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Age of History 3

Bloody Europe II 601 B.C. Scenario

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Courtesy of creator of Bloody Europe II map... Thank you!

I've been making this by myself on my android.  Most of the civilizations, especially the tribes, but also many Greek and Etruscan city states, I had to make on my own.  I'm working on adding the ancient Irish tribes (Hibernia), splitting Illyria into more accurate tribes, and I'm working on tons of events.  Some of these include:

  • The Macedonian conquest and subsequent partition (into Ptolemy, Seleucid, etc.)
  • Rise of Parthia
  • The Hunnic invasions
  • Somehow simulating Germanic displacement of continental Celts without making playing as one of them practically impossible
  • migration of Slavs
  • Muslim invasions
  • Most ambitiously, slowly transition each tribe into medieval kingdoms (Herules to Denmark, Swedes to Svealand, Gaulic kingdom unity, Britonic kingdom unity, etc.)

However, there are still many problems I am facing. 

First, the timeline moves too quickly before 500 A.D.  At first even at game speed 50% about 1-3 years pass each turn. yet once 500 A.D. is reached, it shifts to about 5 turns per year.  That is absurd as it takes only 500 turns to go from 600 B.C. to 0 (Not nearly enough time for the AI to conquer and grow.  Rome for example only starts to unite the Italian peninsula at 200 A.D.) yet it takes about 200 turns to go from 500 A.D. to 530 A.D.  This makes it very hard to make events based on dates and certain years.  I have to consider whether to put an event on its historically accurate date or on the date the AI will reasonably be ready for it.  

I've seen others have the same problem, but there is this horrible bug that takes all of the tribes and maxes out their tech within the first 30 turns of the game.  Considering most of the civilizations are tribes in this scenario, it has ruined games.  The bug does not appear in AI only test runs, only when the game is actually being played.  

This might only be a problem for android, but the growth rate editor is broken.  Why would I need to edit?  The default growth rate is clearly to reflect the industrial output of early modern Europe, but that is very different from ancient Europe.  For example, both the Rhineland and the Baltics, which should be extremely underdeveloped and forested regions, have higher growth rates than Gaul, which should be much more developed by comparison with trading towns, or even Italy or Greece.  How is it broken?  Every time I go to change it, it gets reset to the default.  As a side note, the terrain editors are also broken in the same way.  

Last, this is mostly just an aesthetic worry, but adding cities is also broken, as in also immediately resets to default.  Not a functional problem, but there is something frustrating about the capital of Babylon being Baghdad, or the capital of Carthage being Tunis.  

So I decided to reach out to the community for guidance. Also, when I am done I'd love to share it with all of you, but being on Android I don't know how.  

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Edited by PETER

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17 hours ago, PETER said:

I'm on mobile... how would you do that there?

Extract a-p-k, change the files inside

Edited by Istria

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