for some made flags.
- Changes in the interface, new icons of cities;
- New palettes of civilizations;
 Leaders for scenarios;
- New font;
- Tweaked the properties of the terrain types. Now buffs and debuffs have become more tangible.
- Other small innovations.

You can find Android version in our group in VK





Update 1.4 has been released.

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While the scenarios are great the keyboard still doesn't work and some countries such as RK Muscovy and Amazon don't have flags(This is a minor one and can be fixed by anyone. The keyboard is a tricky so if you simply know the folder which is responsible please tell me so I can at least try to fix that.)

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I replaced a bunch of files till the keyboard worked and probably classes.dex (more likely) or AndroidManifest.xml has to do with the bug. I am not sure since I replaced them both before running the app. I also replaced a file in language folder but I don't think that it caused the bug since when I ran the app it didn't fix the bug but it is possible that you need to replace more than one files. Sorry about the rant.

Edit: Okay I tested a bit and I can confirm that only classes.dex needs to be replaced.Eureka!

Edited by Aryan

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  On 8/28/2019 at 5:08 PM, Aryan said:

I replaced a bunch of files till the keyboard worked and probably classes.dex (more likely) or AndroidManifest.xml has to do with the bug. I am not sure since I replaced them both before running the app. I also replaced a file in language folder but I don't think that it caused the bug since when I ran the app it didn't fix the bug but it is possible that you need to replace more than one files. Sorry about the rant.

Edit: Okay I tested a bit and I can confirm that only AndroidManifest.xml needs to be replaced.Eureka!


How did you replace them then?

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