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Age of History 3

A button to select all of your army

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Or a button to disband all of your army. I see that everytime you colonize a province in the New World, there's a few soldiers in that province. You would want to use every army you can have if you fight a huge enemy. Or if you play passively and colonize fast, it gets tedious to move or to disband your army everytime on every single province. It would help people who don't have much time.

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20 hours ago, Robitdas said:

Or a button to disband all of your army. I see that everytime you colonize a province in the New World, there's a few soldiers in that province. You would want to use every army you can have if you fight a huge enemy. Or if you play passively and colonize fast, it gets tedious to move or to disband your army everytime on every single province. It would help people who don't have much time 

Grand idea! 

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Well, because this is the mechanics of the game, you are given limited move points and you must use it to your advantage.If you add this button, the game mechanics will change.

21 hours ago, Robitdas said:

Или кнопка, чтобы расформировать всю вашу армию. Я вижу, что каждый раз, когда вы колонизируете провинцию в Новом Свете, в этой провинции есть несколько солдат. Вы бы хотели использовать каждую армию, какую только сможете, если сражаетесь с огромным врагом. Или, если вы играете пассивно и быстро колонизируете, становится утомительно передвигаться или расформировать вашу армию каждый раз в каждой провинции. Это помогло бы людям, у которых мало времени.


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Well in the early game, this really isn't helpful. But, in the late game, this is very much needed. In the late game, you get lots of movement points (depends how much you expanded, I think) to move, train or disband troops.

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